
>use only rsi, stoch rsi, emas (d, w, m, 3m, 6m, y) and volume
>profit in bear market
>profit in crab market
>profit in bull market

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Do you have a news letter and hotline?

profit in crab market is easy peasy ... bear and bull are much harder in my experience. btw are we talking BTC or alts?

both, depends what's hot, what's not, what has rising vol, what has declining vol, etc

Stoch RSI triggers too often imho how do yo trade the emas? Crossing with high/los Stoch or something along those lines? Why not BB?

any tips for a retarded faggot like myself?

don't daytrade in a trending (bull/bear) market

trend following in the daily chart is all it takes to make big bucks in bitcoin. people complicate too much for no reason

unless you know, what you're doing, that is. the main problem is that support and resistance won't be as reliable as in crab market. you'll need to rely on patterns and flash pump and dump can kill you anytime, so SL and TP - though good on paper - might turn against you

yeah except the fact you spend a lot of time, think about that user.

What's a crab market?

basically moving sideways


just their relations to each other, daily ema crossing weekly ema, weekly ema crossing monthly ema, daily crossing monthly, etc

I couldn't find any strategy where BB would provide additional signal or conformation that the formentioned indicators don't already
watch for stoch rsi and rsi trend changes and buy sell based on that, ema crosses override these, it's ezy pezy, just zoom out a bit and don't be afraid to make bad trades, like buying something and selling a bit lower because your signals told so
nope, I get sms whenever something happens, and I trade based on that

How far have you backtested this?

oh because crabs walk sideways? that's cute

I've been using it since last summer


one way to do it is to only trade the Stoch's highs/lows if they happen at the edges of BB; like oversold plus touching lower band = buy. given emas are too slow to cover that (but that just might be me trading on the minute charts). Problem is that most alt (and BTC for most of the time) have too little volativity to make up for risk+fees. but there are time, when this works just fine.

watch for stoch rsi and rsi trend changes and buy sell based on that, ema crosses override these, it's ezy pezy, just zoom out a bit and don't be afraid to make bad trades, like buying something and selling a bit lower because your signals told so
Also a retarded faggot here, is there any other tips you could give anons?

>trading on the minute charts
what the actual fuck

Which of these are valuable and which are memes?

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this is a daytrading therad, ain't it?

Just like bulls attack with their horns up and bears with their claws down, crabs move sideways. It's called Range Trend in the literature.

every one has its merits. different approaches on trading though - DYOR

yeah but that's insane even for me
I usually don't even have a signal every single day

>bulls attack with their horns up and bears with their claws down
Don't bulls lower their horns to stab you and bears rear up so they can claw you? A bear needs its front limbs to strike so it can't lean down on those paws.

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Reminder that ALMA is the best moving average for D1 charts onwards. Loving the performance so far.

The attack movement is upwards for a bull and downwards for a bear.

How? Give me your mental algorithm so I can translate it into a bot to use with Binance's API.

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bears hibernate and bulls get erections and fuck plastic bags


>not using cci



If I have a 4on/3off Schedule is it worth my time to day trade on my off days or do I need to be in tune every day to see patterns?

how can you trade on volume when most of it faked on most exchanges?

>the cryptokiddie who thinks he is some Wall Street day trader
Lol fucking loser

i wonder this too