How the fuck do you people have so much money to throw around on stocks...

How the fuck do you people have so much money to throw around on stocks? I'm 25 and my bank account has never even touched five digits. I'm not mad at you for doing what you do; I'm just tired and jealous I guess. I don't even know why I'm posting. Props to you for making it so far. Honestly.

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Other urls found in this thread:

A lot of people here made it on previous moon missions or have degree jobs.
Improvise adapt overcome.
Set goals, make plans and get to it.

Just turned 23
Portfolio hit 100k for the first time last month.

Best way to make money is to save money. And always reinvest user.

Just get a hold of like $1000, and keep making gains off it.

I took out a loan with my credit union and put it all on black. Let's see if it pays off.

thisi started with 1k, went to Jow Forums, now have ~60k

Legit happy for you, dude. Any tips for someone who thinks he's hot shit?

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> Lived at home with my parents for year and a half.
> Worked, but saved most of my money. Worked ridiculous overtime sometimes (72 hour week once).
> Managed to save up about 20k.
> In between jobs, moved into a room rental, investing in crypto and enjoying the summer with friends while still having 5 figures in bank.

The universe is based on balance. Suffer for awhile, enjoy life for awhile. The harder you suffer for a longer period of time, the more you get out of it. I hated my parents.

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Same way that everyone does:
1) Take out a bunch of loans to get a STEM degree and spend 5-10 years paying it back.
2) Save and scrape and live off Ramen for 5-10 years, and use the savings to get a degree or start a business

Basically, if you weren't born with the silver spoon, you have to have the discipline of a monk for a few years and avoid the monetary black hole that is women, so you can set yourself up to succeed.

You just need to make one moon mission user. Then you reinvest into subsequent moon missions.
Make it once and you can make it forever.

Luck comes to those who genuinely believe they have it

How? What gains can you possibly make with 1K? I invested $500 (a lot of money for me) in a company that I thought was a borderline sure thing. But I got fucked. The big jump never came. It seems like you get one shot if you're at my """wealth""" level.

I have never lost a single game of Mario Party.

I just wanna know how to make that first moon mission, user. Just fucking once.

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yes, don't
prepare to be humbled

Pick something that has good fundamentals, that will be soon or are in use, that people here are in a shit/shill war over. Right now I can think of both VIDT and Lition as good options.

What did you study in college? Beer? Ass? You gay loser.

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This. By starting low it also means there's a lot more room for if you fuck up and need to learn a lesson

you can make whatever with whatever, just stay away from shitcoins and learn to leverage and be patient

Fuck if you walk into a casino with the money and genuinely think "I win at games of chance, I never lost a single game of mario party" and dump it on black you may actually double your money.

Luck is about harnessing memetic energy dude, but you can't pretend you have to be dumb enough to will it genuinely.

luck. The most reliable way to make money.

>the monetary black hole that is women
literally spending my entire paycheck after rent and shit on my gf. worth it i guess i just wish she got a job or sold her panties or some shit

Chainlink. How have you not realized this? Do you think we a re just pretending to give a shit? Do you think we waste our time looking for breadcrumbs like qanon fags because we're rich and bored? Why do you think we have the most and best quality memes?

23 here too and portfolio hit 80k a few years ago
very /comfy/ indeed

When I was your age, I was busy flipping burgers. I mean this in a literal sense. I was a cook. I quit my job out of frustration and desperation and was jobless for 6 months. Luckily, someone knew I was looking for a job and referred me to it. So I have a cushy 40K salary job.

And mind you, I live with my parents and spend all my time shitposting with the rest of the failures on here. I even deliberately gave up a chance to date a girl with one helluva booty which led me to find this place just last fall and invest in /our/ coin. I'm 27 now.

My advice to you is to stop paying attention to what others have. You'll go insane. I feel like a failure compared to the rest of my friends and my adventure here is my saving grace. If I compare myself to other guys here, there are 18 year olds who are curious enough to want to learn to invest on this board and that is INCREDIBLE while at the same time makes me wonder what I'm doing with my life. But it's okay, we're all gonna make it.

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I already did, and I expected to be humbled going in.

I'm probably the dumbest guy I know. And I hate to get all esoteric, 'cause I attribute any success I've had up until now to God.

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Look into orion protocol my guy, join us in making money

Good careers/jobs, inheritance or crypto. I was “lucky” and started making 100k+/year in my early 20s. Invested 75% of my income.

The fool is unironically protected by some sort of divine force.

Not immune to danger mind you, but will walk away from a car accident that should kill them all because not wearing the seatbelt flew them into the back of the car when the impact and damage was the drivers side.

I'd advise you to be careful, but then you wouldn't be the fool if you listened XD

And entrepreneurship. If your goal is to make it you should probably go to college (not for a meme degree though) or do a good trade if you don’t have any other great ideas (unique talent that you can profit from or business idea).

Thank you for the kind words. I hope we cross paths someday so we can share each others' fortune.

I'm also 25, just started investing a few months ago and went all in on link. Still live at home, live frugally, I have saved most of my paychecks over the last year and put it all in link. Managed to get my 10K stack just before I got priced out. I'll still be accumulating though until $10 and I'll only sell off 1K at $100 to live like a NEET until we hit over $300 or so

But that's just my plans. Also consider that if you KNOW there's a good investment you can always take out a loan and pay it off later. I admit if I wasn't living at home I'd be lucky to have 2-3K linkies right now. But that's why I'm still living at home and wagecucking, I don't even have a very good job at that.

>Also consider that if you KNOW there's a good investment
But how can you KNOW? I thought I knew at one point and I was wrong

nobody has a crystal ball user, at what point do you say "well literally every single factor points to this being worth assloads more than it currently is in the future for X reasons" and buy some?

Truth is, nobody knows for sure. Every person you see claiming that _____ is going to _____ is lying to you. If it makes you feel any better I had a dream where Chainlink will at one point be worth over $370 and the bottom from here will be $1.90. That's what I'm making my decisions based off of, fuck this boomer shit I'm balls to the wall. I either make it because of something I believe in and has the highest probability for success or I lose my $12k initial investment, no big deal in the long run.

"Yesterday's history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present."
-the turtle from kung fu panda

I work in I.T. for 75k a year without any formal qualifications. Just gotta find an industry you like, start at the bottom and work up man, honestly within a year of hard work you can get promoted pretty much anywhere.

Also save yo cash, I buy cheap booze, barely eat out and don't buy drinks while clubbig. You gotta learn to be cash savvy, always saving / investing for the future

Maybe on one of the Jow Forums yacht parties in the next few years. Just buy a thousand Chainlink and I'm sure you'll get an invitation after the Oracle determines you hodled until you made it.

I currently work fixing shit and could vaugly be considered IT work, I do re-imaging for onboard PCs inside printers, duplicate hard drives, that sort of thing. I want to get into IT too but I also feel like I'm too late to go back to school, how did you get into your position user? I work with a guy in a similar situation that said he essentially just did call center work in IT and eventually moved up to his current position. Do you think I could do something similar? I'm not very experienced with moving up career wise. Other than CompTIA what are good certs to have?

> I had a dream where Chainlink will at one point be worth over 370 and the bottom from here will be 1.90. I's what I'm making my decisions based off of

Jow Forums the true definition of "Voodoo Economics'

Do one of those online IT support courses that google offers w/ certificate and start from there

Didn't even know google had those thanks user

better than most price predictions I see being tossed around, and it's also more fun

You missed your chance at Chainlink with your income level. You'd have to find another promising penny shitcoin and go all in. At least $500 - $1000 investment.

Research shitcoins and find the most promising one with good tech or realistic goals.

Maybe... I don't think I'm enough of a fool to buy 1k link

>the most promising ONE

I wonder how many people have said this only to fomo into the next pump. If there's one thing I've learned from crypto it's that you never make money buying things everyone wants when they want it. When everyone around you is screaming that it's gonna go even lower that's when you buy, assuming it's a solid project and not a PND scam

Hey I ain't judging. I've down 2 Tarot card readings, one when I started and one a couple days ago when I was finishing my suicide stacks. I got a knight card drawn for both of them. First was the Knight of Cups and the Later reading was the Knight of Pentacles. The Knight of Cups said I was about to embark on a bold adventure, one that would pay off but that I need to be careful and have a plan if I want to succeed. The Knight of Pentacles said I was on a quest for glory and that though things may get difficult, I should take heart because a divine source is protecting me and that I need to summon the inner strength to see it through to the end and I will find the glory I seek.

It beats charts and fudding, I'll take an odd, supernatural tarot inspired adventure to riches. Why not?

Honestly I had the same sorta deal, I worked for iiNet for a year as a customer service rep / over the phone tech support. they taught me very basic networking.

After a while with them I applied to an MSP (managed service provider) for a Level 1 role (which is pretty much just basic windows, email , MAC and phone troubleshooting)

Almost every I.T company wants one thing when it comes to new employees and that's GOOD customer service. if you can talk over the phone and be nice to customers that's 90% of you completing the job interview. You'll start on Level 1 stuff but after 6 months, once they teach you Active director, group policy, exchange online etc etc, you can move up to level 2 and go from there.

Also in I.T. interviews, make it sound like it's a personal interest for you, make up some stories about how you do stuff like that in your free time and have always been the family I.T. guy etc...

Overall I.T. is very easy to get into, you just need to be able to present good people skills. 90% of people fail to get into the job market as they can't to talk customers or are socially retarded.

I.T. work is the future me boyo, there is so much room for expansion and different skill sets, it aint even funny

BitGreen Airdrops in their Discord! only 21Million max supply
Stakebase listed them as their pair (BITG)

I'll find the time to buy LINK. I was at ground zero when you guys were memeing Jow Forums in 2017 and I've been following you since. Don't regret a damn thing... At least not yet. We're gonna make it.

Which state or country are you in? How much do you make? Thinking of getting into IT as well.

Is your job pretty cushy and easy? Like can you shitpost and phonepost on the job and watch your crypto portfolio all day?

That's a pretty good response thank you user, I've done customer service before and am pretty comfortable talking to people so no problems there and most of my coworkers like me so I must be doing something right.

Glad to hear there's more opportunity for future growth, that's my main concern. Is there anything I should know for getting my foot in the door for an interview? The biggest problem for me is getting a response in the first place, I haven't had a job interview without an offer yet but there's still plenty of time for that assuming we aren't all filthy rich before then. In any case thank you for the info

Hey that's pretty interesting actually. we're gonna make it. I've never done any drugs outside of coffee, alcohol, and crypto but one of these days i'd like to try shrooms and see what I get for my link predictions

I'm a nulinker too my man. I was around back then too but I was broke and had a major black mark on my sanity/life/wallet during that time though so I only came to Jow Forums once a month or so and was too depressed to consider investing.

Climbing my way out of that shithole though, one step at a time. People laugh at me for buying at $1.20 but hey, in the end all that matters is how much LINK you own.

> 32 year old Dutchbro
> Invested in real estate six years ago
> Got a collective mortgage for 362k
> Bought two appartments to rent out
> Sold both a couple of months ago
> Massive profit
> No taxes because Dutch housing market is like that
> Half of profits in crypto
> Other half in savings account
> Live with qt GF until our dream home is built
> She still has to sell her appartment
> Will have super low mortgage on 500k home because of our collective profit
> Our collective salary is 120k+ a year

Sounds like a dream, Dutchbro. I'm just starting to build a life with my gf, she trusts me on crypto and she just started moving her money into more traditional investments. Blessed to have her in my life.

Equal EQL

user these niggers don't even know

Half of Jow Forums is full of this kind of shit. If they're not some tweaker, they're a person looking for hidden messages in twitter posts, or looking for double numbers or triple numbers, or various other quasi-spiritual ways to read the strands of fate in their favor.

It's this odd constant decryption of reality that keeps me coming back to Jow Forums whether I agree with the predictions, conspiracies and happenings or not.

> The universe is based on balance. Suffer for awhile, enjoy life for awhile. The harder you suffer for a longer period of time, the more you get out of it.

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You take a gamble and life is like that. If you never risk anything you guarantee the default: a low end life and insignificance.

Most people fail to reach their highest aspirations but you still need to try.

Get a job and stop being retarded. I got a job at a tractor supply warehouse, pays 16/hour 3rd shifts plenty of overtime, benefits after 6 months, and a matching 401k. Find a place to live that isnt stupid expensive(its not hard, especially if you find another autist to live with,) dont spend money on dumb bullshit like anew car or eating out for every meal. Yes, you can live a happy and fulfilling life working 50 hours a week and not spending insane amounts of money everyday, find like minded people who's company you enjoy and a hobby or two you can pour yourself into, and keep reading, stay fit. My monthly expenses come out to around $1500/month. I'm able to invest roughly 22k a year(including employer matched 401k). After 7 years, I've turned that into about 196k, roughly 6 percent annual growth plus my annual additions. At this rate, I'll be able to retire at 40 with a monthly dividend of about 4k until I die. Its doable, but you have to stop being a lazy nigger.

I am in AUS, I'd say it's pretty easy, posting on biz as I'm in the office but the intensity varies, it's a good balance of busy and chill, depends on where you work too.

Mainly just do some self study, put that on your resume and learn about some more basic I.T. fundamentals, to mention a few, DNS, Active directory, how to troubleshoot emails and the microsoft suite.

Ahhh not particularly, just be confident, honestly most people interviewing you aren't gonna be super chads, they're just regular dudes who want someone confident and easy going, just be that. Also as a big + show that you are always ready to learn, don;t try and fudge an answer just say "Honestly I don't know but I'm positive I could learn ti veryu easily

had a dream LINK hit $600 and i got priced out of any significant gains. only have short of 2k LINK. My current make it/break it gamble is VIDT/IHF.

I'm so certain of my investments in this space that I've basically got everything I have riding on them. It's a weird zen feeling when you're able to hold your bags with iron hands and never feel the dips. Crypto has rekt my risk aversion and emotions.

based denying the hidden patterns of reality poster

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I make around $100k annually.
Live in my mom's house, freeload off of her electricity, internet, and eat the food she cooks from her groceries.

I save like 95% of my salary, and have been using it to buy Bitcoin since it was at three digit prices.

I can literally retire right now, maybe I will after the next bull run.

How much do you make user? And how much are your monthly expenses?

Live your dream my dude. I wish you and your girlfriend all the best in life.

Stop spending on fast food, expensive label clothes, alcohol, games etc.
Its amazing how much disposable income you actually dispose of.





Believe in the numbers 3,6,9 link is a 6 sided cube, Sergey has a record of 9 Big Macs at one, and I have a 3rd nipple

This nigga gets it.
Im 27. Make a solid 50k but in the eurozone
Thing is, even friends who make less than me give me shit for being in a creative job
so fuck all of them, go lift, work hard, get a good hobby that makes money and start flipping shit.
I believe the first step is to actually coming here and starting to learn, which brings you growth
and for the rest, im pretty much hoping for apocalypse or some energy problem wiping out the upcoming generation of fuckhead zoomers and the old time boomers to weak to work a manual job. that would be nice

>boomer slogans
Don't listen to this retard user, just find a way to make money. It has more to do with intuition.

Holy fuck Im trading according to my dreams as well. Wtf is wrong with us

Me? I try to save money on socks. 12-24 pack of Hanes at your local target won’t set you back more ‘n 14.99 I reckon