How much should an electrician in germany earn?

Wagecuck from germany here.

Im an electrician and my company only pays me 12€/hr (around 13.50$/hr)

I have a feeling that this is a bit low.
Im 21 years old and just started working after my apprenticeship.

What do you think? Is my pay too low? Should i demand more?

Thanks frens

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lmao i thought trades make bank.

Trades will never make a lot of bank unless you have your own business

they offered me 10€ per hour 15 years ago

south germany, small company 80 employees.

do the math, been very low even back then

nobody makes bank in germany

Depends on how skilled you are.

If you are brand new to the field, you should actually be making 0/hr or even paying this person to train you. However, he is throwing you a bone by starting you at $13.50/hr

If you are skilled you should be closer to $20/hr

Very skilled closer to $40/hr

Dude you're only 21 that's quite a lot for that age, most of us were still wasting money in college at that age.

Depends on your company. If you are one of those dirty cloth guys that comes and repairs the lamp in grandmas house, most of the money goes to your boss.
If you do big facility projects you can demand more from your boss.

google says 12-15€/h is average

> mfw german wagecucks wake up every day early in the morning to support niggas and lazy shitskins with government bux
> mfw niggas and shitskins rape, kill and fuck your women while wagecuck is working
> mfw your cuck government can not kick them out of your country
> mfw your country will transform slowly into an absolute shit hole
> mfw you can not do anything about it
> mfw i am living a comfy life in a based country without niggas and shitskins
> mfw my 8/10 gf sucks my cock everyday

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Keep learning. Look for certificates. Do your "Meister". Try to get into automation or specialize in some other way. Join a bigger company in the south or start your own business. Work for experience and connections then the money will follow.

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It’s Germoney. A lot of his wage goes to immigrants and Merkel’s hairdresser.

12x40x4 = almost 2k net
that is actually very good for a zoomer in germany

>Im 21 years old and just started working after my apprenticeship.
try for 15€/hr

Stop repeating this bull. If you're poor in Germany then it's your fault. Just move if you don't like it here.

>earning money

Germany is a rich country in the sense that the government gets rich off of your income. Of course they don't spend the money on anything useful, like infrastructure or education, but instead make sure that there is enough 'social justice', i.e. Obongo and Mohammed get to live on Hartz4.

Shit will only get worse when the actual boomers retire and try to collect their pensions while the third world keeps flooding in with their hands out.

We're in for a wild ride here in Germany.

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>Good wage
A car costs €50k+
Rent is €1k+
Damn son !

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I made my apprenticeship in the company im working now, so i basically have 3.5 years experience.

im building sensoric equipment

where do you live?

good tip, thanks user.

Thats my wage before tax, so i earn about 1.4k net

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you're just a dumb nigger that's all

als junggeselle ist dein verdienst nicht hoch wenn du aber zum geselken wirst kommst du mit ca 1800 nachhause

Ich bin ausgelernter Elektroniker == Geselle

>50% income tax and mandatory SS
>19% VAT
>gasoline tax, real estate tax, booze tax, CO2 tax (coming soon!), inheritance tax, capital gains tax, etc. etc.
>add it up and you're handing over 70-80% of your income
>meanwhile millions of shitskins get free housing and healthcare
wew yeah it's great to be a wageslave in germanistan. can't wait until we bailout some bankers again.

I can't imagine being a European wage cuck. Electrician here working for a company and I make $38 an hour with overtime after 8.

Building on an assembly line/ production (dont know if this translates).

Here, they hire the mexicans and niggers for those jobs...simple wiring and basic components repeated over and over. Minimum wage (13 in CA no benefits no health insurance).

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assembly line/production?*

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I work in production. Its basically the same work over and over.
Ok, i think that explains my low wage.

>2k/month as a kid probably fresh out of ausbildung
>in a country where you can live on 800/month if you share an apartment
Entitled cunt, look into yourself and ask if you are worth what you do all day instead of posting crying wojaks. I assume you mean net income.

>be me, krautfag
>spend 12 hours a day learning highly specialized skills
>work freelance for German company
>end up making them millions in revenue
>make barely enough to pay my bills, no contract, no job security
>tell my boomer boss I want more money
>he cusses me out and questions my character for wanting to make a liveable wage
>end up working for US company
>twice the money for half the workload
>company offers me to work full time on-site in the US
>Visa sponsored, health insurance cheaper than in Germany, save tens of thousands in taxes alone, juicy performance bonuses, actual training on the job
hate to break it to you fellow krauts, but there's a reason the amerimutts are laughing at europoors

btw thanks for the thot pics they are top quality

no, 2k before taxes, 1.4k after taxes

The boomers consider those jobs as trash, and consider you lucky that they're too cheap to buy robots to do all the repetitive work.

Better to get certifications and try to specialize asap, exaggerating on your experience (dont mention you do the same thing over and over).

Here, the comfiest jobs are facilities/manufacturing plants (only fix things when they break in your location). Then construction, then residential/call out repairs (handyman). Pretty sure someone already covered the same thing earlier, I'm not an electrician...just have friends in the field.

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That is slightly lower than the average then. My bad.

Fuck boomers! BOOMERS Are Jews!!
Thank your wonder communist leader the great Meckal, why you are not getting paid

Im 24 and make $38/hr driving package car, your wage is absolutely pathetic for an electrician, you whould be making 4 times that

im on nofap and because of these thot pics im on the edge of breaking my streak.
thanks for the honest advice so far tho
pls post more thot pics i need to test my will power
more advice greatly appreciated too

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I'd kill to earn 12€/h. I work as a truck electrician in the baltics and earn 500€ a month at most. Rent is 200-300€.

which country?

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at least you can go outside without seeing nogs and muslims though

holy fuck Jow Forums politics are so fucking stupid.
kill all Jow Forumstards

cry harder niggerlover

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>t. achmed


>its the minorities fault that no one will suck my tiny white penis

Which stage?

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>muh dick
achmed confirmed

volkan gets gibs and israel gets submarines, also eastern europe gets reparations via eu funds, sophie-luise gets cheap wind power to make her feel good. and so on.
all things considered you are still doing pretty well.

$13 an hour is pathetic, they were advertising cashier jobs at Aldi's here in the US for $13 an hour.

oh you're just mad that you have to see someone who doesn't look like you... is it because you're afraid of them or what?

are you german or came from eastern EU?

oh sure, and it has nothing to do with all the crime they bring or the fact that the only reason they come here in the first place is to get as much free shit from the government as they can while all the people who already live here have to pay for it.

Im german
Wages in the US are in general way higher than our wages here in europoorland

don't bother, he's clearly below 80 IQ

>starts fucking dogs after she becomes a white woman
no surprise there

forgot a thot pic

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damn dude you must be a sociopolitical expert, how many Jow Forums infographics have you read?

no Im actually mad I have to cough up most of my income to pay for low IQ mongrels to come into and shit up my home country. I am mad that I'm so heavily taxed I have to think twice about starting a family while the sheboon family down the streets lives on gibs and has already shat out 6 kids working on number 7. Im mad that hundreds of billions are given away in free healthcare and housing to foreigners who, at best drive down wages and at worst bring crime and disease. I am mad that in this overregulated shithole country I cant even go fishing without a license while muslims get a pass for child marriage, rape and terror attacks. basically, I am mad that the government is working against my interests and uses my hard earned money to fund complete bullshit I dont support. and yes, I am about to leave this country for good. though I hope it will still exist in some form a couple of decades down the road when I want to retire.

>Wages in the US are in general way higher than our wages here in europoorland
before or after tax?

Also applies to you, retard.
stay mad, or better yet just kill yourself lol

before and after tax because you guys arent get absolutely raped like we in germanistan

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>t. low IQ shitskin

>$13 an hour is pathetic, they were advertising cashier jobs at Aldi's here in the US for $13 an hour.

you can´t compare this because in germany you can have health insurance care included.
you pay 0,00 moneys for medication, hospital or anything.
there are also other insurances included.

the median net income in germany is ~1600€ per month.

with 21 years old and 1400€ net income he is below median income.

i also started with 1400€ and i work in wholesales.

you have to switch companies to earn more most of the time.
always apply for jobs and try to get 200€ more per month.
also always ask for more money every year.

you probably even need to go to meisterschule to make more than 2k net per month as an electrician.

or start your own busines

>muh health insurance though
I'm really sick of this argument. health insurance is 150 bucks a month in the US if you have a decent employer with benefits. private health inusrance in Germany is at least 500 bucks or 15% of your income. if you're a wageslave you're better off in Germany since the goberment will take care of you. If you have a shred of ambition and want to make real money the US is way better. starting a business in Germany is an absolute nightmare too.

lmao imagine being this mad that your taxes are too high
just vote for someone else and get over it faggot.. and you say I'm the low IQ one

lol das is die scheiss Merkel Fotze, die ruiniert hier alles. Hab EU wahl cdu gewählt inner Hoffnung Weber "vernünftiger" kandidat. Was passiert is ich bekomm die schlimmste fotze von allen von der partei. Wird höchste Reichsbahn für einen neuen hitler

so for 150 bucks in the us.

lets say in an accident at work.
i can´t work for 2 years now.

how much do i receive for living, rehab, medication and shit?

lets say i need some operationsin a hospital

musst bescheissen wos geht und schmutzig kämpfen sonst kriegst gar nix. ich kenn den bundeshaushalt, die idioten in berlin VERBRENNEN großflächig unser hartes steuergeld für ausländer, illegale und europa. bissle mehr hirn und man könnte das rentenniveau von 48% auf 65%+ heben und dazu den soli komplett streichen. DAS SIND DIESE SCHEISS AUSLÄNDER DIE DAS BUDGET SPRENGEN UND DIE WIR UNFREIWILLIG MITFINANZIEREN. Merkel an den galgen!!!

Hätte nicht gedacht dass es hier so eskaliert wollte nur wissen ob ich zu wenig verdiene mit 12€ die Stunde.


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to be honest fren your haushalt was already ruined before the ausländer came.

the rentenniveau can´t be higher because the working generation always pays for the old generation.
but there are more older people than younger people.
therefore you can´t just pay more rente.

you have to do private vorsorge.

und die ausländer musste natürlich auch noch finanzieren als arbeitende generation.

aber ihr habt ja alle cdu wählen wollen jetzt schauts dumme aus der wäsche

what are you gonna do about it in your occupied country? all you can do is dying a slow death with slavery and replacment or you can try and do somerhing and btdo from the landcard. the latter scenario isnt even doable now that I think about it.

als elektriker haste gute möglichkeiten dich selbstständig zu machen und schwarzarbeit.

its a basic tarif that covers worst case shit and dental care as it should be. if you need time off work medical wont cover that, just like german health insurance doesnt, here you have to pay extra for arbeitslosenversicherung. If you WANT to pay all that shit thats fine but I'm healthy as a horse and havent even been to the doctor in 10 years except my yearly dental checkup. plus I have private savings in case I need time of work. so why the fuck should I fork over money every year to subsidize foreigners, junkies, faggots with trash genetics etc. etc.? in the US they understand that even though you're already being milked with obamacare as well.

>health insurance is 150 bucks a month
For fuck all cover!
Go on tell us how much they will pay out for that pitiful amount!
It probably won't even cover a stay in hospital overnight!

t. used to pay $1200 through a huge employer for $1MM cover

Hope you enjoy your time there, best to leave when the economy starts to crash

as I said its a basic tarif and thats fine. if you want better coverage you pay more. at least you have a choice. in Germany its mandatory and you fork over tens of thousands for shit you dont need while obongo from somalia can just walk in and get free everything. I prefer the US model.

Each to their own, I have some horror stories of INSANELY crazy bills from hospitals.
Do you 'own' your house out there? If so prepare for them to lien it if you go to hospital.

erzähl dir was zu dem thema....hab mir ne klima gekauft aus china für 500,-
vierteljahr hier gesucht firma die mir die einbaut. billigstes angebot iwas 1400,- , teuerste 2500,-. Nur einbau (!!!). hat mir einer nen angebot geschickt da waren die ganzen gesetzlichen regularieren drauf und was der alles für teure weiterbildung machen musste, steuern etc. .
habs dann schwarz machen lassen vom luigi um die ecke für 500,-. war an einem vormittag fertig. war alles top und drecks merkel keinen cent gesehen. der macht das schwarz hauptberuflich mittlerweile. wird hier so in der gegend rum-empfohlen. 2x vormittage die woche installiert er ne klima hat am ende des monats 4-5k netto.

you also can go to aldi or lidl in germany and buy a banana for 0.20€ , bread for 0.30€ and some some pieces of cheese for 1€ which is like 0.80€ for a meal.

ja ich sags auch immer, als handwerker kannste schwarz gut verdienen, als büroaffe wie ich musste kettenglied scheiße holden und mehr auch nicht

Scheisse, das hört sich richtig gut an.
Leider hab ich kein Plan von Klimaanlagen.

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habe ähnliche erfahrungen mit malerarbeiten gemacht. achmed vom eck streicht für ein paar hundert kröten die ganze wohnung, cash auf die kralle und gab an der arbeit nix zu meckern. hans der malermeister will mit gesellen ankommen und verlangt das 5-fache.
I really dont understand why Germans are so obsessed with health insurance and million dollar hospital bills. If you're young and healthy why would you pay tons of money for stuff you never need? worst case shit should be insured and thats about it. you can always worry about your health when you're old and frail and actually need better coverage.

Germans don't know how to apply to other companies, while using their current companies wage as leverage during salary negotiation?

Hier in DE musst du absolut alles und jeden bescheissen, sonst bist du der ultimativ boomer Sklave

Klima is Königsdisziplin aufm Bau, das machen meist GasWasserScheisse als "MBA" oben drauf. Musst paar sachen wissen die nich so easy sind und brauchst spezialgerät für die leitungen. Luigi der mir das gemacht hat hatte 15jahre exp aufm regulär bau und hat das kurz mit einer hand in hochglanz installiert. Gab absolut nix zu meckern.

No, these bills where from accidents! Don't you know know how much it costs to get into an ambulance? a helicopter?
Doubt your insurance would cover a trip in an ambulance!

Nice. Nicht schlecht. Erfahrung machts halt aus.

Ich denke ich werd mich jetzt noch ein paar Monate mit meinem miesen Gehalt zufrieden stellen und dann nach ner Weiterbildung schauen.
Elektroingenieur hört sich eigentlich ganz gut an.

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harte mint ingenieure gehen immer da machste nix falsch

Is Germany America? We have the same issues and Trump can't do dick for us. I know after '24, we will get our own merkin, too. Fuck boomers who ruined the world, and fuck millennials who support third world imports.

>a helicopter
why the fuck would I need a helicopter? this is exactly what I mean with paranoia. I sit in front of a computer all day and the most dangerous thing I do is crossing the street. if I get hit by a car Im insured and all other stuff I pay out of pocket which is usually a couple of hundred bucks a year at most. and ambulance costs a couple of grand which I would also pay out of pocket if it ever gets to that point and which will still save me tens of thousands in the long run. and for long term medical care I could always go to krautland and use my anwartschaft to be taken care of. I really dont get this obsession with health insurance.

Jow Forums really is just filled with whiny faggots now

Whatever, I have seen bills for it from co workers there...Just stay ignorant.
FYI a couple of K for an ambulance is what the insurance company would pay...but you, you're fucked.
As I said, hope you don't 'own' a house out there...or keep to much in your US bank.

>implying you own a house in Germany or your money is safe in a German bank

>owning anything in germany

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it can't be got so quick, a simple jog down (metaphorically speaking) to the recorders office in his state by the creditor, done

IBEW member here in bama. Lowest wage union state but not bad for the area- $25

Stfu and go home muhamed

aufjedenfall zu wenig
20€ die Stunde müssen da schon drin sein.

HAHAHAH I am a 3rd year electrician APPRENTICE from Denmark and I make the same. 90 DKK/12.05 Euros

>dumb muzzie literally cannot help himself to invade white spaces and chimp out

electrician apprentices in germany earn around 700€ per month before taxes

dude, your life expenses in denmark are much higher also.

you can´t compare salaries in denmark and germany that simple.

1600€ net income is median in germany.
that is very low for denmark.
it doesn´t mean you have more money at the end of the month.

Yeah that's the thing about living in high tax countries that LOVE immigrants. I don't particularly hate paying high taxes, the problem is when a SHITTON of that tax money goes to immigrants. In Denmark immigrants cost us 3.3% of the yearly government budget, the amount we could better our healthcare by for that amount is huge, the amount we could care better for our elderly is insane, the amount we could educate our young better is huge. But noooo, it's better that shitskins get it.

so then eplain why denmark was actively involed in iraq wars and afghanistan?

you took part in the wars which created the refugee masses no?