You will never be 22 in 2013 again, listening to Yung Lean while accumulating BTC on mtgox and surfing silkroadvb5piz3r...

>you will never be 22 in 2013 again, listening to Yung Lean while accumulating BTC on mtgox and surfing silkroadvb5piz3r.onion
Why even live? You zoomers will never understand how magical that time period was.

I made it but I feel dead inside.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You're 28? Fuck off, old man.

how was it like?

>tfw spent over 100btc on fucking weed and psychedelics 2014-2016

can I die yet?

I'm 29

Fuck off child

make the outside match

i was on /mu/ in 2013 when everybody was talking about yung lean and posting that exact picture

never paid any attention to him

im 22 now and just recently have started listening to him. actually really close in age to yung lean

when people actually start using smart contracts we'll get another wave of that. Plus fully immersive VR

zoomers get off this board please

get on bladee
start with icedancer

Last time I browsed /mu/ Merriweather Post Pavilion was all the rage and ITAOTS was a huge meme

Now its all nigger shit. I've been on this website way too long

>you will never be 16 in 2013 again, listening to bones while smoking tons of pot and fucking your hot girlfriend who cut herself

If you didn't have a drug problem you probably wouldn't even know about btc.

dont worry guys im defending bottom, we got lategame

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European lean is so trash.

Bones is also nostalgic as hell from that era

This song is another classic

holy fuck fundamentally based. you think you have it all late zoomer but there's more fuckening to cum

the newest heroes were timber and slark...

You spent over $30,000 on drugs?
Good grief

yes. i feel like this captured this era pretty good

So nostalgic. Did anyone here play heroes of newearth/HoN? It was basically dota 2 with only 40 heroes and a few of their own added in. Icefrog wanted to be lead dev and s2games denied him so he went with valve. Still makes me sad they got cocky when HoN was doing good just because dota 2 wasnt out yet (playing with no input lag in a moba was a new leap in gaming)

I'm 33 blow me

True that. When my drug addictions (moved to meth+heroin after psychs) caused me to go broke/lose a job I searched desperately online for quick cash grabs, ended up here in Jan 2018 and now have 8k link and am a manager/head chef at a restaurant. I still splurge on heroin once a year so not completely clean but otherwise swallowing the biz and red pills turned my life around.

Still, seeing 10+btc transactions on the old virwox account is depressing as fuck. Hindsight is a bitch, but a valued teacher.


atleast i can carry these bags

I'm a bit older than you but went through a similar phase in 08-09. Fuck everything about high school worst time in my entire life despite the frequent sex and drug use. You will not be nostalgic about that time at all in a few years

my friend in middle school played it a lot, I did a few times as well but it was right when the alpha came out for dota 2 and he happened to get keys and shared one with me
HoN had some great concepts for heroes, v sad we will never see them in dota, instead we get these wack ass league esq heroes because valve doesn't have a blueprint to follow anymore

I'm 22 now. It fucking sucks ass.

Glad you turned your life around, user.

Mid-generation millennials are the most powerful race. 92 here btw

you will never be 13 again with literally not a care in the world after just finishing middle school and spending your nights playing black ops 2 or having a good time with your runescape friends while waiting to start your journey into your future with a complete and absolute blank slate with endless opportunity in front of you

>tfw 20 year old boomer who smoked mad loud and bumped yung lean alone in my bathtub when I was in highschool
I also had the privilege of listening to Kyoto while getting fucked up in Kyoto during a class trip, shit was tight

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dont say this again

I was a 14 yo freshman in high school buying ounces of wax off the silkroad.
Good ol times, good ol times..

for some reason in my mind when I read this I referred to myself as 14 in high school in 2013... but I was 20 and my 2nd year into the military




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You are definitely still a dumbass zoomer

That hero turned me into a scalie. I want fuck Slark so fucking bad

>tfw 23 and remember this
>you now remember ClarkMoody
>you now remember Bitcoinity
>you now remember Mark "The Samurai" Karpeles
shame I was in high school and laughed and called bitcoin monopoly money when my buddy told me about it at pennies

Fuck off, l was 12 and l browsed darknet and accumulated bitcoin.
rn l'm rich af and living in a 3rd world shithole, so everything is cheaper.

2013 was gay. None of the people I met nor the connections I made in 2013 ever ended up amounting to anything.

Periods I enjoyed:
> High school years 2005, 2007-2008
> 2009 - 2012 first experiences with parties.
> 2015 - Just a great year
> Now. - Finally have money, time and investments.

That's right niggas, I'm living in one of those "you'll never get to go back years." Y'all got to stop living in the past.

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>tfw i’m a 23 year zoomer

Feels good to have my youth

2016 was the greatest year of my life

Jjajajaa fuck man this a MOOD. I used to be a major scene kid, so every GF from 15-18 looked like she had been shagged by Freddy kruegar.

I still remember everytime I'd whip down their pants and think "ahh FFS not again" after seeing all their cuttings marks.

It was the golden age but man I met some severely unstable people

wouldn't have it any other way

2014-2018 were my greatest years thus far in my adult life. Fuck 2013 and high school in general tho

There's nothing like scene/emo girls, I found these posts highly relatable


I started saying jajaja instead of hahaha weeks ago and I can't stop, the letter J is taking over my life and I'm scared.

Yeah kinda miss the scene / emo aesthetic, It was pretty Babein NGL

I was there. I was older than you, and I was on the other end of your transactions. I left my business partner in late 2013 to straighten up my act.

I have sold hundreds of btc for cash deposits on localbitcoin.

I used to play satoshidice unironically, for fun with what would be hundreds of thousands of dallars worth of Bitcoin today.

I directly messaged with DPR several times

I now have a normal job a wife and kids, and Mr fed, this is all a larp.

Pic related.

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haha oldfag, 18yo real zoomer here.

>when you reflect on how fucked up and retarded HS was and realize you did it perfectly

I regret absolutely nothing

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That's not what an oldfag is. Honestly you shouldn't even be posting you fucking poser faggot nigger.

the real redpill is that as good as yung lean is, bladee is 10 times better

shawty whatchu smokin onnnn

How dare you make me read that with my own two eyes

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shut the fuck up boomer, im 18 dude l can post here whenever l want. l bet l can beat your old ass in fight.

checked and based. to be a 16 year old delinquent again

I was 19 and had first fomod into BTC when it broke 1k feels like just yesterday kek

i would give anything to go back to 2013

remember TF2 and getting rich with hat trading

good times

It was good and sad

it was a wonderful time but overall I'm happier as an adult, wayyy to many hormones when I was 16, my anxieity levels were beyond retarded .

>I used to play satoshidice unironically, for fun with what would be hundreds of thousands of dallars worth of Bitcoin today.

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>tfw i was 27 and wageslaving in 2013
>tfw smartphones didn't exist until i was an adult
>tfw WoW didn't exist until i graduated high school and ive still never played it
>tfw didn't learn computer shit in school and only learned typing and word processing
>tfw too poor to own a computer until an adult
>tfw was too poor to own a xbox, xbox 360, ps2, or ps3
>tfw last game console was original playstation

You zoomers and young millennials really have no idea how good you have it. I can't even fathom the idea of having a computer in my pocket while in school. Google at my fingertips, test answers at my fingertips, porn at my fingertips. Playboys were pretty hard to come by. You had to be friends with that kid that had some under his fathers bed, or that kid whose father had a box of old ones in the garage, or that one kid with the cool dad.

>tfw born just 7 years too soon

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I was 14 at that time. Too young to care about cryptos. I found Yung Lean and Bladee at that time tho, which I'm glad about.

hey same but it was 2012-2015. Ah, to be 15 in 2012 and know about Bitcoin again. I must have been the only one in my entire town who did, certainly the only one in my whole highschool.

Too bad I blew it all on weed and psychedelics as well. Why was I such a dumb little nigger

i'm the opposite, i peaked my sophomore year of college and it's all been downhill from there. glad you've found happiness brother
nice trips

tfw bought 6 BTC at $11/coin in 2012 to buy LSD on the Silk Road but the seller disappeared so the funds sat in my wallet until 2013 when I sold them to buy weed for $100/coin and thought I was a financial wizard

You'll never be able to experience the amazing punk scene / post-punk of the 80's / 90's. Not having a phone or cameras everywhere. Feel bad for you youngins.

Buy PNK for the new decentralized law so you can take your feelings to court later.

>manager/head chef at a restaurant

Wendy’s? Congrats on the six figures. How big is your dick?

I miss rtz stream bros

92 represent. Old enough to be both socially well adjusted and tech savvy, young enough to still fuck cute zoomer girls who call you daddy.

Not sure if 1996 babies are boomers or zoomers

Feels conflicted man

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Those middle school days were my favorite. That was before I did a series of autistic shit in highschool. Those summers were the best, we fucked around in the neighborhood, city had this big ass yearly festival where I got my first kiss, and gf, sleepovers all the time.

Also miss that runescape era when the first transformers came out. So nostalgic for many other things too

2000 is the cut off my dude

and the worst of all
>tfw on probation with curfew for ALL of high school from age 14

No cell phone, no computer, no friends, smartphones didn't exist, couldn't afford one anyways

I went to the same grade 1-12 school for bad kids during middle school and high school where over 90% of the students were african american when I started. And 97% of students were male. Several crack dealers. Students parked stolen cars in the apartment complex across from the school as their ride after school. DEA arrested one of my 16 year old afircan american classmates and I never saw him again, he was big time though. He also raped one of the only 2 girls I ever had class with, the 3 of us were in the same class. After someone got shot because of a lunch room fight we were never allowed to eat in the lunch room again (we had assigned tables in lunch room before that) then we got metal detectors and we already had random drug dog sweeps. I remember the dog coming through and niggas running out of class and jumping the fence that surrounded the school.
Middle school and high school was truly awful in my shoes. I do not miss it.

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I played predator on easy mode, fite me

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jesus that sounds like shit, where you from?

Nah, a sushi/Japanese cuisine restaurant. I'm not gonna pretend I've made it or anything like that, it was a new restaurant in a small country town and I was (luckily) the first to get a job there - that, plus the owner (Chinese accountant) is largely incompetent despite being a top bloke so he relies on me for everything from menus and rosters to calculating pays and ordering all the stock. I'm fully expecting him to exitscam any day now but having been in this position for the past 3 years will look good on a resume (quit my chef's apprenticeship at 3rd year so not technically qualified), and working 60+ hrs a week @ $25/hr (AUD) means I can put about $500 into crypto a week. Also, 6'4" average as fuck dick. 6'6" on enough viagra tho.

That'd be the best surprise. I remember mining on my old gaming rig and thinking "fuck this, half a btc every 3 months, what's the point". Ugh.

Yep, it was sorta amazing to be "that guy" in town that could get anything anyone could've asked for. Now every nigger and their dog is on it, and they unironically all have "da most fire shieett brah".
Wish instead of dealing drugs I spent 10 minutes researching bitcoin and realising it's potential though.

Honestly I'm not sure if growing up without the internet would be a blessing or boring and miserable as shit. I was born in 91 like OP but I've had high speed internet as early as I can remember (which must be 98 or 99)

based. loved using sketch ass moneygrams to get btc too

Can you explain the fully immersive VR comment?

A guess would be not needing to take off the goggles to make purchases in game?

2013 was fucking horrible

I fomo'd BTC three days before Gox went offline. Took like three years to break even.

whole thread is death by LARP

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Fucking kek same here
and now all the newfags are like
>how can anyone who got in 2013 not be a multimillionaire, it was so easy btc was like $100
held fucking bags for 3 years and got traumatized even worse by shitcoins like litecoin, peercoin and namecoin

Top kek, i remember this shit. The ticker was PPC aka PeePeecoins. Jow Forums called them urinecoins.

I briefly remember namecoin, didn't they basically want to replace all of DNS with a shitcoin?

even at fucking ethcon 2017 they were still talking about using eth as a replacement for DNS

This one hits a little too close to home. At least I've had a woman in my bed before though.

Southern US
The grade 1-12 school and students were so bad that I magaed to get awarded this plaque my graduating year, out of all the students in 12 fucking grades.

I was on probation from age 14 to 20 was chosen for this plaque.
Life didn't get better for a looong time. I've also spent years in jail and prison. Spent months in solitary in the hole.
I haven't been in trouble since release from prison many years ago.

I didn't mention getting the shit beat out of me daily by my father, headbutting me as a child, slamming my head into the tile, missing elementary school because of bruises all over my face and him pulling pistols on me and threatening to murder me of I ever told anyone.
I also left out a looooot of other stuff like being held up at gunpoint several times, times I was shot at, interactions with law endorcement.

Many anons say life only gets worse as you get older but I've had the complete opposite experience. My life is great now.
I haven't spoken to my abusive father since I told him to put a bullet in his brain tumor about 15 years ago.
Life was TOUGH from ages 5 to mid 20s. Life didn't get good until my 30s. My life is great now.
Life can get better. You can only go up from rock bottom.

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what kind of autistic stuff did you do? I did tons of autistic stuff in middle school and highschool, didnt really snap out of it until my mid 20s

Im shitposting in bed from my phone right now lol

Woah man.. That url hit me like a truck with nostalgia... What indeed magical time they were.. Makes me not so mad at having close to 100 btc at one point.

Good Lord, user. I'm relieved you've had such a turnaround. It may sound selfish, but this just makes me wonder when I'll really hit rock bottom, considering my relatively cushy and fortunate upbringing. How did you endure it all?

I member

Don't let the pic fool you though, the first few purchases were moneygram ones. Was definitely weird going to CVS and standing in line with the mexicanos to purchase the fake internet money. Ah....those were the days, to be sure.

Honestly, I feel like the crypto space as a whole has regressed over time in almost every way.
What the fuck happened?

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good for you, inspiring story user. keep fighting the good fight.
>i haven't been in trouble since release from prison many years ago
what about prison helped you turn around? it's not exactly a rehab centre and most people come out to immediately commit crimes because theyre not reintegrated into society. what was the turnaround for you?

>tfw I was too young to have any money for BTC when it was stupid cheap
The internet used to be so amazing.

Couple things fucked the BTC community. First was that the people who got in early actually knew how it works, these people made a lot of money and either cashed out and forgot about it or they discuss it in very selective places with other whales with above room temperature IQs. Number two was the fascist mods that run all the discussion sites. Theymos (a scammer) and his crew pretty much fucked everything. They are in bed with the Core team and the Bitmain team and more recently the Lightning people. All the shit they do is mainly to suppress technical discussions to keep fees high so they can get kickbacks from Bitmain and the miners. Three is just an influx of new people who don't know what crypto even is. These people only use exchange wallets, don't understand proof of work, don't understand double spending, they are sheep to the slaughter. The result is just a bunch of memed out places with technical analysis, lambo paint selection, and biblical worship of people working against them.

I didn't larp once. I posted proof of everything I said in this thread.

And I'm physically disabled for life because I got ran over many years ago, not too long after release from prison.
I spent 6 months in a hospital bed. Months in a wheelchair. Months on euro arm brace crutches.
I can never run, jump, squat, carry anything heavy. I can walk well but I'm in daily pain.
I've had 4 traumatic brain injuries that really fucked up my memory. And I'm sure all that head slamming into tile as a child didn't help.
Not to mention all of my mental disabilities.
Lmao this is still the best time of my life and I only see it getting better.

I could go dig up an old computer around here and get some gnarly photos of my legs in a hospital bed but I highly doubt anyone cares to see that.
These xrays and arm brace crutches should be plenty proof.

Yeah I'm sure there are some other Americans that have had a worse life than mine but I find it funny when so many anons bitch and moan about their lives like they've actually been through some serious hardships when I compare what they complain about to my actual life.

There is soooo much more I could talk about but I've already overshared, partly due to the prescription meds they have me on have got me rambling.
Just remember anons, your past could have been way worse, and your life can always get better!

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