The Intelligence on Biz

Has gone down 100x since 2016. I'm an oldfag who didn't make it and bought boomer bags by buying a house instead of going all in. I live with this everyday of my life. I want to kill myself everyday, every minute, by knowing I could have made it by staying in a shit apartment and going all in crypto.

Unfortunately there might not be another bubble. I can tell by the poor grammar and general ignorance on this board. It has never been this low. There was always intelligent conversation after a bubble peak and bust, but now there are zoomers screaming "nigger" and "btfo" with shit tier grammar.

Maybe this is all a meme after all. Look at yourselves. Look at how you portray yourselves with no intelligence nor effort.

It's over. And biz is the proof.

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theres always another moon mission you fucking moron

Wut u think ur better than me, huh u little bitch
>joined last month
>have 2k in crypto
Fuck u bitch ass

Stfu faggot nigger

Absolutely pathetic...

nigger boomer got BTFO

thats what you get from being a brainlet

>buying a house

and you claim zoomers to be low iq?

there's not much new in crypto at this point. the discussions have already been had.

Old style /biz was salivating at memes like Seadrill and TPLM though. Check out these stocks now... maybe things are not so bad after all.

there will never be another shitcoin moon, but bitcoin will continue mooning as it goes back to 90% dominance

the people that cannot read those fundamentals will continue lossing their money on assorted scams

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Go back to paying your mortgage and sucking on the Jewish tit.

Let us NEETs make serious gains via crypto.

Also here since 2016. People seem to meme more, that’s about it.

Also, were you not here during the 2018 bear season when there were barely any posts here and it was pretty much back to old Jow Forums a la crypto?

Also also, people here since 2016 have made it with

keap dreaming retard. your a fuckin poorfag wagecuk and u dont no shit about dick faggot your just jealous u missd the boad

>people have intelligent discussions and share their knowledge with strangers, rather than accumulating, when theyre down on their initial investment
Wait til ETH passes $500, smart Jow Forums will be back

>There was always intelligent conversation after a bubble peak and bust


t. boomer who made it in 2017

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Buy small cap with good potential. NKN, LIT, QNT, ENG, EDR, RSR, QSP.
Save this list OP. At least one of these is a home run, trust me on this. If you buy $100 in each and wait two-three years you will have at least $100k. Screencap and look back in 2021-2022.

OP is correct. This is by far the lowest IQ board on Jow Forums, and I'm including /b/ and Jow Forums.

The bear market really brought out the dregs.

I forgot about ONE, it is also promising. Trust me. I have a degree in CS and a job in the industry.

Full house. Nice digits indeed. Checked. I'm all in on link personally.

You think that’s bad? Imagine reading guides on how to mine in 2009 with a overclocked q6600 but never doing it because lol setting up a wallet is hard.

Every day is filled with regret.

Have you ever considered the fact that maybe the reason this place got dumber is because all of the smart ones made it, and left you behind with the rest of us brainlets where you belong?

Seems like people that made it don't come here anymore and thats a good thing. That is one of my top reasons of making it, not having to come here anymore..

Regret is for losers and it does not make sense. There is no free will and life is deterministic. Now. Buy the fucking coins I just posted and be happy, feel happy. If you just buy those coins, everything will be free fine. Maybe all of them are scams except one, well, it only takes one.

correct. average IQ dropped off a cliff summer of 2017, then it recovered a little in 2018 when all the normies lost everything and left. now its the worst its ever been. there isnt going to be another bull run either. regulation is here. binance is kicking out americans. even Idex is requiring KYC. shitcoins will never moon like 2017 again. its unironically over.

Buy coins that are valuable to society, that will make our lives better. Coins that does not depend on a market valuation. Because they already have users and customers. It does not matter If they trade on binance or not.

All scams. Fuck off.

Are you absolutely sure that they are all scams? They might be, but they all have pretty credible people behind them and seem to be great ideas. I genuinely think so at least. But sure, there is a possibility that I am wrong, not going to deny that.

thanks OP
shorting Jow Forums now


how much did you make, fag?

I miss the old Jow Forums stock advice, salary negotiations, resume advice, vanguard portfolios and career advice.

This crypto garbage seriously has to stop. People are getting hurt. Not only that but literally 99.99% of this shit is a scam and a huge bubble waiting to burst. Just look at the recent bitcoin crash down to 9000 case in point.

I'm currently in uni finishing up my studies to become an accountant. I want to know ways to make it in the corporate world. I want to have meaningful conversations like how to negotiate salary raises with your bosses.

I know this might come to a shock to alot of you guys but someone has to say it. Cryptocurrency is just a massive speculation with absolutely 0 fucking value to this can not right now name one single crypto that brings real value to this world and helps improve it.

This is a speculators game. And who ever is the first to sell off will win. You guys are in a fucking ticking time bomb waiting to explode and you don't even realize it.

Besides women want men with stable careers and goals. Not a bunch of Internet funny money degenerate gamblers. Good luck starting a family with any woman and telling her you traded Internet meme coins. Seriously guys wake the fuck up.

If any of you had any sense at all you would sell 100% of your cryptos and invest in Amazon / real estate. Something that will never go away and always rise in value.

I hope we can go back to the old ways of biz. I want to know some good stocks I can expect to put my yearly bonuses into. Not this crypto trash vaporware scam garbage.

double trouble

A lot of it is vaporware
Then there Is 5% that will be the next apple, google and amazon.
You need to understand computer science to see the value in crypto.
There are some things they don't teach you at accounting school.
Cryptoassets will be used to fuel society. We don't have jobs or even companies anymore. We have decentralized network working for us. AI does all the thinking, blockchain guarantees the safety of AI.
Negotiating your salary will soon be a useless skill. But sure. Go ahead. Keep denying.