Linkies are now shitting up reddit with your insane conspiracy theories

Linkies are now shitting up reddit with your insane conspiracy theories.

These nutjobs actually took all of your memes literally.

You are responsible for this. Start expecting boomers and news anchors to spout your garbage.

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Other urls found in this thread:

more retards to pump my ICO bags whats the problem?

all in chainlink and flute of the loom vinyls

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how do we make money off this

why are you on reddit is the real question

Just ride the wave a hold, nigger

He isn't wrong, though.

we need some answers op

keep spreading memes. accrue and then make it break into mainstream

>Linkies are now shitting up reddit with your insane conspiracy theories.
nice lol
I'd like to think I had a hand in this

This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the black pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
You take the “42-pill” - you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Remember: all I’m offering is the Truth. Nothing more.

June 12th (night before Google announcement)
>wake up...
>follow the white rabbit...
Then a week before the oracle announcement a riddle comes in:
The answer comes back a week later (days before the even bigger oracle pump)

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>OP screencaps his own shitpost
>all those (you)'s, everybody falls for it
i'm sure there are some that sincerely believe in the chainlink memes but they're mostly on Jow Forums

>keep spreading memes. accrue and then make it break into mainstream

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John, I know that's you. Pay your taxes.


Attached: D - Have you made your decision for Christ.png (2857x1214, 1.23M)

pic related

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Pay your taxes, John. Otherwise you'll never be allowed back in.

hahaha I like your name friend

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better listen to user
it has its nick name not for fun and giggles.

>Pay your taxes, John
again, who is this John character you're speaking of?
you wouldn't want to know my real name
you wouldn't want to know what's behind the mask...

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>You are responsible for this.

Finally, a use-case for LINK I can get behind.

I pay my fucking taxes, can i get in???

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Why are you here, John? What is your purpose?

>I pay my fucking taxes, can i get in???
lol you think God cares about paying your fucking taxes?
the price rquired to pay is much higher than anything a (((government))) can levy

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ahh now I get it
sorry was a little slow there
>pic related

>Why are you here, John? What is your purpose?
simple, to explain these concepts to others, I'm really good at it
however, my primary purpose here is to better understand God's design and God's mind
by doing so, I believe I can become a better person and more capable of lifting humanity out of this quagmire we find ourselves slogging through

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Tell them its a nazi ploy, mention russia

>I believe I can become a better person and more capable of lifting humanity out of this quagmire we find ourselves slogging through
isn't everyone in this thread tired of being lorded over by these incompetent buffoons?

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his name is Nikolov and he is born on 9/11
any more questions?

No, they are perfect patsies that do exactly what they should do, and really, pay your taxes, you have drawn some peoples attention to you, who aren't just observers

>his name is Nikolov and he is born on 9/11
mfw happy birthday

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>you have drawn some peoples attention to you
you're a few years late to the party

>really, pay your taxes
the taxman isn't coming for me, I pay what I owe and I pay on time

>who aren't just observers
I'm sure they fancy themselves as more than observers
they're mistaken
hierarchy hop-skotchers do not concern me
they want to climb the pyramid
theirs are the concerns of men
mine are the concerns of my father

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I am taking tomorrow and Friday off work to celebrate with my family. It wont be long before i no longer have to "work" to earn income.
"what you seek is seeking you"

how the fuck did you find this OP? There are less than 2k people on that sub

>hierarchy hop-skotchers do not concern me
>they want to climb the pyramid
>theirs are the concerns of men
>mine are the concerns of my father

>you have drawn some peoples attention to you

>Maybe I won the game before the machine ate my quarter
>I mean absorbing attention's a must
>You don't wanna be overlooked
>Yeah but you don't wanna be looked over too much

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>Yeah but you don't wanna be looked over too much
yeah I can feel some eyes upon me
there's only one watcher that matters and you all already know who he is

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some levies are rather implied than official, and of course they want, the way is plastered with wild hounds fighting for every bone

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Enjoy your trip to the Hershey Squirts Highway you bug chasing faggot.

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I like how linkies were like nah fuck reddit we dont want them to get our gainz and now they are begging reddit for money lol

>the way is plastered with wild hounds fighting for every bone
lol the hounds are nipping at me but they have no hope of getting at me:
this isn't my first rodeo, nor will it be my last

>some levies are rather implied than official, and of course they want
lol I'm trying to bring the whole feast to the table and the children are too busy bickering over scraps
they would do well to keep their mouths shut and mind their table manners while the adults are in the room

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children are children, whining is in their nature but never underestimate emaciated hungry hounds, especially when they come in packs.

>but never underestimate emaciated hungry hounds, especially when they come in packs.
I've dealt with countless numbers of them in my life
I do not strike first, but if required to defend myself or others, I will shatter their spines mercilessly across the bow of my knee
they would do well to heed my warning, I don't say it for myself, I say it for their sakes
I do not count myself as powerful for punching down on children, but I will do so if required

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They are just animals, no need to crush them, feeding them better than their masters can sometimes be a way to make you their new master. And children, well children are children, they need to learn authority but also here the belt shouldn't be used over extensively.
Ride save cowboy

>feeding them better than their masters can sometimes be a way to make you their new master
I'm not looking to collect strays

>the belt shouldn't be used over extensively
I agree, but the particularly loud ones deserve the smackdown harder than others
case in point:

Jesus On The Lean Donkey

Jesus on the lean donkey,
this is an emblem of how the rational intellect
should control the animal-soul.

Let your spirit be strong like Jesus.
If that part becomes weak,
then the worn-our donkey grows to a dragon

Be grateful when what seems unkind
comes from a wise person.

Once, a holy man,
riding his donkey, saw a snake crawling into
a sleeping man’s mouth! He hurried, but he couldn’t
prevent it. He hit the man several blows with his club.

The man woke terrified and ran beneath an apple tree
With many rotten apples on the ground.
Eat! You miserable wretch! Eat.
Why are you doing this to me?
Eat more, you fool.
I’ve never seen you before!
Who are you? Do you have some inner quarrel with my soul?

The wise man kept forcing him to eat, and then he ran him.
For hours he whipped the poor man and made him run.
Finally, at nightfall, full of rotten apples,
fatigued, bleeding, he fell
and vomited everything,
the good and the bad, the apples and the snake.
When he saw that ugly snake
Come out of himself, he fell on his knees
before his assailant.
Are you Gabriel? Are you God?
I bless the moment you first noticed me. I was dead
and didn’t know it. You’ve given me a new life.
Everything I’ve said to you was stupid!
I didn’t know
If I had explained what I was doing,
you might have panicked and died of fear.

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If I described the enemy that lives
Inside men, even the most courageous would be paralyzed. No one
would go out, or do any work. No one would pray or fast,
and all power to change would fade
from human beings

so I kept quiet
while I was beating you, that like David
I might shape iron, so that, impossibly,
I might put feathers back into a bird’s wing.
God’s silence is necessary, because of humankind’s
faintheartedness. If I had told you about the snake,
you wouldn’t have been able to eat, and if
you hadn’t eaten, you wouldn’t have vomited.

I saw your condition and drove my donkey hard
into the middle of it, saying always under my breath,
Lord, make it easy on him. I wasn’t permitted
to tell you, and I wasn’t permitted to stop beating you!

The healed man, still kneeling,
I have no way to thank you for the quickness
of your wisdom and the strength of your guidance.
God will thank you.

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reddit was always shit

>Be grateful when what seems unkind comes from a wise person.
if only more people understood
they're too busy arguing over who is wise and smart that they don't shut up and listen

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>you have drawn some peoples attention to you, who aren't just observers
beyond just the run of the mill discord trannies?
I'd imagine I've caught the attention of some big time trouble makers and rascals
they would do well to keep out of my way

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How come the only ones shouting racist remarks are those of you who're holding chainlink. Definitely not a coincidence.

You're a big goy.

>conspiracy theories



kek....OP stop posting screencaps of your comments on plebbit

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Saw this stuff in that other thread that 42 guy was posting on Sunday. Couldn't respond that it was tough to "get" this stuff since my numbers have always 3's, no clue what that means though.

Sergey = shepherd
Nazarov = Nazareth

The Shepherd of Nazareth. Sergey is Jesus.

He obviously made the post and took the screenshot now he is posting it here hoping to indirectly "inspire" other Anons to go an contribute to it.

no that was def not me. Thouhht it was hilarious chainlink is popping up in random places

>Lord, make it easy on him. I wasn’t permitted
>to tell you, and I wasn’t permitted to stop beating you!

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>you have drawn some peoples attention to you, who aren't just observers

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>and we're gonna ride
>we're gonna ride
>ride like a one-eyed jack of diamonds
>with the devil close behind

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those normies always writhe 50 mil letters in a single post of pure vomit

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Damn. Just for the record, this is what happens when you do too many psychedelics but don't really read or do other things that make you smart. With a healthy scoop of paranoia thrown in. Another interesting way to think of paranoia is the desire to perceive patterns or meaning in chaos (where there aren't actually any)

>With a healthy scoop of paranoia thrown in
no doubt

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