how to become a scam artist?
How to become a scam artist?
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believe what you're selling no matter what it is and you'll be able to scam people out of their hard earned money. enjoy becoming a drug addict and dying of an overdose faggot
do the opposite of pic related
Get 19 degrees and work hard.
>wine glass
a funny thing is creg has plebbian taste in wine. Back when he was originally shilling his "im satoshi" narrative he posted a twatter about how much great wine he had...his collection was actually basic shit you could find in any bottle actually put a bug in my mind that "this guy is probably a bullshitter".
Work for Blockstream ;)
It's simple, just do the exact opposite of what CSW did.
Send me moneys
Just work for nchain and offer to shill for them.
Step 1. Start a twitter pretending to be a BTC owner that is trying to "learn the differences" between the forks.
Step 2. Accept the money that the BSV shills will offer you.
Step 3. Slowly make your twitter account into a BSV shilling twitter like they want you too and work your way up to getting paid fully.
Make a guide on how to become a scam artist and sell it
Create Eth or shitcoins on it.
Promise big things and then come up with plausible excuses for why they get delayed when you don't deliver. Never set any concrete dates or milestones. The brainlets who originally bought into your scam have a cognitive bias against admitting they're wrong so they will easily accept your excuse. This is how every drawn-out scam works basically (BSV, Chainlink, etc)
Work really hard to create unrealistic predictions to generate fomo
Hint at "being in talks" with huge partners but never outright say the words partnership for plausible deniability.
There's a bunch more things
That (OP) Pic always reminds me of this, some reason..
>it a premonition
>thinks good wine requires it to be expensive
you will never make it, good sir
hahahhaa omg i can people actually buy the bullshit this clown keeps spewing.
must be a low iq cuckold.
>Be born Russian
>Get a philosophy degree
>Do a few failed projects
>Issue a illegal ICO at the peak of a massive bubble
>Get fat as fuck
>Wear the same shit every day
>Be extremely vague
>Make up some fake partnerships
>Control 65% of the supply
>Gain a rabid following by feeding them false 'breadcrumbs'
>Spread a meme to never sell so your price doesn't immediately tank
>Begin dumping large amounts on the idiots who hold your project
>Keep stringing them along and selling until you're a billionaire
>Retire to the Cayman Islands
>scamming people
>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
>not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor
Any guidance on learning how to spot good arbitrage opportunities? Any good tutorials / guides on this stuff you suggest?
dropped a hard eth thanks
Step 1. larp as satoshi
Step 2. fork
Step 3. profit
Based thx
Invent BitCoin
damn. wish i knew about this a week ago.
still good arb
Binance Coin - BNB
Holochain - HOT
Harmony - ONE
Aergo - AERGO
>Promise big things and then come up with plausible excuses for why they get delayed when you don't deliver. Never set any concrete dates or milestones. The brainlets who originally bought into your scam have a cognitive bias against admitting they're wrong so they will easily accept your excuse. This is how every drawn-out scam works basically (BSV, Chainlink, etc)
>Work really hard to create unrealistic predictions to generate fomo
>Hint at "being in talks" with huge partners but never outright say the words partnership for plausible deniability.
>There's a bunch more things
if you have to ask...
this, I was scamming people on black market reloaded ez. otc ircs and darknet is easy as fuck to scam on
doing what