It's over isnt it? This shitcoin Quant(QNT) is dumping to 0 isnt it?

It's over isnt it? This shitcoin Quant(QNT) is dumping to 0 isnt it?

Attached: quant-1.jpg (1000x500, 53K)

scam. It's over for the scam

It was a good ride. Banks will be implementing their own blockchain solutions, will not pay license fees for some 3rd party companies.

very expensive and time consuming, same reason why some companies use microsoft excel. they rather pay a licensing fee than make their own piece of software, shitty analogy ik but that's my take on it

For the big banks, it makes sense. Think Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo...etc. The smaller banks and companies can use a 3rd party but that's slim pickings.

shut up shilbert you fuckwit.

quant is a scam, see you at $1.20.

oh baby boy, that's all you can say? "quant is a scam" shhhhh crawl back into your dungeon you cuck

Eventually. There's no real sustainable demand for the token based on the hazy token use cases they have suggested. Developers will buy in once to get onto the platform, great. But in the best case scenario of the QNT platform taking off, competition between developers will drive down the token costs (if any) of actually using their apps.


if you didn't sell at $14 you are greedy and deserve a Request Network style ride to 11 cents.


It was good while it lasted boiz

If Ripple couldn't convince banks then QNT shouldn't even bother.

QNT and XRP doesn't do the same thing, retard.

Hasn't it only dumped because of BTC dumping?

Nah, its down like 15% from ATH

Doesn't matter, you dumb pajeet. Banks are not interested in this worthless garbage. You don't need any special token for this shit. I can't believe there are idiots who still believe in institutions buying their bags.

>sold most of my bag at $12 was a nice ride

If you can’t handle 20% dips get out of Quant ASAP lol

Banks want OverLedger, and to use OverLedger you need the QNT token.
Get fucked No-Quanter.

I have never seen a crypto project attending a ECB conference in the first place, so they are doing something right at least. ECB conference is in a week or so.

Why do people claim this project is a scam?
Alright their site could have been better, but it has great partnerships.
From a investors point of view we have zero to none insight in the usage of the over ledger platform, but why are some people here saying it is a scam?

cope, quantizer

>From a investors point of view we have zero to none insight in the usage of the over ledger platform, but why are some people here saying it is a scam?
Kinda answered your own question buddy. Also the CEOs shilling is Justin Sun-tier.

We've been telling you this was a scam since $3 and you still bought!?

Attached: 1563443890871.png (511x515, 29K)

once idex rolls in kyc, burgers can't buy QNT anymore because the only two exchanges with volume are idex and bittrex, both blocked.

i don't know if that is a bad thing... Look what it brought tron.

not yet.This stupid scam is still way over valuated till it reaches 200 k USD MC

All idex coins going to zero

>didn't buy when it was $2, didn't buy when it was $7
>bought after it when like 7x in the span of a month
some people can't be helped
thanks for playing

Looking forward to the dip and the new levels of fud to load up on the most obvious sure thing on crypto.

I've been warning you all about this scam since 20c, and I will keep warning you until it hits $1000 next year.

Do NOT buy!

Quamfy af being all in.

500$ eoy


thx my kind sir just sold 100k

Less than one week until idex starts requiring kyc and blocking Americans from trading. Between that and BTC nosediving QNT will be $3-4 by end of month. Cap this Quantfags.

wrong thread, retard. go back to LINK threads.

Already down $2k.... Afraid to sell, please rebound!

QNT's future valuation doesn't depend on IDEX and their introduction of KYC. I can scarcely think of a less relevant factor.

Absolute retard lmao.

Also BTC nosediving meme aged well.

100% agree.

pls be true

So much fud. Buy signal

Capped, No-Quant cuck.

they will be hating as we rise into the top 10...fucking no quant having cucks