So, dear Anons, quit the shill and fud threads, quit pretending, quit bullshit.
Ride it to the top, and then sell.

Attached: 1563305475311.png (874x648, 115K)

Other urls found in this thread:

there is no "top" once staking is live

Attached: 1558626910031.jpg (589x2244, 493K)

Singularities have no "tops"

Staking will mean less and less available on the market so yes, there will be no top

ETA for staking?

100% true BUT you have to consider that hype will win out in the short term.

it's unlikely that we will have a fully mature network (with massive amounts of link being staked) by the time this BTC halving cycle is over. we will see some sort of crash.

still not selling anyways.

Attached: 1557104673310.jpg (640x640, 559K)

Not even chainlink will be able to escape the untethering

There will be a top. And I will tell you when that top happens. Promise.

quality TA, took me over 9000 hours in Market Data Solutions and MSPaint

Attached: stages_bubble.png (720x482, 70K)

Pinky swear?

More than that fren
I am involved with a Zurich based group that finances shit like that. Link will take off now. I will not be responsible though for your losses if you sell too late later on

all the sell pressure was FUD from the LIBRA bullshit
Facebook + MSM = FUD for norimes

so in your opinion operating a node won't have good returns? Isn't that the point of the LINK token?

If you think the project is pointless, why invest in it at all?

I'm not selling until $342

The dump is over lads, Now its time for the slow rise until the big pump in September

Attached: 1558900429977.png (500x500, 242K)

>there is no "top" once staking is live
^this guy fucks

Attached: power up.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

>100% true BUT you have to consider that hype will win out in the short term.
>short term
who cares lol
most of us here aren't 30 yet
we're in this so we can glide into middle age with a lot of "fuck you" money

Attached: 1560516576032.png (438x438, 203K)

To be quite honest, I am the wrong person to ask in this team. I don't know much about the technical differences. I just know that people are planning to make money off it. And as you can see, they do ... the lowest buy in is gone now. It was 3 hours ago or so. As of now, it will over the next few months go berserk. Then fall to death

People still have not even heard about Chainlink before. We are still very very early.

>There will be a top.
>And I will tell you when that top happens. Promise.
>Pinky swear?
heh...I can already tell you
>pic related

Attached: 81000 - 12-21-2026.jpg (2919x1778, 781K)

omni checked

what was it that Nikola kept ranting and raving above?
something about 3-6-9...
>pic related

>omni checked

Attached: 3-6-9.jpg (1247x1200, 1004K)

nice larp fgt

checked, powerful time-traveling sorcery

>something about 3-6-9...

Attached: ninth gate.jpg (1646x2416, 388K)

Really? Larp? Check Link price

Attached: 1563301503505.png (1302x691, 951K)

Fuck we get these digits all too often when this comes up. There's some intense shit going on that peeks a seers interest.

Attached: saturn5.jpg (1024x1024, 275K)

is this film good?

Last time I will post this. If you think I am wrong, please think it. I don't care.

Attached: 2019-01-27 04.55.03 pm.png (390x100, 22K)

>Fuck we get these digits all too often when this comes up
lol tell me about it
remember how I snapped Saturn occulting the moon a couple days ago around midnight?
>pic related

>is this film good?
it sure is, dare I say it, it's a great movie

Attached: saturn occult moon.png (1125x2001, 2.04M)

We just need to cool off before the next rally.

Attached: 872C316B-D160-4D4A-A454-D780868B3FFE-15208-00000CB3DDA10323.jpg (1504x923, 94K)

any other films you'd recommend?

Fucking satanic

digits are fun but mean nothing. I can roll 666 or 77777 all day... it means SHIT. What I have to say though, that means something

How high or what date do you expect the peak to be?

Yes. God, moon, cronus/saturn. Like connecting the dots as a child, shows the whole picture.

here's a follow up shot from last night that I took
moon to the left
saturn to the right
pluto in the middle
>look it up if you don't believe me

>pluto was the 9th planet
>something about 3-6-9...

>Fucking satanic
naw you're confused

>any other films you'd recommend?
I'll list a couple here:
>ghost writer (another polanski movie)
>little buddha
>thirteenth floor
>children of men
>donnie darko
>wizard of oz
>holy mountain
>passion of the Christ

that's a quick one, there's much more though

Attached: IMG-3702.jpg (2001x1125, 246K)

>what was it that Nikola kept ranting and raving above?
>something about 3-6-9...
That wasn't Nikola but Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz.

>digits are fun but mean nothing.

Attached: quote-millionaires-don-t-have-astrologers-billionaires-do-j-p-morgan-57-88-12.jpg (850x400, 42K)

It means shit in the same way BTC passing 10k means shit and why stores charge.99 instead of a dollar

>what was it that Nikola kept ranting and raving above?
>something about 3-6-9...
>That wasn't Nikola but Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz.
LOL it's funny I was playing that song with my waifu last night as I explained to her what I found out
yeah 3-6-9 is quite a universal idea
>gif related explains the 3-6-9 sequence

Attached: eulers circle and helix.gif (800x600, 2.08M)

thanks not seen
>ghost writer (another polanski movie)
>little buddha
>children of men
13th floor blew me away last year

it's return to normal

I donÄt know to be honest, we will have to see. But definitely higher than this first bump. Otherwise al these people wouldn't line up to push money in their asses

guess which floor I live on at my apartment lol
>hint: the (((14th))) but we all know it's the 13th
I watched that movie shortly after I moved in hahahaha

Attached: file.png (785x680, 1.03M)

You're wrong user. You're looking st 2022 there

sorry I hijacked your thread bro, I'm reading and absorbing the info you're providing here
but I fundamentally have to disagree with something

read this QRD on why Chainlink will become extremely valuable in the future:

Attached: dweller on the threshold - eric monkman.jpg (1000x1000, 132K)

Spotted the retard

Fall to death being what?

>There will be a top
I predict somewhere in ~7777 AD with the fifth industrial revolution largely overtaking chainlink.

Attached: 1562603419846.jpg (799x499, 382K)

checked, and Bff in the id. Very powerful posts from this user ITT

Fundamentally based and red pilled image. Saved, I find a better link meme every day this is proof we are going past the moon to another dimension of the multiverse.

Attached: 9E1CBAD5-3372-41C9-98FC-06E272B4419E.jpg (1280x1077, 112K)

>I predict somewhere in ~7777 AD
at the earliest

Attached: R-4445611-1365089655-2083.jpeg.jpg (500x453, 55K)

being back to the .10 or .20 range

Any guesses? $10, $50?

First selloff isnt until 2020

>checked, and Bff in the id. Very powerful posts from this user ITT
thank you friend
it gives me a special joy to share this info with those who understand and appreciate the implications
I hope you enjoy it
if you're interested in more I would urge you to check out this thread where I finally figured out the 3-6-9 concept:

Attached: euler.gif (386x503, 219K)

999 get!

1000 eoy.

Attached: 440.gif (467x468, 1.98M)

how was tesla able to be that intuitive?

hey my dude can you please shut the fuck up? you ruin every single fucking thread. go take a fucking shower, learn how to go to the bathroom instead of pissing in bottles, please clean your fingernails bro

I most definitely am standing on the shoulders of not just giants, but titans

>how was tesla able to be that intuitive?
everyone can learn to be like that

Attached: newton.gif (441x425, 481K)

>says people are in line to make money
>"we will have to see" when asked what the price will be
>promises to tell us where the top is
>"we will have to see"

No, sorry, o guesses. But it will go up to a point where you all can be happy. It probably won't be a Bitcoin type win right away. But hang in there, patience, it will rise now


I'm only happy when it passes $50 though...

You want me to tell you the date to buy or sell? Fuck off.

I agree, your posts seem genuine

>hey my dude can you please shut the fuck up?
how bout no

>go take a fucking shower, learn how to go to the bathroom instead of pissing in bottles, please clean your fingernails bro
ahh it's (you)
>gif related must be your face whenever you realize it's (me) posting

Attached: 1562604311582.gif (500x432, 945K)

If I have 5k link and I never pan on selling, will I make it? Or should I swing like from 4$ to 2$ when the next run hits.

>That wasn't Nikola but Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz.
3,6,9 damn your fine move it so you can sock it to me one mo time
Get low, Get low [x6]

turns out Nikola was the inspiration for this song

Attached: NEWTON.jpg (800x544, 208K)

thank you user, very interesting posts

What about an Ethereum?

In your experience are we talking before EOY or later? I tried to swing trade a couple times (failed miserably), so now I'm stuck in short term gains.

>If I have 5k link and I never pan on selling, will I make it? Or should I swing like from 4$ to 2$ when the next run hits.
I don't tell people how to trade
I can only speak for my strategy, which is a game of accummulation

for those who'd like to know exactly how it's going to play out, here's a relevant poem for you:

There’s no earthly way of knowing
Which direction we are going
There’s no knowing where we’re rowing
Or which way the river’s flowing

Is it raining, is it snowing
Is a hurricane a-blowing

Not a speck of light is showing
So the danger must be growing
Are the fires of Hell a-glowing
Is the grisly reaper mowing

Yes, the danger must be growing
For the rowers keep on rowing
And they’re certainly not showing
Any signs that they are slowing
>t. Willy Honka
does /user/ have what it takes to hold onto his golden ticket through Willy HONKA's wild ride?

Attached: WILLY HONKA.jpg (1200x670, 41K)

>will I make it?
can you hold and accumulate until 2026?
keep your wage gig going in the meantime and just accumulate

Attached: really rich.gif (480x270, 461K)

>turns out Nikola was the inspiration for this song
Damn, 42, I think I can't handle this redpill.

>thank you user, very interesting posts
glad to hear
the concept of "9" being a helix or a "gate" is very interesting
>pic related
you can produce any integer from a combination of 9 and still have 9 left over
> 9 x 2 = 18 (1+8 = 9)
> 9 x 3 = 27 (2+7 = 9)

Attached: 1563252562239.png (1076x922, 1.95M)

My honest opinion: before link gets to 1k it will be longer than a few years. But when it does, it will have made Bitcoin obsolete. This is all the future though. We are in the here and now

lol Elon knows...
>pic related
das rite: big booty ladies, some good chronic, and the secret to the universe (3-6-9)
what more does a man need lol
>I'm the richest man in the world, possibly the entire universe

Attached: musk.jpg (299x168, 5K)

That's alright. I'll just cash out enough on the January 1st to pay my taxes and live with my crappy trades. I was hoping for a major run up over the next 6 months.

the people who are trying to make money off this dont have a "idk" sell point. they arent like these deluded linky fucks who think its going to keep going up forever. they are in at one price and they are out at a certain price. tell me something we dont know larpfaggot

Fixed it for you linklet

Attached: FIXED.png (874x648, 110K)

of course.


Just to mention it to fellow anons... your highly priced etc oracle... was right to 9200 btc..... please, for your own sakes do not trust him further than that

the biggest tragedy of modern times is how feminized men have become
please stop doing this, not for my sake, but for your own
I don't feel like a big man punching down on mental midgets like you, and yet cockroaches like you keep coming out of the woodwork for me to smackdown
I can be very helpful to those genuinely interested in learning
for those looking to fling shit and piss, I have nothing but pain in store for them

Attached: 1563222806232.gif (298x294, 2.26M)

nulinker detected


Attached: the-alan-parsons-project-voyager-viajero-1978-ab.jpg (800x795, 213K)

True, I am a unlinked. I myself bought in way too late. That has nothing to with everything else I am telling you.
You know what the nice thing about me is? I am ALWAYS honest.
More than you can say about 99 percent of this board eh?

lol yeah when he made that statement I knew immediately he's not from around (((here)))
>middle of nowhere
>center of everywhere

Attached: 1562266436388.gif (500x500, 2.88M)

>True, I am a unlinked. I myself bought in way too late
then you should be listening to us
and not the other way around
>inb4 nu-linker

Attached: file.png (250x78, 4K)

This doesn't add up with your prediction that it would fall back to 10 cents though. If it replaces Bitcoin and goes to $1000 the odds of it falling back to 10 cents are astronomical.

Where does it say that's chainlink?

Attached: cringeaoc.jpg (680x453, 44K)

Where did I predict it would fall back to 10 cents?

You know what? YOU with or without (()) be careful. You are fucking with the wrong person here.

And the cool multiplying by 9 on your hands thing. For those that somehow don’t know, move in from left pinky each time, 9x2 would be ring finger down. Pinky is 1, other fingers 8.

didnt read, not selling

Up there, unless you mean .1 or .2 BTC. Maybe I misunderstood.