Annon whale here

You're all being played

But you know that already.

Attached: btt2.png (1012x194, 12K)

what do i buy for the altseason? thanks fren

yeah we know, just making a quick buck while this lasts

Yes we do sir. What’s next tho

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if you give me 0,2 eth I will know if you are really a whale or just an usual LARPer


LINK is the bet across all major whales.

A lot of them were justed in the recent sell off.

If you don't own LINK you literally won't make it

Everything before this was increasing our stacks via Binance

yes cz's in on it

yes literally all you think about is true.

We kinda laugh at your autism sometimes in telegram, quite impressive.

Really obviously NKN

nice larp you fucking faggot

Any other coins worth getting or just go all in on LINK?

what more do you want for proof.

go take that pic to any UI guy and see if its been digitized

Im just a 43yo boomer with no other skill than gambling(ex poker pro)

So basically

1. If link sold off, none of you have as much power as you think you do

2. Link won’t moon until late sept

when will link "really" take off. singularity style?

Ok Q

how much link to make whale status?

3. If not a larp, you faggots are NOT prepared for the global financial crisis. Link and btc will get raped in that scenario. Hope you fags lose your money

how high do you think Link will go to? I only got a pathetic 2k stack

Am I considered a whale at 5m?

>being a whale
>being dumped on by NEET autists


LINK isnt gonna take off for some time.

You're not even remotely as much of a whale as you think you are.

what about bsv?

fuck BSV you pajeet. fuck off

no u

Elaborate user. Feed us some more juice if you got it.

This. These “whales” constantly posting here are not real whales, it been proven time and time again. They are like dolphins or orcas, some stuff they’ve said has been somewhat correct, but they aren’t the major mining/banking whales really controlling the price

yeah i sure believe a 43yo boomer with $10m in BTT is posting on Jow Forums

I believe this

Sergey said its happening this year though.

What's a "whale" then? >200k Link or what?

Next month to be precise

>Everything before this was increasing our stacks via Binance
Before what?

>(ex poker pro)
Goddamn boomers

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What is happening?

>look at me, i already had a lot of money and made a little bit more

Oh look another link shill pretending he has real money and isn't just trying to push a coin that has no value. Do you really expect us to believe you know what "all major whales" are doing? What, do you guys have some sort of secret circlejerk going on?

yes where they suck each other's nuts

Literally nothing else?
I'm fond of XSN because of the potential passive income, especially if it jumps 10x or 100x (exchange coming soon, for instance)
ONE is pretty gnarly because of how it challenges ETH and obviously because of the absolutely stacked to high hell team they have: (easy 100x?)
LIT is pretty cool because it seemingly proved itself where other energy based coins have struggled (which their team has insisted wasn't to steer them toward energy, but to PROVE they could make it big like that). also, the potential for business expansion with their private/public sides is rather interesting. I've been thinking potential for 10x through the golden season
SNTVT just seems obvious to me considering McAfee mentioning it, but I'm still concerned about its infancy
the others I'm not so sure about, but are at least mentioned somewhat regularly on Jow Forums

You could quite easily edit the source you pleb

How are we “being played” if link is the one

it looks more like op is saying we're all being used to just make wales more money

No shot Sherlock. We have been played for the past 300 years. Everything is an illusion that keeps us inline to serve our (((masters))). Crypto is but one of their many swindles in order to extract more wealth out of us and also perhaps eventually implement their new world currency, fully trackable and controllable.

Since we are all being leeched and most of our labour goes into their pockets and thus we are never able to “make it” living humble lives as farmers or factory workers in tight-netted white communities our only chance (besides fighting and taking back power of our lands) is to play the Jewish casino and hopefully profit off their schemes with them. Jews hate this and is why they try their hardest to fud and keep us away from profiting with them.

Their goal is to one day establish a muttifed slave populace kept in line with ai and blockchain/smart contract tech. It’s the only way their prophecy of having 1,000 obedient slaves each ever comes to fruition. They want has much power as possible while those who slave for them are kept poor and stupid. It’s the only way they can ensure their people survive and stay on top of the food chain as global oligarchs forever. In our modern era they see many people and especially whites as a huge threat to their existence as parasites as if we ever realize the truth they know it’ll mean the end of their people. It’s why there is a huge effort to eliminate all whites. As much as you shitskins hate whites, we are not evil. The Jews are using you as golem to attack us. Once we are gone your situation will only get much worse as Jews enslave you for eternity.

This is obvious and op addressed that fact in the op. This is also a larp and op isn’t actually a whale

So when does link really moon ?

i actually believe you. Last time i was in vegas my first and only time some poker lads told me to invest in ripple in early december they told me to sell in january but i didn't listen and bought fucking ETH and lost everything

heard of moon3d? 10x or 100x your crypto. ez money

You are forgetting BRAP
$0.69 eoy. You need 69 million brap to make it.

damn... you're going to be disappointed soon, bud.

Iota does have the potential to 100x, but with a huge caveat. They have to remove the coordinator. I have a handful just in case they do. It seems like the calcs are solid. I think if you wait until COO removal, it will be too late to catch the wave.

this. Shit goes back 3000 years at least

Stop responding to larp threads

I'd like to think that at a certain point the numbers stop being so important, but how old is Göbekli Tepe? How old is it REALLY?
But we shouldn't talk about that kind of stuff here, guys. We wouldn't want to ruin this place, because we all know what tends to happen when we do this shit.

>can't read the chart

Attached: stink.png (1639x821, 74K)

>LINK is the bet across all major whales.
>A lot of them were justed in the recent sell off.
So all major whales bought in at $4?

Ok tinfoil man

>he doesn’t know

>ex poker pro
thanks for making my day

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It's old. Graham Hancock though is just another scam artist profiting from the braindead, don't listen to him user.

>it's another LARP thread is the most popular thread on Jow Forums episode

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always nice to see other big fish in the sea

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lol too lazy to fix the transactions even


Is LINK manipulation real ?

What is the price ceiling ?


send me 5 eth sir and i will do anything in return


(banned from posting pics because of the faggot jannies but use your imagination)

What do you think of VET/BAT/FTM/RSR?

how do you pay a less than 15% capital gains tax?