How can I report LINK to authorities. Another Dev is dumping their bags.
contact the CEO of Bitcoin he runs the whole show.
>couple thousand Link going in and out
Am I missing something?
Imagine being this retarded
Based devs owning the retard bagholders on this board.
Yeah the 20+ pages of constant sends to Binance
Oh no! They are doing exactly what they told you they were going to do, and they even told you why, what a scam
You gotta call the bitcoin police.
Another 21k in
They are prepping a 50k Link dump
Hold tight marines
What makes you say this is a dev wallet? Theres like 48k link in there.
thats the best part, you pumped him to 4 billion $ cap and he TOLD YOU IN ADVANCE he will dump 70% supply on your heads AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
Are you referring to the "growing Chainlink" blog post? I didn't see anything there about selling tokens.
check all history
>vitalik dumps eth at 7$
That's what I said.
It literally looks like a whale.
He's been adding Link by the thousands since a year and a half ago, and is now (maybe) selling by the thousands.
Read between the lines and they clearly mention something about carefully managing their assets (including Link) to do it
*Exit scams*
>I didn't see anything there about selling tokens.
1) staff get paid in Link
2) literal quote from that blogpost: "In order to help us achieve these goals, we do expect additional influxes of capital into Chainlink"
And another 14k
Is this bad? we broke yellow line in weekly chart.
Should I sell now?
Based on what they were offering on their careers page, they're raising enough to staff 5-10 more people per year for every day they're doing this. If they are not hiring 25 people + office space, they are shitting on longs.
Also, reputable crypto projects and foundations do not dump on open exchanges. They sell over the counter to whales and venture capitalists in raises. And to make it even more sketchy, they're doing it on Binance instead of Coinbase. This is Japanese courts dumping BTC for legal fees level of reckless. Only reasons to be this reckless are stupidity, desperation, legal requirement, or malicious scamming.
Can someone explain what happens when the other 650m supply get added into circulation? There's a 1bn supply but only 350m in circulation. Are these 700k stacks part of the 350m or the 1bn?
Holy cope
Uh oh
Linkies literally don't understand what a market maker is
The circulating is not accurate now
There are definitely uncirculated coins now on Finance sent this week and last
I wonder how SEC and FBI sees this. I wrote to both yesterday.
So far it’s textbook securities fraud.
The entire supply was always simply held in wallets.
Even now, most Link are simply held in wallets.
Here's 57 million Linkies sent to Binance's cold wallet just last week:
Seriously, can i report this activiy to Binance?
I lost $10,000 in 2 days
It literally looks like a whale.
He's been adding Link by the thousands since a year and a half ago, and is now (maybe) selling by the thousands.
I'm quite enjoying nulinkers freaking out after this latest dump. Feeling very comfy after buying @ 0.40. Hopefully this'll shake off some of the redditors that have been coming here since link pumped.
On what planet can you hire a dozen more people and acquire new companies with no money? You think they were going to pay for all that shit with their 401k?
Lmao $10k? Try losing $200k in a 2 days and come back whining you little bitch.
Lmao $200k? Try losing $1MM in a 2 days and come back whining you little bitch.
Try losing everything in seconds
The fundamentals haven't changed, we still have google, Oracle, Swift. Linktember will be beautiful.
What news will change this market dump?
M-M-Money? Lol w-who cares about money? I'm in this for the tech! Can you imagine.. decentralized oracles.. a reality. Heh...
> This time its different
The Federal Reserve drafted a bill that's in Congress to ban big tech from entering crypto, that would hurt link a lot.
i know right we going back to 60cents
That's not even close to what's happening.
They're going to look at regulating crypto companies and crypto exchanges. Which is already largely the case in the US.
Yesterday i pulled out my initial investment from 2017. It felt bad because it was my first time selling but also felt good at the same time.
I believe in chainlink but i need some money.
contact Cayman Island authorities asap
This pump was from speculators alone. Just wait until staking and network usage drives up the price healthily.
>just wait 5 years
All you have to do is spy the Sergey team and see what they are doing with the money.
I'd bet some bagholders are interested enough to find out what they're doing with their millions.
Sergey said derivatives will happen this year, Sergey has never lied to us.
OK here is the evidence that a bill has been drafted banning big tech from crypto. the video is timestamped.
This will apply to google obviously as well as facebook, Amazon etc.
Is that why he's dumping on your ass?
hellow newfren
Pic is from 2017 btw.
The thing is, didn't csw write that message saying he night dump btc soon?
I thought that if a whale was going to dump a market, they were supposed to let people know first.
I raise you 5 years more
This senpai, they announced partnerships and Coinbase exchange listing, then started dumping their bags on reddit fags, I'm in the green obviously since my dca is at 30 cents, but that fat jew should be put in jail.
>t.seeting swingy who went from 100k to 55k after the google cloud announcement, they should've at least sent an insider larp to /biz since we supported them since the start.
Back in my day stock holders were treated with respect ...*sip*
70% of free LINK will be dumped. Sorry, Im out.
It's annoying, but the more they dump now, the fewer they can dump later.
Also, takes money to make money. If Sergey manages to buy his way into being a top tech company, then that obviously benefits Link holders.
lmao, this information has been known since before the ICO.
I'd say "bye", but you're just too new.
>not using binance
>dev wallets of all top 20 crypto (minus btc ofc) have all dumped on binance and random exchanges
Ye oke schitzo take ur meds
And remember Vitalik sold his ETH at $8
>frontrunning september TWO MONTHS early
>haha i’ll press ”>this time its different” xD
>fundamentals are the same
He market sold about 20 million USD worth at the end of 2017 too.
im onto you fucking jew
I don't know why they don't find customers to sell them OTC. Why Binance?
I know it's not a scam, but I would have expected them to have made contacts to sell these tokens OTC
Binance has OTC.
Also, they could be using Binance to mask the tokens' movements, so autists don't get to identify staffer wallets.
want me to get his ip or do u have it already
honestly the influx of redditfags and their screeching when sergey dumps (as expected) will make for an interesting test in bagholding. i hope none of us mariners ever sell cus of those disgusting animals, but i wouldnt be surprsied. Newfags get the rope
>the influx of redditfags and their screeching when sergey dumps (as expected) will make for an interesting test in bagholding
It's happening right now. And it's entertaining me so much I haven't even thought about getting another coffee in 3 hours.
Just think about it: Chainlink just launched its mainnet, got endorsed by Google Cloud and Oracle, firmly reached the top 20, and the absolute worst fudders can come up with is Sergey expanding the company using Linkies just like he promised he would back in 2017.
None of this is sincere FUD, it's the usual bullshit artificial fud
That was my point, yes.
Chainlink just had an amazing series of news and developments, and is now striking the iron while it's hot by expanding.
Vitalik dumped 50k ETH at 7$ and it was a scandal. Sergey dumps like 700k LINK every second day lol.
Who's gonna call out Sergey on this tonight?
poor LINKplebs. getting well and truly destroyed out there. you'll probably be waiting years for it to hit near $5 again. assuming it survives at all.
if i hadn't sold at 4.20 i'd be selling now. LINK is shitting money away at full force. i'd sell and get on something which is actually likely to increase in value soon. LINK isn't, the devs cashing out is probably a fatal final blow.
fudders are generally linkies themselves, nor do i ever recall we are ever a zealots
$2 with google priced in, yikes
>Wait until the speech
>wait until mainnet
>wait until announcements
Get learned.
And this was Vitalik's PERSONAL stash.
They’re based out the Caymens, for a reason. They made you tick a box confirming you weren’t an American citizen in the ICO, for a reason. Their whole idea is technobabble nonsense that anyone with a brain knows can’t work. Imagine actually, literally buying into a 65% centralized premined shitcoin. Imagine thinking this will actually make you rich.