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good thread

I'm gonna take that as a nooooo


balding 30 year old Boomer girl start the meme presses stat

Can't believe she is promoting gender identity, not very inclusive

I want to nut on and maybe in her

omg she is MADE for black cock

she has great mutt milkers but otherwise uggly af

kek cope harder black boi. She's getting railed by a ginger chad.

You can have her

Tmw i want to slap my dick on her eye and spray it right in to it

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Oh you're such a big girl.

id fuck the shit out of her

dios mio

You poltards are obsessed. Friendly reminder that as a house rep she is already more career successful that any of you neckbeards.

Lmfao who cares, she doesn't even make $200k. Returning intern engineers at Facebook make that.

she had one of the better questions

>a house rep from a deep as fuck blue district that would elect a lunchbox if it identified as Hispanic

I'm not a Jow Forumstard I'm just horny

Why don't you go back to Mexico, Consuela?

> She's only as successful as engineers at a gigantic tech company
> Implying this is a bad thing

any good pics of her butt?

Also you make the money after you're out of Congress through the connections you've made and work you've done for them in office, though we'll see if she goes that route

>It's not a no at all.
Ok, I'll take it as a no then.

t. progressive who has mostly ignored this bitch but now realize why everyone hates her

chill bro

i never realized she daydreamt about my cock that much.

>tfw i bought link at 3.50

nice milkers

The things i'd do to her. ap ap

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she also ran unopposed because the incumbent forgot to file paperwork or something stupid. She got lucky and hopefully won't get a second term.

friendly reminder

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It's not like a Republican has a chance in that district, the only potential battle is in the Dem primary