Let's assume that marines are right and this year is the year. SWIFT, DOCUSINg etc going to happen and Link is goint to 10$ next month or two.
But what is going to happen if Tether in fact pops and btc goes to 6-5-4-3k$? BTC pulls everycoin with him, wouldn't that mean that Link whould never reach even 5$ in this situation despite good news etc?
What's gonna happen with Link if BTC goes downside?
but marines are wrong.
oof thank god for that thong, my boss almost fired me
Is he gay?
I know assholes are where shit comes out of and they disgust me yet I still want to lovingly tongue her anus, why is that
>why is that
Forbidden fruit... that's all... that's all in your mind... or rather language
This is porn
high test and degenerate. just like myself
>see vagina
>choose asshole
You are gay
because you love to disappoint
>eating literal shit nuggets
>decaying your teeth while you keep going with whatever the fuck it is
>kissing your parents after eating ass
Because your mother farted in your face while giving birth to you
$5 is the absolute top.
If we even get close to $5 the devs are gonna dump at an even faster rate.
You’re retarded. Have sex.
if LINK has the network traffic and incentives in place it will be fine. If it doesn't, then it still stands a very good chance if staying high because it's one of the few with a promising future in regards to incentive structure and an actual network.
Aslo, tether is 75% backed. The other 25% were seized iirc
>because it's one of the few with a promising future in regards to incentive structure and an actual network.
Why then despite all of that it follows BTC price?
That muff looks loose as fuck
You and me both brother. I would shove my tongue so far up that asshole she would feel it in her throat.
assholes are obviously more aesthetically pleasing. Usually more symmetrical and obviously a focal point to look at during sex. It's always there just staring at you when you are fucking the pussy. Guys that cannot appreciate the asshole are usually latently homosexual and are terrified of taking their mind there because self reflection scares them.
Oh and no homo by the way
its because you and me are degenerates with dopamin problems that seek to step up their sexual perversions
Once gen z comes of age they will do all kinds of crazy shit that is disgusting for us right now.
it breaks free from btc when it has promising news. It's been mostly independent of BTC since 18. Right now it has had a news drought relative to the bigger names it has released. If swift comes out, then it's GG until it reaches a speculative price fitting the announcement.
The market prices in what it knows + hype. The best time to buy was when the hype was contained to this forum. That time is gone. I could not, in good conscience, recommend it to anyone right now because you'll be in the same position as me 2 years ago. You're taking the same gamble with a worse cost basis. That gamble is "can I invest now with the hope that the speculation or fundamentals on what they're building is more valuable than what it currently is?"
Your best bet is to act like a VC fund. Scout stuff early enough that you can handle the volatility of this market after a good pump.
I'm only up 5-600%. I could sell or just hold. 5-600% isn't enough to make me want to sell, and anything more is just confirmation that I made the right decision. This market is still more advantageous than traditional ones, but that benefit is slowly disappearing with regulatory and information arbitrage.
A lot of pain and fear, but in this opportunity, ethereum and link will take their rightful places
It would just painfully accelerate the process. Though happening naturally may be less pain for longer
Binance ban in september will make LINK fully decoupled.
Ameriburgers will only be able to trade LINK on coinbase and that has no btc pair.
Also the mass purging of other shitcoins will fuel Chainlink.
> Thinking any crypto can decouple from BTC.
>fuck asshole
>get best view on pussy and can play with it
it's not that simple nigger
As soon as i expanded that picture a manger walked past my office
Where is that from?
check'd and kek'd
I put half my savings in this shit at $2-$3
Fuck sake biz
You don't wanna know
lmao poop
I really do actually.
It's alright Dave, I was actually the one who posted it in the first place, good taste. However while we are on the subject of your job security, you better tell me now...what is the size of your LINK stack?
this bitch really just threw her dirty pantys on the floor to prop her braphole up to get a nice angle for her to take a picture showing off her butthole
This thread about ChinaLink, let's follow the subject...