MARINES: What is your plan when you /make it/?

My plan is as follows:
>1. See tax adviser about cashing out half of my LINK stack. If this requires waiting a few years for the money to be considered capital gains, see step 2. Use this cash to buy gold, silver, guns, ammo, and maybe attendance to some classes about topics such as those listed in step 2.
>2. Learn how to live completely independent of clown world. This includes first and foremost how to grow food (farming), but extends to carpentry skills, making furniture, pottery, metallurgy, simple machines, administering first aid, and self defense.
>3. Find a wife who is willing to have 6 children and live solely on the countryside.
>4. Buy up a bunch of land in the middle of nowhere, preferably in the southeastern US (where I live). Build a decently sized house to accommodate a family of eight - no, a comfortably sized house for eight people does not have to be a mansion contrary to what you might think.

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Sounds pretty incesty

Change my name to Israel Bergstein, use all my money to build Europe's biggest synagogue and get as many millions of jews and world leaders to come visit. Then have it collapse in on them and immediately air lift a glorious cathedral on top.

Stake and cash out only when needed

And finally,
>5. Ride out globohomo's inevitable collapse. In 2046 when President Ocasio-Cortez assembles the TFWM (Task Force against White Males) I will never have even known of the existence of such a thing up to the day I die in 2105.
Either way, all the metropolises across America and Europe, and subsequently all of the reliant countries like China, India (dependent on US for exports), every shithole in Africa (foreign aid), and pretty much the whole world (reliant on US Dollar) save for maybe Russia and other eastern European countries, turn into a zoo of starvation and death.

What's your plan?
>inb4 crashing this plane

Godspeed and deus vult, user. What will the cathedral be called?

I keep forgetting about staking. I may lock up the other half of my stack there.

Based and norightspilled

Cathedral di Santa Sergey


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Im english, the name is for the memes, the site will be dachau.

Not all heroes wear capes

was wiping out the jews to become the jew a part of your plan?

This but in Australia. Patrician's taste OP

>it would be extremely painful
In all seriousness though they will do that themselves.
I thought all the arable land in Australia was either populated or just rainforest.

You won’t have enough time to act out this plan. Financial collapse is within a year max. You will be priced out of the gold and silver market before your chainlink moons

No. We've got loads. More than enough to feed 40mil if used wisely

I am prepared for the recession in the next few months - I have a huge silver stack. I doubt this will be the complete end though, that will probably happen around the time America goes minority white.

1. Payoff mortgage
2. Buy rental properties
3. Retire

Passive income via staking and rental income = neet life

>Payoff mortgage
How old are you?

Where? Urban or countryside? If you're in a populated area, prepare for SHTF in a few decades.

The point is gold and silver will explode higher soon than you think

As for guns and ammo yeah you’ll have time.

Silver will hit $200 within a year

I doubt this but if so, I'll be fucking golden. I have 180 oz at the moment - sniped at $14 - but I am putting more in over the coming months. Hope to reach 1000 oz before EOY

Hey also dont you think youll get bored of the neet life eventually, having no goals?

1. Pay off student debt ($20k)
2. Buy a nice house/apartment
3. Pay off parents mortgage
4. Buy a nice car

I plan to rent a luxurious house/condo instead of buying it straight up. I'd like to reinvest most of my money desu.

>having student loans
Who else /fuck college/ here? Went for one semester, now make a lot more money working online.
Anyway what's your long term plan? I assume you have a >1k stack so that's a serious life changing amount of money.

This. Already bowhunt, have chickens, and practice some permaculture. Need land to setup properly though.

Sounds kickass man. The definition of 'making it' really comes down to being able to survive the culling soon.

Nothing because I have only 40 link

At this point it's probably better for you to rob a store, use the money to buy LINK, then give 2x back to the store along with an apology note after you make it.

I have 3k link. Long term plan is getting a master in economics

How much is that gonna cost, and what are you gonna do with that? Seems to be economics has always been a dead end degree.

There are a few interesting topics in this thread.

1. For those who think they can somehow dodge the system should everything fall apart good luck to you. The government officials will just hold a draft and send you off to war.

2. For those of you talking about paying off your student loans, you might want to wait until after the next election cycle. All the liberals want to pay off everyone's student loans.

3. Silver might hit $50, but $200 is crazy.

4. I just want enough money to not think about money ever again.

I get $20k each year in student loans, however the tuition is $3.8k each semester and i work on the side. So i really don't need student loans but i take it anyways cause its no interest rate on the loan until i finish my degree, so i invest the rent free money and save the money i earn working on the side. When i finish my degree i will have $0 in debt. And most students get offered a job the last semester of the degree so finding a job won't be an issue
i don't live in the us so loans etc is probably a little different where i live

>1. For those who think they can somehow dodge the system should everything fall apart good luck to you. The government officials will just hold a draft and send you off to war.
>should everything fall apart
>The government officials
The point is that when it falls apart, the government, whether or not it's the same sovereignty that exists as the current United States, won't be powerful enough and/or have enough legitimacy to warrant kidnapping you without having some significant resistance. It's not just me and a pocket of other people who do this; no, there are tens of millions of Americans who live rurally, and while not entirely off the grid, they will survive through the collapse relatively OK. I assure you that they will not take kindly to being drafted by a (faltering) government they disagree with on every level possible.

Intrest rate free loan* not rent free lol

I can buy like 30 every month

>elaborate cash out schemes
>holding LINK

Cringe and daydreampilled.
You’ll always be a broke loser.

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Jesus you must be underage or something, do you mow 1 lawn every few days or something?

>30 every month
>surely the price will remain this stable

Play a saw like game with my wife, if she wins she gets the key to the chains that represent the oppression of the wagie and a free house that will bring financial freedom.


what did he mean by this

>at the yacht party enlightened anons will have their own yacht where we create the Council of NEETS who will become the new Illuminati
>this group will be based entirely on making the world a better place and lifting the global consciousness of man kind via innovation and positivity
>we plan who will oversee which sectors of finance, politics and the media/arts
>as a Linklet I won’t have the funds to pull off what other members of the council can but wish to use art and music to reprogram the NPC’s towards positivity
>buy put Jew record labels
>fire every kike and nigger rapper or force the nogs to start rapping about becoming better people instead of killing each other of air Jordan’s
>create better schools/health care
>banish all Jews to an island with sharks and lasers to keep them contained until they learn to stop being greedy jews
An user can dream right?

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Is there gas anywhere in that list I didn't see it

>I just want to cash out my devdumped shitcoin and live in a cute cottage on the river with my w*fe and her 6 kids
>I want to learn real man skills like chopping wood
>I can’t wait to be so manly!
>I freaking love cute cottages!!!

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>force the nogs to start rapping about becoming better people instead of killing each other of air Jordan’s

go back

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The amount of cope itt is fucking hill-air-eos
This shit will never crack 4$ again much less break 5 for the first time.
Your play time is over cock sukers, 2.20 end of week. Once it hits 2.20 range its back down under one dollar forever.

MUH 1000 LOL

Hi fake 42

Death is getting off the hook easy, those slippery yids aren’t getting a chance to flip the script down the road and use it to their advantage as the eternal victims to deflect criticism of their selfish greedy behavior at the expense of mankind.

Dude I live in a total shithole. People are literally shitting in the streets here.

I really need to move from San Francisco

Are you really that insecure and paranoid? JFC you must have severe depression or something.
I'd hate to be your child. I'd leave your shitty farm as soon as possible and hate you not giving me a normal and healthy chilhood. Thank god my family is cool af.

Governments are more powerful than corporations in nearly all around the world. The situation in burgerland is an exception rather than the rule.
Good points and the last one is basically the endgame.

do you see rich people getting bored?
no, they just enjoy life and do whatever they want.

and if they search a challenge somehow they can still study in a field or set challenges for themselves.

You are gonna die when shit hits the fan, urban street shitting dweller.

What's your point

>pay off debts (20k)
>diversify investments
>build my own home with my acculimated knowledge and shut off from society, go off grid and grow my own vegetables,meat.
>grow cannabis and be high 24/7 till I die while slowly but happily working around my own home

I'm 26

Why do all of yall just wanna sit around and do nothing til you die? Dont you wanna pass on your legacy?

Better than wageslaving and leaving them this position.
I plan on having max of 1 child and I will give him only knowledge of how to truly make it without filling his mind with soulless media bullshit, not making him a privileged assclown.
One needs to struggle to truly live, at the same time his life shouldn't be all just struggle.
I had enough of struggle already, I just need to completely make it, fix my deathplace and get comfy and watch next shift to take place

>yall just wanna sit around and do nothing
It's just probably those who worked their ass of already and just wish to have independent life, without debts,without taxes, without money in general... and no more problems

Then you have the problem of no responsibilities, with which you waste away.

cope i did jsut fine being unemployed and was able to focus on my personal goals. Now that im needing to go back into work i have no time and can only browse Jow Forums on my breaks and buy btc

That's why I plan on building my own off grid home-plenty of work-no one to steal my progress, apart from nature and that's in my plans of building a well thought out home( well though out means up to 10 years of planning before starting to build) from choosing a optimal spot to designing architecture on my own, while doing intense research.

Live off LinkPool's passive income

You will eventually get bored of it.
>t. was a neet for a year

Not our fault you are a boring individual who can’t entertain himself and pursue meaningful hobbies.

>TFWM (Task Force against White Males)


This. Lifetime cash flow.

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Came here to say this, glad I’m not the only one that thought this. OP’s going to impregnate his daughters because of “muh racial purity”.