Netflix down 12% after-hours. Writing was on the wall and you missed out

Netflix down 12% after-hours. Writing was on the wall and you missed out.

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missed out on losing money?

i wanted to short but didnt, uwu, wanted to long OSTK instead

>not realizing you can sell puts

im all in NVDA, its going to $1000 by 2021

You mean AMD

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unironically bought AMD puts. If TSM has a bad ER were gonna see a really big dip into 32 at open.

Well for this play you'd want to buy puts and sell calls.

have about $4k in AMD puts for next week.

how much did you make?

AMD is meh, NVDA is god tier research and tech company. their rally will be exhausted soon

tesla is a good example of why you should never short the market. a bad stock can stay overvalued for several years.

700% return if you bought $325 puts 07/19.

and -100% return if you had bought any other time in the last 5 years.

How many subscribers is Netflix actually losing? Fuck off with the get woke go broke bullshit. Alt-right conspiracy theories and Netflix isn't even that diverse.

They were expecting 5 million new subscribers, only got half of that and lost 130k US subs. Their entire valuation is based on growth so obv bad news.

yeah you can't be low iq and trade options.

show us your 700% return statement bro.

good , fuck this piece of shiet, satanic jew propaganda machine

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Do they publish worldwide sub rates? 130k doesn't seem like something they would concern themselves about if they got in 2.5 million more.

How tf do puts work and how the fuck can you get 700% from one investment? I thought the stock market was for boomers and their 12% gains if they are lucky?

So you're telling me there are investments that can 7x just as likely as in Crypto?

If so please redpill me where I can start.

It's a problem if all the analysts models valuations were based on double the growth. Company was not worth the obscure price of it only delivers half the user growth

Imagine crypto, except if the coins aren't above a certain price by a certain date, you lose all your money.
You can buy options for cheap that are expiring tomorrow, and if the stock explodes up 20% you get a 10000% return. But 99.99999% of the days you will just lose your money.
You can go for longer term options and lose your money slower, if you prefer it that way.

For the record I'm actually net positive on options, but read 90% of the posters in the /smg/ thread and they're all getting stupidly rekt by them.

here's the breakdown on calc, didn't say I got that though. it's trading at 318.5 rn.

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Investopedia, look up options. Then watch a couple YouTube videos, download Robinhood, apply for options, you’ll be trading by next week famalam

>amd absolutely outclassing intel (the biggest player in the game) in every respect and intel has no response in sight

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Nope, bought 10 $365 5/19 puts and now I have an extra $58,000 - nice