>32% of people have less than £500 in savings
>41% have less than £1,000
>more than half of 22 to 29 year-olds say they have no savings at all
why are normies so laughably bad at managing money?
>32% of people have less than £500 in savings
>41% have less than £1,000
>more than half of 22 to 29 year-olds say they have no savings at all
why are normies so laughably bad at managing money?
I spent most of my savings on link.
because society thrives on people being stupid with money which is why they dont teach financial intellligence in school. its obvious. "go to college, mortgage a house, pay your credit card debt and put away minuscule money into a 401k til you die "
>why are normies so laughably bad at managing money?
simply because nobody teaches them to
>41% of people have less in savings than I save in one month from my average salary starter job
Literally how
im 19 and have 14k in savings and lots more in link
all earned online
I spent all of my savings on link too.
That avocado toast article caused an uproar a couple of years ago, but there's more than a grain of truth to it. Don't get me wrong, we have it much worse than boomers opportunity-wise, but boomers aren't the reason you don't even have two fucking grand in the bank.
Because nobody wants them to. The UK economy desperately depends on people spending their money and getting into debt.
You'd think it would be common sense though.
>make x amount each month
>have y costs each month
>x - y = z amount left over each month for saving/investing/spending
>FSR art in my Jow Forums
You guys are ok sometimes
But user, I want to do what's fun and popular! I want to go to overpriced clubs and buy seasonal tickets to football and go to Ibiza twice a year to "find myself". I can't afford to do all that, live in London, and save on my £21,000 a year project manager job, lol. I'll save later.
>mfw 19yo and have 20k LINK
dabbing on those plebs
They have a life, unlike you.
A comfy date with Stacy costs money.
Because they're redpilled and know that an increasingly brown nation will bring brown politics with punitive tax rates and runs on white money. No point building retirement money you will literally never see or houses that will be so rocked with stamp duties and rent controls.
What did you do mate?
Saving is a wrongdeed deserving of punishment. See Krugman for details
>>make x amount each month
>>have y costs each month
>>x - y = z amount left over each month for saving/investing/spending
the reasoning normies do is the bigger is the x the bigger is the y, so there is nothing to save at the end.
again, i don't blame them, that's what the society teaches us
I've never understood this. Even if I worked at McDonalds I'm 100% certain I'd have many thousands of dollars saved and a plan to get the fuck out of there.
It's crazy to me that probably half my friends or more have a net worth of 0 dollars or worse. What the fuck.
Same. When we talk about money and I mention that a decent net worth, long-term growth and generational wealth is important, I always get the same "but what's the point in money if i can't spend it?" and "5% a year is next to nothing"
It's kinda sad