Do women actually care about a guy's net worth or is this just a meme?

Do women actually care about a guy's net worth or is this just a meme?

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Not directly. If you got the shekels you can afford to develop yourself, see decent places and in general have more leverage in life. That really helps put you in a good position in life, and will show through your behavior. I can spot a person stressing about money/career choices from a mile away now, and women can do that even better. Money isn't as important as r9k migrants make it out to be, but it is important. Who wants more stress in their life?

This, money itself doesn't mean anything, but also ask yourself who bangs the most roasties? Bar tenders, 'DJ's' Security guards, why? they are in the right place, right time and in a position of power. Even uber drivers clean up as the chick heads home after a night of being hit on by beta's shes horny as fuck.

so literally everyone except me

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Yeah, they bang the most 4/10s I agree but miss me with that shit


Successful guys are usually smarter or more competent even before they make it. It's not the net worth as much as the traits they possess that are attractive.

should you buy gold watch/chain and $300 clothes and a sportscar to attract roasties, or does stacking sats get them wet?

A beta with money is still extremely likely to get cucked by a gold digging succubus. Financial independence means more time and resources to focus on things that make someone attractive though- good diet, good exercise, reading, hobbies, grooming etc. Also money can buy plastic surgery

Most women don’t know what a net worth is
Go outside

>he fell for the women meme

Nahh man, just don’t be a fag

This guy gets it. You don’t even need money you just need to be fun and interesting. Money can buy fun times and interesting experiences but if you’re smart you can recreate that shit from your personality alone, for free. Women will always find the latter more alluring.

>just bee

not really

a guy who takes a loan to get a sports car could have more success than a millionaire with no car. it's the reckless spending that gets them going

If you want to have kids and raise them, yes.

Women don't understand money, they want experiences and things. A woman will say she doesn't care about money but she still doesn't want to HAVE to work and she wants to travel constantly and go to festivals and not worry about anything. The lifestyle they want takes more money than most people have, but they don't think of that as "looking for a guy with money".

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No. And the ones that do, are the ones you don't want. Ultimately they are a headache.

Either A. Make more money than her
B. Make less money but do something you can be proud/she can be proud of.
That's all that matters as far as your occupation goes.
You are supposed to be a leader she can admire, after all.

Next to every hot chick is a guy who's tired of her shit, so chose what you attract carefully. The guys who flaunt their wealth or live with heinous debt to appear wealthy tend to attract some pretty shallow, high maintenance world class headaches.

Gamers have It all figured out and have the best takes on women.

Essentially women literally don't know anything any they're a liability one should avoid.

And yes, they are much more interested in you as a person than your wallet. A guy with a great personality doing something with his life (even if it's not lucrative) will do great with women, batting above his average with regularity whereas a good looking dude that is a neet will have a hard time without being the explorer/artist type of guy who is passionate about it.

Women look for quality of character and depth to the person. The finances don't matter so much, just about every mediocre looking chick has had gotta chase after her and shower them with gifts trying to buy their attention

It's a great deal, honestly. Because guys can improve all those areas whereas women are mostly graded on appearance. Which can be improved but is much harder and has hard limits. Makeup is a fraud.

But it requires quite a bit of money. Basically, women will tell you shit like "I don't care about money, I just want experiences" or "I just want to be in a clean car that doesn't shake and AC works and I am not embarrassed when we meet my friends."

So in short, they want a "minimum," but that minimum is generally about triple the average salary to really afford it and not be stressed out as fuck. And even then, you are throwing a lot of money away on appearances.

This. Also based Bezmenov.

Yeah, alluring in the context of leg spreading doesn't relate well with a long term relationship. Unless you can be fun and free, but also maintain strict control on the direction of your life without second thoughts or wanting to start over at some point. I find this impossible and all my relationships failed because I start focusing too much on the serious aspects. Ironically, this then spirals into a situation where I lose focus on the serious aspects too, before I start over somewhere else.
>I can spot a person stressing about money/career choices from a mile away now, and women can do that even better.
Linking everything to text quoted is reductive, but it's definitely one of the biggest reasons my relationships all fell apart with time. I'm chasing stability at my own terms, which is like asking for the sky when you can't at least play the social game like the majority, I am well aware of it.

They care about STATUS. Money, height, looks, strength etc are all proxies for status.

A guy with disposable income around neets will do better than a millionaire around billionaires.

A timid millionaire won't do well in a club if some neet 6'3 blonde chad surrounded by friends humiliates him.

Money helps but ultimately you use all these things to improve your relational standing against other men.

No actually net worth has an inverse correlation with success with women.

Man wtf is it with biz. You fags get it as compared to a lot of the other boards. Maybe because this obv shit isn't discussed ad nauseum, but still.

>B. Make less money but do something you can be proud/she can be proud of.
>That's all that matters as far as your occupation goes.
>You are supposed to be a leader she can admire, after all.
That is not how it normally goes down.
Normally, in this kind of loped-sided relationship, lad gets dominated so hard that it is downright pitiful.
Literally pussy-whipped and ended broken in the long run.
Avoid B if you don't want to be dead on the inside in a never-ending shitshow that will be the rest of your life unless you are a worthless neetfaggot who is good at mulching.

>Women look for quality of character and depth to the person.

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Hypergamy. Pic related.

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some really do because they inherently only care about themselves, they want you to spend your money on her
some really don't, I've see complete asshole living off their GF for years doing nothing all day but the bitch stayed

you just need to be lucky to find the right one like everything else in life

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Just a meme. Confidence, a good personality/sense of humor, and good dick more than makes up for it. Also, fucking take care of yourself. Get clean, exercise, etc. Take pride in yourself. I only have ~6k in crypto, 6k in savings, and a 2013 Camry, but it's paid off and I have my own place, put myself through college etc. Have had sex with 9 women (nothing crazy) and been monogamous the last year and a half, sex 3-5 times a week with a gorgeous woman I'm down at to spend my life with. Ignore the incels, work on yourself until you legitimately think you're the shit or no woman worth being with is going to want you for long.

>gorgeous woman I'm down at to spend my life with.
What could possibly go wrong

I find biz to be so polarised on this topic. I always read it and worry that it will say women do care about money, because I’m never gonna make it financially. But then I read the comments and it’s people worried that women DONT care about money.

Just don’t worry about women

>under 10 notch count lmao seriously
You’re in no position to give advice dumbass

I can't tell if this is an ironic copypasta or if it's an actual redditor

Unironically this Incels don’t realize their biggest problem with Women is themselves and just want a scapegoat for their shitty lack of drive to improve themselves. Are women emotional mental midgets/children that are out of control for the most part due to (((social engineering)))? Absolutely, but if you focus on yourself and becoming the best man you can possibly be confidence comes naturally and you start to view women as timid sheep misled in need of a strong Sheppard instead of Evil Roasties(though evil roasties certainly exist and guess what it’s those I ceo betas that prop them up by posting their pics all over the internet, orbiting them on instagoy and donating them money for nudes).

Only if you're a beta like most men. If you an an alpha or sigma your income or net worth don't matter

Yes. He has no business giving advice. But not because he didn't fuck enough (though 9 really is plenty), but because he fucked only trash. If you then wander off more towards the primitive "sexually liberated" end of the spectrum, you will say "woah, I have so much experience... dude." And of course you will confirm to yourself that the trash you fucked is trash. Hence why your trashy opinion is somehow more valid. Oooooor... you know... you are just trash yourself. Hence why you really do nothing but confirm your own plebeian existence and share it with the world.

Because odds are that his "gorgeous" girlfriend is another roastie, who will, as per statistics, divorce him? If so... okay.

>"Just re-educate or take a born-again virgin, dude."
Maybe I'm arrogant, but I would never take a woman that isn't critical enough to question these disgusting and primitive cancer ideals being promoted today. And if I would take them, surely I'd feed and sustain the system by enabling their past. Only for them to then fake some kind of epiphany. All the while having to deal with repulsive roast beef, STDs and emotional detachment. No, thanks. I think most men today don't REALLY need a woman anyway. They just need male bros they can actually hug sometimes. Contra the "muh hugging is gay" agenda. Whereas (sex) robots with appealing female personalities (waifus or whatever) may then satisfy your other wants. Would actual cutesey heart love with real women be emotionally desirable? Sure... but considering the behaviour propagated today, there's no helping it. You can't always have the MOST IDEAL scenario. Maybe in some utopian future. Who can tell.

Women don't give a fuck about net worth. They care about income, because that's what they can spend usually.

If you lost all your money tommorow, they want a guy who knows how to get it back, its the resourcefulness and mental strength that they need to see

Fuck women. Why should you give up half your life and value for someone who could never make it, much less fend for themselves

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only when they are 30+ and looking for a beta to take care of their two kids from a previous (unmarried) relationship

They care about status.
By the way no one but you should know your net worth.

fucking kek, so wrong but kek

Girls have literally got up and left if/when I mentioned, after they asked repeatedly, that I was in fact a "millionaire". Until that point, they are quite into me (I'm good looking etc)

It doesn't impress anyone, in fact it makes you a fucking werido/creep.

Having a lot of money is /creepy/

Being normie is all that matters. Be fucking average, have a normal life.

Net worth? No. It isn't a concept most women understand until they reach expert gold digger status.
That being said, how much of your income you treat as "disposable," how many sparklies you can buy her right now, what kind of car you drive or how much money you toss around at a shopping mall mean everything to women.
My experience is that nearly all women are massive gold diggers, most just aren't terribly efficient about it and they're actually more likely to go for the guy who's blowing through his trust fund than the guy who's got a good earning potential and a lot more money in the bank.

obviously. women like feeling secure and having resources means they are secure. that being said it's not everything they care about.

I used to live in a small town with a big private school and a state school. On average, the private school kids were noticeably taller, better looking etc, so yeah I'm certain rich guys get the best looking women and then make better looking kids.

I went to a pleb school and I'm not rich btw, so no snobbery intended, but I think there's a lot of cope in this thread.

fuck being a normie

Women care if you have enough money to live a comfortable life, not a NEET living at home with the parents. A middle class guy with a stable, good paying job is far more attractive to women than some sperg autistic NEET who happened to win the lottery

Sad but true. A stable wagecuck is an easier sell than a rich guy who retired early.

>Literally pussy-whipped
Literally, huh?
I do not think that word means what you think it means.

>Successful guys are usually smarter or more competent even before they make it. It's not the net worth as much as the traits they possess that are attractive.

They care about look, but they try to fake a relationthip with mr big shekels in the meantime seeing Chad

*they see

Most truthful you‘ll get OP:
> depends on the woman
> depends on the circumstances
> full spectrum between yes & no

They do seem to like houses. Just get a house in a nice (white) neighborhood.

>he doesn't know how to handle a successful woman with more money than him

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Your confusion is probably related to the idea that women "don't care about money." Women are nearly all identical on this one characteristic - they don't care about what it takes to MAKE money or KEEP it. They care a LOT about having it available at all times for them to spend.
Women like to make themselves sound better by claiming they don't care about money, but they damn sure won't tolerate being without enough of it if they have the looks to jump ship to a guy who will spend more on them - they just always blame the jump on anything else than money, because women absolutely hate LOOKING like gold diggers.

Are you retarded?
They--like you men--- care about look, literally look is the first and the most important fire for a relationship (sex or LTR). Incels may be retard about some things, but othey are absolut right about this thing

this is the most retarded comment I've read in my entire life.

When they want a child it's not irrelevant

This doesn’t make sense because no “better producer” would give a fuck about caring after the woman’s kids from the previous guy.
A lot of MGTOW guys don’t realize that women aren’t naturally this fucked up and worthless, it’s a modern trait caused primarily by birth control pills, media, social media, etc.

most women don't even know what "net worth" even means

Women care about stability and status.

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>that pic
Spoken like a true leddit beta

Women care about what they think will make their friends jealous.
A guy could secretly beat the shit out of a woman every day and she will stay with him forever if she thinks her friends want to fuck him.

Caring about women at all..

yes, but only if they first pass the attractiveness test. if you're rich and ugly you're still a failure.


Caring about women as fuckmeat at all*

A woman only cares about “physical fitness” in the Darwinian sense. What this means is that they care only that your are well adapted to your environment.

To be well adapted to your environment signifies you have very high “fitness”. Which means your genes are superior and you’ll give her superior children. The criteria to be considered “fit” in our environment is as follows. (To my understanding).

>1: ability to get what you want (high net worth signifies this, that you are able to manupilate your environment to get what you need to survive with complete ease)

>2: Personality. Charisma and assertiveness are the most important personality attributes. (Charisma allows the ablity to befriend and be liked by others. This signifies you are a master at getting what you want out of others. Assertiveness is the ability to never cuck to anything, it shows you’ll never be intimidated and always demand to get what you want. It signifies a great deal of self respect. That you ensure you always get what’s best for yourself, which usually translates to what’s best for your family. Having high scores in both attributes signifies you are a natural leader/alpha. Top fitness in the Darwinian sense and you’ll have women competing for you)

>3: Physical characteristics (Helps archive 1st and 2nd criteria and also is an indicator you’ll be long lived, and not have as much medical problems. Very important as even if you somehow 1 and 2 without being good looking your children might not be so lucky).

This is all that matters. Love is a meme, deep down in their animal brain women only care about producing the best offspring. It’s what every creature on Earth strives for. It is natural law. The only love a woman truly has is a love for her children, so as we men should. The mutual love in ensuring the evolution of our bloodlines is all that matters. It’s the eternal struggle of nature.

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based and naturepilled

I would say to be attractive you need to fit 2 of those criteria. A Chad usually fills the second and third one. Most men only fill one or none.


statistics don't apply to you if you don't let them, cuck.

Yes, women will tell you they don't care.

Women lie.

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Just lift nigga

I’m a great cook, I always invite them at my place to eat something good on the first appointment.
Women like food, you start talking about how tasty is that dish, they will not refuse your invite, just invite them for the next day, don’t wait too long otherwise they will forget that “tasty” image and replace it with “this guy is a maniac”
It works 100% for me