Should I got all in on ONE?

Should I got all in on ONE?

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You shouldn't go all in on anything you fucking queer

yes you should we dumped our stinky linkys for ONE

Yes, but you should wait for the bottom. If you fomo in now you will be burned.

Sold my last stack at the peak from earlier today. So still on top at this point, what are you expecting the low to get to? Figured I would ride it out a bit and not act on instinct

The bottom happened at 99 sats you retard, rocket taking off

last chance to get in

Wait, you are not all in yet?
Ill keep price low for you, so hop on while it lasts

What’s the goal? Why would buying in now be fomo if we’re reaching for over 1000 sats?

Where should I buy it and when should I sell it? I'm just starting after deciding that I finaly want a 5 digit number for the first time on my account...

Binance use vpn if you're in america

I use but verification took 2-3 days so knock that out asap

it's looking more and more like it can break through the sell walls and binance chink bots, so I'd say yes

Attached: richpepe.jpg (249x249, 8K)

If you KYC like a cuck you can use Binance as an American.

literally a fake block explorer

lmao @ harmony cucks. just admit you dun goofed

Whichever way let's you get ONE is fine with me

Nobody wants this crap, desu.

Attached: im.jpg (557x701, 64K)

user are you retarded? that isnt even 3 btc volume nice fud

Yes, better to go all in before Coinbase listing

Imagine going all in on this instead of Trust Verse

>Trust Verse
this name screams pajeetery

There is a fucking pajeet group spamming this fucking coin.

except its not a shitcoin you fucking double digit iq pajeet

This go beyond your iq