Childhood is being an ancap

Childhood is being an ancap
Being an adult is realizing minarchism makes more sense

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mob rule is best desu

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being an adult is realizing that your attachment to your political opinions is a defense mechanism against nihilism and actual, unabstracted concrete meaning in your day-to-day acted life, and that your political opinions will NEVER, EVER, EVER make a difference in the lives of others or make the world a better place, and that the odds are one of the many thousands of points necessary for your system of political beliefs is wrong and you don't know which, and you would be best to work on the improvement of your own soul and that of those around you and act in such a manner that society would become a heroic place were everyone to imitate you

t. ancap

>believing in the concept of a soul
Yep, right into the ol' cringe collection

firstly, nice dated meme and back to r*ddit with you
secondly, congratulations on using your Being to abstract from itself and rule itself out of existence because you value your fixed explicit conceptual structures more than life itself
thirdly, nice dated meme and back to r*ddit with you

>because you value your fixed explicit conceptual structures more than life itself
no, thats literally you. "Muh soul" is a fixed conceptual structure used as a handwave when you don't have a reality-based argument grounded in real life.

the primacy of the teleological acting subject with properties (the soul) is the presupposition of everything you do and every concept which you create, a priori. sorry tranny

Minarchism is the original US. How'd that turn out?

Opposite, shitbrain. Your childish psychology is projecting.

and being over 90 iq is realizing fascism makes more sense.

Damn that's cringe. Back to wikipedia with you

Being an adult is realising that politics is for childish and sexually frustrated and damaged people.

>can't fathom that people use big words without wiki

based and checked cringe

This but in reverse

And being an absolute faggot retard is communism

My nigga

No, being an adult is realizing that just because you might personally make retarded decisions doesn't mean that you should flip flop on your initial stance and thus everyone should be held down under a boot. Well, unless you didn't actually think your beliefs through logically and you were just being edgy for the sake of being edgy, hence the flip flop. In that case, being an adult means sitting down, looking yourself in the mirror and realizing that you need to grow the fuck up and understanding how to craft a logically sound argument that you actually believe in rather than eternally playing devil's advocate in the moment.

As both major parties self destruct, this is our future. Until, of course, the AI singularity eliminated most jobs. There'll be another push for socialism but fuck those commie faggots. Antifa will be slaughted and finally the end will come. Sweet release of death. Cry harder zoomie pussies.

So how do I invest in this?

What shitcoin is this?


ancaps are pathetic manchildren

>stupid theorizes popularized by one or two people

Being an adult is rejecting enlightenment thinking and continuing an ancient tradition in the form of Neo Absolutism

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wtf i love the state and abstracting myself out of existence now

Being a smart adult is accepting that the majority of humans on the planet are -85iq retards and need to be ruled

pretty much this

Nah, all it takes is to try and make, say, 50 people in your community do something and you know the origins of politics. Add the need for food and commerce, add maybe some other town that will come and kill you and the circus is complete.

Sensible, honest people only go into politics to prevent being run by morons and crooks. They used to call this civic duty.

>need to be ruled
Wrong. A real adult understands that they can break away from the masses and make and defend their own paradise. Creating and maintaining a fuckhuge centralized power structure meant for torturing and controlling rebellious retards is a fool's errand, both morally and logistically.

the fact that you can go and be a hermit away from society doesnt mean people dont need to be ruled or that there shouldnt be laws. You'll realize one day


pretty fucking awesome

>accepting that the majority of humans on the planet are -85iq

that's not how iq works, retard

conservatism is a cucked version of libertarianism, libertarianism is a cucked version of minarchism, minarchism is a cucked version of ancap

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Where were you when Getty Images crossed the Delaware, leaving the British Empire eternally BTFO?

ancap is a cucked version of the law of the jungle
>muh NAP

ancap is childhood
cypherpunk is adulthood