RSR : PayPal 2?

Do you anons thinks RSR will be true decentralized stable global currency?

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no it's being mismanaged bysome low iQ zoomers and basically became obsolete as soon as libra was announced



Out of all of the stablecoin models it has the most potential to scale. Development is ahead of schedule so we'll start to find out soon.

What user would actually want to support Libra vs Reserve?

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Normies who sign up for everything with Facebook instead of email just because it's more convenient.


No. Crypto is too complicated for widespread adoption. Will only be pumped and dumped by losers on this board

libra is going to kill this. i'm sorry but it's true. RSR is better i agree but the masses will just hop on libra. everybody knows it or will know it

What about their app they released in Venezuela? Do you think this + progress would streamline it enough?

Libra is centralized and it is like another US dollar issued by private company. Why would people trust Facebook as we know they manipulated our data.

This. But normies are fucking dumb and there are a lot of them.

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True but in long run Libra will fail. It has to be open sourced, trustless and fully decentralized stable currency will win the war. It could be RSR or some other currency. Bitcoin can’t be used to transfer of value as it is too expensive and too volatile. Stable currency are the future of true decentralized economy.

I whole-heartedly agree but how long will we have to get raped by ZUCC until even the normies realize this shun him?

Without a doubt 100% no, you think this will dethrone current stable coins or even remotely compete with Libra.
Look into the tokenomics of what you buy , if you do you might just buy more link .

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this has all the quality of the next mainstream currency option.

lol discord fudding their own coin

These people are fucking retarded

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I want RSR to succeed, but the reality is if Libra gets the green light all of FB 2billion users will have immediate access to a cryptocurrency. Libra sucks cock though and hopefully the whole shitty trustless image of FB will prevent Libra from succeeding. We need a decentralized crypto coin that's the entire fucking point. Not some 100 company conglomerate dictating my digital assets.

> counting on normies to pump your bags
You were the guy who bought btc at 19k

I'm not talking about fucking bags, I'm talking about financial freedom.

Well alright then
> wants to escape centralized banking by investing in a centralized stable coin
Libra is a big nothing, not to mention lizard jew himself is being brapped by the retarded laws in the U.S.
Libra may not even happen

I think people in general wildly overestimate Libras ability to succeed. It's wildly unpopular in the US. Most searched in chinkland (ofc).

Once reserve releases and the press gets wind it has a competition that's not only not evil but several steps ahead, it'll torpedo libra


In what way?

As an RSR bagholder, this is my general hope.
Since RSR is flying low, Libra is taking all the regulatory pressure and RSR can innovate.

so rsv will be ~1 but what happens to rsr? does it moon like mkr did?

it wont reach $500, but i can see it breaking $1 without much resistance.

Sergeant Major, reporting in

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>i can see it going 300x and breaking $100 billion MC without much resistance

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>not realizing how early we really are

would this mostly be because rsr started at lower decimal place? Does Huobi require kyc? I'm on their site via vpn as a us resident and id like to buy rsr

Honestly, I'm not well versed enough. From the prevailing theories I've heard we're initially going to be centralized (I.E. pegged to the USD) so the thought is initially the price of rsr=rsv=$1. Once we unpeg from the USD and peg to the basket of assets both on and off chain thus creating a more decentralized approach the price of RSR should theoretically rise. No idea if what i said is true, take that with a grain of salt.

so if it's valued at .003 then it surely will 300x to $1 unless it fails to take off?

Captain here. Creeping back up it seems.

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I can't answer that. Only time will tell.

Cryptocalibur has all the info you need on this project.

Lol no, rsr is not pegged to the dollar.
$1 worth of rsr can be used to purchase rsv at arbitrage discounr opportunities as demand for rsv grows

No, but I'll be able to sell it for 10-20 cents in a few months to people who do

does this concern anyone or is the healthy skepticism refreshing?

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That's literally the case with every project. They're just being honest.

when do you think it will reach that point?

The fact that the team is made up of people with a drive to overcome a bold challenge is a good thing.

I didn't elaborate well. RSV is pegged to USD initially. The thought is that with initial peg the RSR team is getting RSV to equal $1. I think due to the arbitraging of RSR and RSV you're going to have a case where the price of RSR asymptotically reaches $1 aswell. This is pure speculation. I'm not saying it's correct.

I see it as a good thing, but there have been anons posting this under the name reservekiller.png because they're either trying to FUD for discord or they think it's a bad thing. It's not like they're hiding this, it's right there for everyone to read. It's an ambitious project and there's a lot that can go wrong along the way. What I personally like about this project is that they're trying to create a system (protocol) and if the system works as intended then we aren't relying strictly on individuals to make decisions but rather a set of predetermined rules that are agreed upon by those that choose to purchase RSR/RSV.

Yea so is Jow Forums
All comments in here say no
They just want to accumulate
We already exposed some FUD here... the same user was also accumulating
Just buy RSR and wait for lambo

I think it will happen in mid to late september if BTC breaks ATH in late August followed by alt SZN. Nov-December otherwise.

will this be the chance to make it?
maybe id sell a small stack but im in until $1

id like another day or two to accumulate another 20k so i can reach specialist

You can make it on a lot of coins if your timing is right, however I believe the pump for this will be much stronger than many anons admit to, or at least publicly admit to.

I think we could see a 100x-600 here
No bull shit

i can see 100x easy

And guys please do not forget RSR will be burned so don’t get hung up on calculating the market cap from the current max of 100B tokens

$1 at 100B tokens sounds crazy... but $5 at 10B sounds much less crazy... this is a long term play for SERIOUS gains... short term I still think you could see 100x from here... long term we could be into 2000x from here once coins start to burn

I have been in the telegram chats and I’ve seen admins say that there will never be more than 100B tokens... that number will always decrease

Wish I had a few extra bucks to throw into this right now... but I went all in for the moment... have to wait a few weeks to get more

whats the fud about discord tranny? im glad i found this project early and see a good chance to x100, this has huge potential to catch up to other stable coins and emerging market potential.

no news, big pump. many moon. 10000x by next week bro. why you fud.

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Reverse fudding is brilliant actually. only big brains will understand
>tfw too intelligent

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Jow Forums idiots will fud.. Reserve holders will have the last laugh.

Idk if you guys are taking to me or not but I’m not FUDing or Reverse FUDing... this is what I believe and I’m putting my money where my mouth is... I could be wrong... I could be right... we shall see... I don’t care what you guys do with your money honesty

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How old is she user?!?!
Mods are slew
Post more

same. except im a poorfag so a part of me wants to help other poorfags succeed ultimately i dont care what they end up doing. im just enjoying the ride, going to accumulate as much as i can this month regardless of the price and then get comfy and hope things go smoothly. project looks solid, and there's free money on the table.

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im already doing research on what lambo to buy
what do you think bRothers?

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And if RSR hits $5, i’ll Be rich enough to buy a private island

For innocent family vacations of course...

I may keep it low key and just get the mid engined C8 corvette desu

>tfw sold at 38 sats and bought back at 29
Doing it right for once

good job user. im rooting for all you faggots i really am! HIGH ENERGY!

Major Sir!
Seargent reporting in ready for duty!

$1 eoy!

Can it really be this easy?

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Buy gold and sliver and fill your bags with xrp. Banks will turn to ripple to save them when everything is lost. Ripple will help there liquidity problems.

Don’t shill you shitcoin here. This thread is for RSR. XRP is dead and same as XRP army.

I like the memes of RSR they have gotten better lately.

That fine. Youll be the one missing out.

remember anons, buy it now on idex and transfer for out before kyc. itll be on other exchanges soon enough and is on huobi.

When is IDEX going KYC?

july 24th and then 1 month to finish trading so essentially august 24th

Or just be a based burger and buy on Huobi with VPN and transfer to a erc20 wallet
No KYC Ever

So can burgers still trade for rsr on idex after the switch? continue trading like we have been except now they have our name and email?

yes but tier 1 has a 5k withdraw limit and theyll eventually demand id and tier 2

rsr is the only crypto i trade to make more usd.... every other crypto is a scam/will be replaced

I don’t really care, it is centralized piece of shit without any value. You can keep your bag and stay poor.


This token is dead. It didn't move when they moved up their roadmap, only later with the coordinated PnD. Pajeet team will never pump this, at least not before their own tokens are unlocked. You're betting heavily on a pipe dream which most likely will never materialize.

best fud yet!
inb4 bagholder

All in on RSR. Either i will be a deca millionaire or remain where I am. Assymetric risk to reward potential with just market cap of 12 million where as l the competitors of stable coin are valued in billions.

- Fully decentralized stable coin comapared to centralized shitcoin stablecoin like usdc and libra
- Great use case with excellent tokenomics - RSR for stabilizing the RSV and a poor fag like me can invest into and speculate creating actual value. You can not invest into facebook libra’s LIT. Zuck will take all the money.

- Stellar team with coinbase venture backing. This in itself is a compelling factor in itself. Matic did 10x because of the coinbase hype.
- All white team and no chink. USA office in Oakland California. Coinbase listing 99.99% confirmed.

- Peter Thiel and paypal founder backing. This is huge. Anything Peter Thiel puts his hand into, it turns into gold. Google Tilray. Also backed by silicon valley heavyweights.
- Normies will easily buy into the story when the herd joins later in the bull market causing the maket cap to go parabolic beyond $1.

This is the sure shot bet behind chainlink for us to make it and never ever work for 9-5 in your life. Screencap this.

It has already created so many bagholders who are just waiting to dump it as soon as there is any upside movement.
Fud? It's a FACT that Nevin didn't even go to college. Lmao a team with a pajeet at the helm.

>Nevin didn't even go to college
So he's financially literate? Fucking based.

Thanks user for great points. What is price expectation in 2 years? Do you think 500k enough to make it?

Holding flat right now

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Who cares user. Steve Jobs was college drop out too.

more like dead

didn't go to college? clearly based and red pilled, college is a suckers game unless you're going to become a doctor or going into the oil industry

Absolutely, I am more bullish now.

Stupid low IQ buger flippers why you always keep losing money ?

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This means they have confidence in creating value which will create the real demand and adoption.

good point, everyone should sell now. ill wait

Don’t you know that they burn the coins to make it stable. All of the coins will not be released right away too. Check XRP supply and let me know. XRP reached $4 in bull run??

Depends on where you are in the world. I am in US and my target is at least $1-$2 million after giving it to taxman. Id RSR = RSV = $1 happens, then i need at least 2 mil RSR. My target is to accumulate at least 5 mil RSR.
If you are in less expensive with low tax country, 500k is more than enough to make it.

Maybe now college is useless but Nevin is in his thirties at least and back in his time, like 15 years, only losers didn't go to college

I'm surprised to hear this as he talks like a mathematics lecturer when explaining things on the whiteboard.