Post em.
.999 digits confirm.
Is silver selling actually that profitable? I'm curious but I feel like gambling on coins has a higher payout
Spot prices have insane margin fees and you pay them both to buy and to sell. Silver/Gold is to retain your money not to make it, although FDR seized everyone's gold in the 50s.
I only have 1 silver eagle my dad gave me when I was a kid. Been thinking about buying a few hundred more.
I hate being a stacklet so much
Imagine spending money on Boomer minerals instead of buying stock in real companies, that grow, with real products and cash flows.
>Real companies, real products, real cash flow
>Stock market
Pick one and only one
Imagine not understanding that stocks are vastly inflated due to a decade of cheap money and dept based stock buy-backs. You know how you don't buy a crypto at ATH? That's what stocks are at now.
That’s maybe $2k..... never going to make it
i try to stay away from bars/rounds that are branded with a dealers logo.... i feel like they will be harder to sell because other dealer wont want to advertise for their competition.
You make a point I never even thought of. I have no supplies to melt them down with and sheeit. I imagine any exchange or dealer I sell them to would though.
actually stocks went up because of earnings growth, tax cuts, ect. its all available online for you to see
wow really? thanks buddy just bought 100k shares of apple!
Sure, those are part of if as well. But you are buying the top of a 10 year bull market while there a lot of macroeconomic uncertainties.
i feel like it would cost the dealer more to send it to the smelter then to just put it in the case and wait for it to sell.... just some food for thought, keep stacking friend =)
posted the blurry one, oops, this ones better
some people dont like the old hag on their coins, but i dont mind have a reptilian overload on my silver
Silver and Gold bars are fucking ballin, i need to dump some stocks and buy some.
The only thing with an 'S' in it you should consider buying is SNTVT
I got 12oz. Was gonna buy $300 worth but I bought a gun and ammo instead. Not a prepper but this bubble can only inflated for so long, and it’s been 10years of this (((expansion)))
Where do you guys buy your gold and silver? I bought my only silver American Eagles on, are their any places you can get them cheaper?
So much packaging in this thread. Just post some nice thick metal
I'm new to pm, but have wanted to diversify in them for some time to hedge inflation and ensure some financial safety in a SHTF scenario. Can someone please address a few questions for me?
Does the weight of a coin really matter to the long-run value of the coin? In other words, should I invest in 1 oz coins or is, say, 10 1/10 oz coins acceptable?
Does it matter what year a coin was minted? What about the type of coin? I'm leaning towards Am Eagles, but there appear to be myriad options. Any thoughts on what is ultimately preferable?
Buy cast bars for the lowest premium to hedge against inflation. Buy the cheapest well know coins like canadian maples for shtf scenarios.
Years/ coin designs/ types/ different sizes only matter to numismatic collectors
Thanks user.
imagine thinking that in the event of a societal collapse people would give a fuck about "muh shiny rocks"
Sell the silver, buy ammo if you are too beta to go all in on Link.
Real gold chad. How many Oz are we looking at?
Ok, stocks today they are inflated.
Why silver will rise?
imagine buying useless rocks that will forever be stacked in a drawer or warehouse somewhere being useless and doing nothing
not going to make it. period.
i dont get it, if youre stacking gold why buy certified pieces. those coins will never appreciate as numismatics
I bought everything in those pictures before 2008, except for the sovereigns. I think I did pretty well.
why silver should rise?