Fellow NEETs, as we are the last remnant of humanity left--us being the people in this world with both the enlightenment and willpower to over come what suppresses our pleb brother. Wagie jobs. We must convene in this thread to address the problems that haunt us most. How to make more money while being NEETs. Of course we have always viewed the wagie population for what they are, cattle. So we must keep this precious mentality in our minds as we analyze and figure out new methods of extracting their hard earned money from them.
Recently, there was a break through on this board. And I'm almost hesitant to share because so many plebs now visit this board from r*ddit. But one great way to milk money from wagies is to find a community that requires monetary investment and become a sort of figure in it. Via blog, YouTube, website, whatever fits your taste, then sell easily private labelled accessories related to that field. I can only hope that a filthy casual doesn't find this post and accidentally make a profit. But I'm willing to share this information for the benefit of other NEETs on this board.
Personally, I have three projects lined up. One I've been working on for the past five months and two more that I'm going to begin working on when I launch at the beginning of next month. Any project any other NEETs are working on?
Feel free to share how things have been going in your NEET lives. If times are tough, if you've been making moves, taking a vacation, or just living the NEET life to the fullest. And as always, wagie rage stories are welcomed.
And of course, before I go to bed. Just remember. No matter how monetarily broke a NEET is, he still is and always will be richer than a wagie. Never forget that.
Unironically considering to write a book about the NEET lifestyle. The title will be something along the lines "How I became comfy"
The foreword will be about the Beautiful Ones of the Rat Experiment of John B. Calhoun where I expound his ideas, but I will also provide the way out of the rat race once and for all.
Planning also chapters on crypto investing (Chainlink) and how crypto became the greatest transfer of wealth from the normie wagie to neet kings.
Also I would like it to have some sort of supremacist tone like in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, but just replace the word "goyim" with "wagie"
Any other ideas that need to be included, preferably essential for the NEET lifestyle?
>One I've been working on for the past five months
Stopped reading there. True NEET here. I don’t work. The thought of “working for five months” literally gives me a deep discomfort. Go back to plebbit to scheme for your normie crumbs.
Jacob Diaz
How can someone just decide not to work. I literally don’t understand how someone can have no income and still be /comfy/ are u gambling shitcoins or is your dad rich
Jayden Wilson
>wake up whenever I want >sleep whenever I want >do whatever I want >shit whenever I want >not adhering to any rules
comfy af, making money here and there by clicking buttons. How can it get better than this? Only thing I hope to achieve is outright buy a house once the market crashes and I can get one cheap. The other being finding a more reliant passive income with minimal effort.
Not sure if I ever want to become a wagie, boys. From those threads it seems like it involves dealing with nosey retards, who's only entertainment in their "lives" is the judgement of others. There are probably smelly roasties everywhere too, and fuck dealing with that.
Ethan Ramirez
How do I escape wagecuckery
Carter Stewart
I wouldn’t expect you to understand. Aren’t you running late for work? It really upsets bossman when you’re not there on time. Remember, 20 minutes early is on time.
Blake King
*whose woops
Jace Johnson
Would unironically buy
Gabriel Taylor
I'm still a wagie, slaving away but once I get enough capital I will emerge from my cocoon into a beautiful blossoming NEET.
Hunter Thomas
same here op is a jew slave massa come to claim my effort and time which is literally NOT FOR SALE
Brody Cruz
Unparalleled baséd-ness and remarkably NEET-pilled. Can I try to guess your ChainLink average buy in price good sir?
I can strongly sense it is well below a mere quarter dollar, a true gentleman such as yourself recognizing true opportunities for comfort.
Charles Murphy
I buy Twitter,Instagram and Facebook Accounts and sell stuff to them via Replin.com.
Jason Hall
Joseph Collins
i have $1k to my name, and it has done literally fuck all even though i've been holding for months. everything i buy dumps and goes sideways, i cant win in this fucking market at all. it'd be so much easier if i was working because then if it dipped i could just buy more, but instead im literally stuck between either hold to zero or buy high sell low
holding lit, link, one, and vidt right now. all top biz holds. why the fuck is my folio not worth at least $5k by now
youre supposed to add them to your filters, not buy them
Zachary Bailey
NEET here, made 150 grand this year between LINK and BTC. Flat out cashed out right now sitting on the sidelines waiting to get back in to either.
I'm planning on running a few chainlink nodes. Right now getting my digital ocean VPS's setup right now as well as PostgreSQL database so I can start building my API's.
Fuck dude, best thing I ever did was quit my wagekek job 2 years ago. Crypto is the path of rich NEETdom. All I do now is browse the chan a couple hours a day, watch movies, and automate shit in bash + python while working up these chainlink nodes.
I also am speculating on some .link domains that I bought recently.
I literally don't have to do shit for the rest of the year and work at my own pace while retarded wagekeks have to go to work daily to go work for mr. shekelberg. FUCK THAT.
go fuck yourself i lost 0.1 btc on this trash shitcoin, i will never hold it again.
Levi Jackson
Baby’s first shitcoin
Xavier Price
Just out of curiosity (I don't know much about backend development), why use digital ocean over something like AWS?
Zachary Morris
AWS is fine too I have experience with both. Ocean is just cheaper than AWS and I rather not support Amazon in the current year.
FWIW, you can trial AWS for a year for FREE. You of course need to add contact details but it's a great way to start learning bash, python, building VPS's and all. (plus all the shit is one click install for the most part)
Isaac Ross
I made stupid scamcoins like the ones you see shit posted here (brapper, milker,) and made a killing back in 2017-18 also paid a pajeet $500 to make a scam DEX exchange and ran away with customer funds who used their private keys. I'm not a moral man, I've catfished Indian and Arab dudes as a hobby too
Parker White
How do you learn enough about crypto to escape wage slavery? Are you one of those people that is a genius and would’ve made it in any field anyway?
Ian Williams
Not necessarily. I had a six figure job though so i must have been doing something right tho.
I will say this though. Most of the time it's right place right time. I know a plenty of people who were smarter than me but went into different professions and just ended up being boring wagecucks and such. I also know a plenty of ppl who were born rich that just got super lucky from the start. But more importantly i know a ton of dumb fucks that were just in the right place and the right time. Of those maybe less then 5% put hard work during those right place/time dealings and those guys absolutely make it.
Tldr, it's 90% luck and maybe 10% effort in the end.
Jacob Morris
This will come back to bite you in the ass in the future dude, hope you get your life in order and stop being a miserable person.
Nathan Sanders
What was your job before being a neet? I am graduating soon(CivE); I don’t want to have to slave away for someone else the rest of my life - preferably not at all - pretty disappointing to hear it’s mostly luck based
John Sullivan
31yo retarded autist, never worked a day in my life. Living off neetbux, all in link at .30 dca.
Jace Jones
finance role, took me a while to get to a managerial position. work hard, standout amongst your peers and play the politics game but never sell out. you might have to jump ship a couple places to work your way up to a high paying job but it's worth it in the end.
by 28-30 you should be making six figs salary. since you're young max out your risk in crypto per year. at least 5-10k a year contribution. look at it this way this is the best risk/reward you'll ever have. you can always work more in your life but you dont have much time to invest in crypto before btc moons over 40k
Alexander Jones
>NEET >willpower
Benjamin Brown
Shekelberg would like to see you in his office, wagie.