/SENT/ - Sentinel dVPN general

Sentinel is the first blockahin project with actual users that is not gambling related
live numbers: stats.sentinel.co/

sentinel vision is to allow users to be truly safe from surveillance, offering an open source dVPN which provably doesn't log data and offer safe encryption, no centralized vpn is able to offer anything similiar.

sentinel is part of tendermint/cosmos ecosystem with projects like binance dex althea foam matic etc.. cosmos ecosystem will see huge growth once alt bull starts again.
Cosmos blockchain will be interconnected by 3 major hubs (cosmos, iris and sentinel)
dpos chain will have the equivalent boom that erc 20 had during 2017, 66% of the supply is locked at all times for the DPOS security
>features alredy delivered:
-dVPN app on ethereum (running from april 2018)
-dVPN app on tendermint (running from jan 2019) youtu.be/Iaa7Jwd5sy8
-tendermint testnet with closed validator set
-android app
-own crypto wallet for ethereum and tendermint

>planned features

-DPOS tendermint blockchain in q3-q4 (test up and running for months)
-decentralized chat app youtu.be/T1H8exU6D7I
-wireguard implementation (linus torvalds endorsed wiregaurd making it the standard)
-multi hop relay net (first of its kind truly revolutionary tech for a VPN) youtube.com/watch?v=HYK1BPXSji4&t=1s
-tor exit nodes
-private nets ( this will allow corporations and banks to set up private networks that only employees can access)
-zk snark mixer
-interblockchain communication protocol
-IOS app youtu.be/pzy5APfng0c
with DPOS you will be able to earn staking rewards by delegating your tokens, the current mcap is around 2m$
i see 500m$ as a very realistic market cap for seninel a project that has achieved real usage and has a steady development,you guys can try the dvpn right now for FREE till main net hits , also worthed to know that binance labs is searching for a dVPN project to support

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where lthn boys at? their shitcoin dying and sent is only getting stronger

ETH is capitulating the entire market

everyone thinks BTC is the bear

All people care about today is if their IP changes, and they lack visibility beyond that
A vpn provider can fully decrypt your data and do very malicious things

“The Department of Homeland Security has issued a warning that some VPN packages from Cisco, Palo Alto, F5 and Pulse may improperly secure tokens and cookies, allowing nefarious actors an opening to invade and take control over an end user’s system.

The DHS’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) warning comes on the heels of a notice from Carnegie Mellon’s CERT that multiple VPN applications store the authentication and/or session cookies insecurely in memory and/or log files.”

Even 90%+ of the 'technical' community does not realize the true need for a dvpn because they don't consider the provability aspect

FUCK you faggots, cosoms coming out top 20 out of no where. WHAT THE FUCK . EOS BLEEDING ME

eth is pure cancer, bitcoin is not dying it just had 6 months of straight pamp.
smart projects are switching away from ethereum into tendermint DPOS chians


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dude you bought into larimer ponzi its not my fault, just buy some proper tech next time instead of rebranded steem

you would trust a ledger, because ledger has proven to the public that no one else has the ability to take your private key once its generated on the hardware device. Meanwhile in a closed web wallet, the owner of the web wallet could easily store your private key and access your account (if you logged in using the private key or generated the private key using the web wallet)

ProjectAutonomy, [16.06.19 06:13]
likewise, would you trust a VPN with access to your networking card that doesn't show you whats going on in the background (fully closed source and obscure) - or would you trust a VPN which proves to you that it is doing everything that you expect it to do as it is fully open source and provable

ProjectAutonomy, [19.06.19 00:17]
All people care about today is if their IP changes, and they lack visibility beyond that

ProjectAutonomy, [19.06.19 00:18]
A vpn provider can fully decrypt your data and do very malicious things

ProjectAutonomy, [19.06.19 00:18]
“The Department of Homeland Security has issued a warning that some VPN packages from Cisco, Palo Alto, F5 and Pulse may improperly secure tokens and cookies, allowing nefarious actors an opening to invade and take control over an end user’s system.

The DHS’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) warning comes on the heels of a notice from Carnegie Mellon’s CERT that multiple VPN applications store the authentication and/or session cookies insecurely in memory and/or log files.”

ProjectAutonomy, [19.06.19 00:19]
Its not just a game to pretend you are in a different country
Even 90%+ of the 'technical' community does not realize the true need for a dvpn because they don't consider the provability aspect

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these are some info from sentinel TG chat

Sentinel dVPN is only blockchain project with real users and a product


Love it

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Sentinels are here to protect you while you traverse the digital sea

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ETH bags, EOS, Aternity ico scam WTF. COSMOS and her projects are going to walk out of the room at x30 while we fking bleed

Dude you should follow the user in this meme, pay attention and you will be happy and wealthy

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Jow Forums /biz such bullshit. Bunch of faggots buying Chain link. IBS and google joint venture Larping as an open source venture.

tendermint based projects are the next big wave after erc 20 scams and IEOs, get on the train before it leaves the station user

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LOL the Scarf masked the milk man

FUCK BNB is going to be cosmos asset hub to. CZ is burning the majority of the float

And sentinel is recognised by cosmos as top projects on it, soon launching mainnet. Do I need to tell you what you should be doing right now user? Or will you let me dump on you when it pumps?

Cz understands the importance of tendermint ecosystem and they are going to help spread the tendermint meme and all ecosystem projects after they accumulated enough atoms

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Wem moon Op?

the closer we get to main net the more lickely the chance of pamp will become

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Centralized VPNs are doomed, those scammers selling VPN users data have days counted

I cancalled PIA and ExpressVPN subscription permanently and been using sentinel for the last few days since i say one of this threads thanks OP

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Interesting concepts here seems like the switch to a dvpn Is obvious, so i can try the dapp for free ?

yeah you can use the dVPN for free till main net (and also after if the community decides to host free nodes) sentinel.co/

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What big ears behind you user

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Will try the app and come back of i have questions It looks pretty shiny if It truly has provable encryption, Will see if It truly works as advertized

sentinel is here to truly offer a superior service and protect its users from authoritarian regimes and over-reaching middlemans, sentinel DAO purpose is to offer easy to use software that ANYBODY can use and don't be paranoid they are being monitored

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If BNB can't show a shitcoin market beyond just baseless speculation the segregation is going to keep happening by regulators. Makes sense industry needs a real system that works, so that dapps can thrive beyond speculative degen assumptions

Op frankly I don't care about all this tech jargon, I only care about making more money, so why should I buy this token, OK the tech might be cool and all of that, but the token is worthless

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TRUMP happy:

-he wants to be evil


-he CANT be evil

Thanks Sentinel

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the token is not worthless at all, it will be used to secure the sentinel blockchain and to participate in the governance of the protocol (like cosmos eos decred and other pos/dpos coins)
you will be able to delegate your tokens and earn interest on them + every service on the chain will be able to be payed in sent token.

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So it's a dpos chain mmm how many txn sec it does? I'm still not very convinced about the token

This guy gets it.

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Pajeet's shitcoin of the week:

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you didn't even research the project or try the DAPP, sentinel is one of the only non gambling or speculation dapp that has actual real usage, you can check out the dapp stats here stats.sentinel.co/

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currently on testnet it does more then 200 txn/ sec but when main net launches and real validators have access to the infrasturcture they will bring better hardware making it much faster.

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user, eth/erc20 are shitcoins useless, staking tokens like ATOM or SENT are used in bonded proof of stake and token holders earn rewards.

Dude, by holding staking token like SENT or ATOM you are like a miner in bitcoin, earning blocks rewards and fees

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Good luck op, if this shitcoin gets on a better exchange I might buy a small bag, but for now I'm not touching it cause it's on hitbtc

its better, no need for a fucking jet plane like noise in your home lol, staking is great

Oh yea, and at 14 sats a piece it's a real bargain huh pajeet? This piece of shit hasn't seen 24 hour volume above 20k in a year. This coin belongs on the street you use for shitting. Pic related.

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its up to you dude, buying now its more riskybut at the same time upside is greater

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you are too retarded to understand actual usecases, you are used to coins that pamp just based on speculation and have no solid tech behind it
dVPN is one of the blockchains niches with lower mcap, its bound to pamp.
also cz is supporting tendermint a great deal and he is very vocal about VPNs

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what jet plane are you talking about dude? staking is the new mining user, in ethereum bag holders just pray price up, ATOM and SENT holders enjoy the block rewards and transactions fees easily delegating tokens to some validators while drinking a beer in the beach

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one of binance labs mandates is to support dVPNs so don't be surpised if sentinel gets listed on binance or binance dex which is built on tendermint (like sentinel)

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Dude, team has been busy developing code in github. That's why the sentinel hub mainnet is coming, while Binance chain will be just a zone

Pajeets like you just use scam coinmarketcap to get information and make decisions AHAHAHA

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I gave Op a chance and downloaded the app and tried It, It works fine, at least they deliver what advertized

>you are used to coins that pamp just based on speculation

>with lower mcap, its bound to pamp

Uh huh... and I'm the one speculating right?

I hope you starve to death you fucking con artist thief.

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Dude, download and try the dVPN... Sentinel has real working project, not just vaporware in CMC lol

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how am i a con artist you retard im just talking about a project that solves an actual problem that you are too dumb to even understand, you probably don't care about centralized VPN providers logging all your data or being able to switch off encryption at will.
you are probably so dumb you don't even use a vpn and let google spy on you

hahahahahaha I got it: you are NordVPN shareholder

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because you're pulling the old pump and dump scheme you fucking criminal. Buy low, hype the coin, sucker in the idiots who don't know any fucking better and then dump on them (like the street you live on).

Remember biz bros, if you buy into this scam coin you're only giving up your money to buy pajeet a new phone and some curry. Pick literally any other top 100 coin and you'd be better off.

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Im here on biz to find low mcap coins that have potential huge upside, thats how i got rich in the first place, dont discard something just cause it has no volume at the moment, also if you check out the chart you will see that this shitcoin pamped pretty hard in the past i see no reason why it shouldnt pamp again when accumulation is finished

probably nothing i will say will make you try the app or change your idea, so i don't get why you are even wasting your time in this thread.
sentinel team has been steadily delivering code and the product solves an actual problem, cause you are just a speculator and not an investor you don't see the potential in the dvpn tech, thank god there are smarter people then you, just look at the commits on github and see the actual value of the coin

Way to switch ID's and still use the word pamp (which literally no one else on this board does) and give yourself away. You're fucking shit at this you know that?

Jesus, you don't get it. Why would BTC miners burn or dump their ASICS????

So same, ATOM and SENT are like virtualized ASICs for Proof of Stake? Why the fuck dump instead of holding and getting block/fee rewards?

Erc20 shitcoins are the true pump&dump, no other use case, very different from staking tokens like ATOM or SENT

user, you got a lot to learn

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Ok what happens if someone sends cp to the fbi while using my ip

Oh I'm sure I do, but the one lesson I don't need to learn again is how to get dumped on by pajeets. I hope your bags are heavy and losses are catastrophic you fucking scammers.

I dont get what your point is, you are just a mad fag that doesn't know how to recognize good projects other then from price action and volume, you are not a trend maker but a follower with your retarded mentality you would have never invested in bitcoin in the early days cause lack of volume

There is also mysterium and privatix as competitors in the dvpn market, but I think sent is leading at the moment.

The general idea of dvpns, however, is just too good to not succeed.

I wouldn't have invested in bitcoin early because it wasn't being sold on major exchanges and it's only use was for buying drugs on silk road. No one then could have dreamed of what this was going to turn in to.

Why would you trust centralized VPNs to not sell your data to whoever pays the most for it?

Still you want to be anonymous, for file-sharing, just out of principle,...

Tor is also not really a solution as it is slow as fuck and you can't surf anywhere without 7345 captchas everywhere.

Decentralized VPNs like sentinel are the solution to these problems.

there will be 2 types of nodes, one relay node (thats hwat normal users will host which only relay traffic between themself and to a exit nodes)
and exit nodes which will require more expert users and will be subject to the same precautionary measures as when you host a tor node,
also you will be able to exit directly into tor think of it as a way to rech security through layering:
your pc > relay node 1 > relay node 2 > relay node 2 > exit node > tor
(you can add as many relay nodes as you want, if even one of them is safe you will be protected from surveillance)

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Yeah thats exactly your bias
This kind of mentality will make you ignore ridicule and insult potential opportunitys, fearing the unknown is not a good way to make money

theres no wash trading thats true but theres plenty of days with 20k + volume and thats almost 1% of supply changing hands, its all relative nigger


centralized VPNs are not safe and they are controlled by mostly the same entitys and governments, decentralized VPNs try to break this and offer a safe alternative which will have way more nodes then tor cause users will be able to get payed to monetize their unused bandwidth.
"host a node during the night and browse safely on a dvpn with the money earned during the day"

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Bro, if you got scammed before it's your fault. Why come here to fud one of the few blockchain projects producing good code in github and with working product and real users?

yeah that amount of the supply changing hands each day its pretty big, at some point sellers will be exhausted
also volume follows price not the opposite

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clearly people disagree with him, and the usage of the product has been increasing a lot in the last period

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Even if you do not give a fuck that your data is sold by centralized vpns, decentralized vpns will eventually be cheaper just because the market will be more effiicient.

Sell your bandwidth during the night so that the chinese can access western media and then during the day torrent hbo series over russian server.

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also most downloads of the mobile version come from places that are under heavy government surveillance, this should show the actual utility

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After Bitcoin, the biggest thing in blockchain has been Tendermint used by IBM and the Cosmos hub launch that uses tendermint and BPoS

Now as the Cosmos ecosystem is growing, Sentinel will launch the 3rd hub with the dVPN as first zone, other zones will be dChat etc... The Sent token will be staking token to secure the different zones, for governance and get fixed income for securing the network

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Once again, this is a shit coin only available on a shit exchange being shilled by one guy using multiple ID's to make it appear as if other people actually share his pajeet opinion. If you like losing money, buy this coin.

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ahaha sell your NordVPN shares and buy SENT user before NordVPN become a thing of history books

anyone with half a brain knows this is a scam dude nobody but you is paying attention to them

did you check out the other threads on biz ?
its either LINK or low volume coins, you are talking as if biz people are not used to buying low volume stuff, while the whole businness model of biz people is buying low volume shitcoins before anyone else notices them.
i remember PASCAL it was a coin with very solid foundmentals got shilled here then after some days got listed on polo and had the biggest pamp ever on listing (and btw pascal tech is still solid)

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mh how could he get so many different IDs, could it be that he is already using a blockchain based working dvpn to quickly change his IP?

Look at the speed of the pajeets responding lmao.

how it this a scam, it has a working product (and thats more then 99% of the project out there and actual usage stats.sentinel.co/
you call it a scam just cause it has no volume ?
the team has dedicated funds only to developing and no advertzing thats why this coin is not very well known and has low volume

what scam? download and try the dVPN for yourself dude

Someone shilled this the other day and I ended up buying 20k after doing some research on my own about it.

Great project, comfy hold

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how is your LINK ETH and ADA bag doing friend ?

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You gonna be holding it for the rest of your life there pajeet because no one is gonna let you dump your bags on them.

Pajeets, it's not one dude with many IDs, we like this dVPN, try and you will be converted too

glad you see the good nature of this coin, HOLD at least till main net to see the true potential of this coin and use the dvpn till its free , if you have any feedback you can chat with the team on tg

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Oh yea great comparison pajeet, this piece of shit is definitely on the same level as those coins. I remember when they all pumped immediately to their ATH right off the bat and then plunged into an eternal abyss of no volume and near 1 sat price to return in a blaze of glory to rule them all. Yep, that's definitely what's gonna happen here for sure, without a doubt.

check order history, there has been plenty of market buys every other day, the only reason why its not flying now is that because theres rekt people everywhere and sent is one of only coins that held above ico value through bear

Just buy projects in the top 100 like this guy says, buy stuff that has already pumped, and has little upside left dont buy cheap and new stuff with low mcap with low amounts cause thats totally irrational why would anybody wanna make money ?

as you showed above you only problem is the lack of a more legit exchange for SENT, when it will get listed on a bigger exchange come back here and lets talk again

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This coin is currently sitting at 14 sats, if it has held above it's ICO (which it hasn't btw) then you'll excuse me if I'm not exactly impressed. 14 sats people, that's where this thing is at. On HitBTC. 14 sats. You literally don't need to know anything else. DOGE coin has over twice the value of this coin and far more volume. An imaginary coin based on a meme dog with zero use and no tech is kicking your asses. Let that sink in.

You're retarded, just use a real VPN implementation instead of some bullshit proprietary android app. OpemVPN has never stored any cookies. You have no idea what you're talking about.

price has no meaning, what matters is market cap
also it held over ico cause the actual opening price when it got listed on the exchange was much above ico

It has stayed above ICO pajeet, ICO was below $2m, not greedy like other raising billions for a shitcoin like yours

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You're losing (badly I might add) to a coin based on a meme dog. More investors trust a meme dog coin to make them money than your shitcoin. You absolutely cannot defend your position. You are losing to a meme. Go scam somewhere else.

your centralized VPN is probably logging data and cannot prove to you he isn't , also encryption can be switched off at any moment, good luck being safe with a closed source protocol.
also sentinel uses open vpn for routing, but soon it will offer also a wireguard implementation cause thats where the industry is mving towards after linus torvalds endorsed it

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