Halp pl0x

I'm a fairly intelligent individual in need of some tips on getting into the market or just making money in general. I learn like a fucking machine but been a poorfag wagie my whole life (due to lack of motivation) and am sick of it. Tips? Tricks? Learning modules? Lay it on me bros

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Figure it out "intelligent person"

>Tips? Tricks?
Get on your knees and start sucking that dick you faggot.

Is that craig wright?

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I said "fairly". I expected posts like these. I'm just trying to skip the hard part I'll be honest. Laziness has always been my biggest drawback. I guess being a dickhead has served you well in life, but I'm not going that route.

Being a dickhead made me rich. U should try it

That's literally what I just said. And it's just not in me man. I can only go so far. I dont wanna be Ferrari rich, just like own my own house, and a little property

have you tried to stop being lazy? just a thought

Yeah I'm in the process of not being lazy. It's just so hard and I'm an enourmous faggot


Look bucko, your intelligence means NOTHING. YOu need to invest in a nice high quality pair of KNEEPADS and then you can suck 1000 dicks.

Chargeing 10$ a dick you can have $10000 of seed capital so you can invest in dick sucking courses and go to financial conferences where you can suck bigger more expensive dicks.

Get out there kid, give it your best suck.

Finally some real advice. And I didnt mean to make everyone butthurt about the intelligence thing. Just meant you dont have to kidglove me with the advice. But considering the fact you're all telling me to suck dicks I see you weren't going to do that regardless. Oh well, better pucker up

After reviewing your posts, I have concluded that you are not "fairly intelligent" but actually a dribbling moron. What the fuck does "getting into the market". Investing? Starting a business?

I know you are retarded, but you get money for providing value to other people. That's literally it. Now use your 30iq to think about ways to provide value, money will follow.

Go all in on LINK. Just hodl get to be lazy and rich

Wow I really know how to tickle your bitz dont I? How does it feel to get rustled by a dribbling moron?I'll look into it, I'm just trying to pool advice then sift thru it at my leisure, seeing which one fits my lifestyle and goals the most as to not go against the grain. Thanks bro

Oh and I meant investing btw, thank you for the advice, idc if it comes backhanded I just need all I can get. Sincerely. Thank you

>acting like a prick for bumps
Valid, but douchey

Not mine; gotten off /smg/. Lotsa stock market books. Google and beware 'analysis paralysis'


I'm not on Jow Forums normally, has there been any news about LINK in the past month?

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no but seriously hows LINK?

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Start working out. I'm talking cardio. Start taking one mile slow walks and work your way up to five mile walks at a quick pace. You'll get in shape and your laziness will start to disappear. My mom once told me, ages ago, that I was the laziest person she ever knew. So if I can do it, you can too

put money in good stocks
sell those stocks when it's the right time