Biz, Im stupid. Explain this to me

Biz, Im stupid. Explain this to me.

If I have 100 dollars and go x10 and price moves from 10k to 11k. I now have 200 dollars. Right?

Now if I let this go and price moves further from 11k to 12k, thats 20% gain, so now I have 300. Right?

But wouldnt it be more wise to sell at 11k and take that 100 dollar profit so that I can now go x10 with 200 dollars instead. Meaning when price moves from 11k to 12.1k (10%), I would now gain 200 dollars meaning I have 400.

What I wanna ask, isnt is more beneficial to sell/buy when margin trading then just let it go?

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The first sentence is retarded. Didn't read further.

Yeah but your liq price is going to go up because you’re opening a new long at 11k instead of 10k

Mama milky now

I can’t believe this is an honest question.

Just in case it is, it’s simple: if you can’t do basic math, you shouldn’t be investing your money.

Yes. I can only encourage you to use x100 margin. It is very smart and you will consistently make money.

mommy milkies now

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>biz is it a good idea to take a riskier long after a rally?

Ugh look at those nail colours, the Asian mom Louis Vuitton bag, to much foundation and a dress that clearly isn't appropriate outside the house.

Would still fuck though

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the thousand cock stare

you're not as smart as you think you are.
post tits.
even you can't fuck that up given your math skills.

>Would still fuck though
Implying there's a chance she'd let you to

Is this bait? Is stupidity & capital the ultimate making it combination?

Nice, just went x100k

Well manicured pair of topiary, nice

IM LITERALLY SAYING IN THE FIRST SENTENCE THAT IM STUPID: Just fucking explain it to me you cunts

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She's literally perfect holy shit. Source please

They have.. But you didn't even recognize the answer.

Point it out to me

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How about dont try to margin trade when you have no idea what you're doing. If your aim is to make money then buy and hold link for a couple years. If your aim is to get high off dopamine rushes then go to an actual casino. At least you'll be out of your house that way.

>My field hockey wife

How about you answer my question instead of acting smart. Fucking Jow Forums cunts

Your question as has already been answered as another user told you go back and re read all the posts. If you still cant figure it out then just throw all your money into the street for a homeless person to find

So since no one is gonna answer OP
Here's a real question some of us are really thinking. What does the asshole of these angels taste like? Spicy, musky, sweet? I must know

Listen up, boy.
Your first post was correct. You will get more profit if you sell and buy on a regular basis.
BUT you increase your risk every time you open a new position at a higher price with more money.
Your first position might work smoothly and let you 2x your investment, then you sell and reopen. the new position is double the size of your first investment and you risk to lose it all if it dips back down.
If you hold your first position without selling and it dips back down you're at 0% again, no loss or profit (except opening/closing and financing fees).

Thank you.

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