Genuinely a slavshit scam. New platform is even worse, and somehow buggier. Can't trade at all today. There is barely any real trading volume.
They even got rid of live support, there only advantage over other platforms.
Genuinely a slavshit scam. New platform is even worse, and somehow buggier. Can't trade at all today. There is barely any real trading volume.
They even got rid of live support, there only advantage over other platforms.
Other urls found in this thread:
Having no issues personally but not interested until they introduce BTC/LINK
>They even got rid of live support,
No they didn't. This is the best hold outside the top 200 on CMC
If you faggots really have no plans to use the exchange why don't post screenshots of you fucking with the live chat agents for the lols. What are they gonna do ban you?
*don't you
Because that's rude and unnecessary. They were helpful with issues I had before.
I hold XCM and got JUSTed, down 60-70%
I watched Kevin's livestream. Is this FUD? New website isn't even out yet, right?
literally the most advanced platform in crypto rn
>can't trade because of no volume
nice larp. they have market makers you don't need volume to trade unless its for the 3 new tokens that got added
have sex
thank you, thank you
No, I genuinely can't trade at all. Keep getting an error message. "Cannot read property 'sellingCurrency' of undefined"
Where did I say you can't trade? I just said there is barely any real volume. Even on BTC
I was referring to OP
Coinmetro is a pajeet exchange. Link was its last hope but they got cucked by coinbase lol
I am OP
then you literally said you cant trade
I can't, but not because of the volume. I might have worded that poorly.
I get this weird error message
well report the bug and try the intermediate platform maybe it works there
>coinmetro is the next coinbase!
>pushing code that is seriously buggy, not even tested, so bad clients can't even trade
I tried the same on the app, got an error there aswell. With the simplest trade option, made for retards.
Limit orders don't work either.
desperate fud, so badly done, that I bought 20k XCM on top of my bag.
Just bought my first 1k I'm gonna long hold. Gonna try and DCA into this for the next few months since I'm pretty bullish on it. Think this could easily hit a few bucks, so at 4 cents I think this is a fucking steal. Probably not HIGHER than a few bucks, I just don't see any utility token being worth that much, but this is the only margin trading site available to burgers with a non shit mobile UI.
watching the today's ama right now. omfg xcm @ 0.04€ is like a gift of god right now for everyone who has money to spare and just needs a golden ticket to settle for life. everyone who is seriously fudding the exchange right now must be extremely retarded. everyone who is not seriously buying at least a suicide bag after listing to kevin's answer 32:40 has no right to exist anymore.
>listing to kevin's answer 32:40 has no right to exist anymore.
Pls explain
I haven't watched any of it yet. Tl; dw?
what would even be considered a suicide bag at this point? considering we're under 5m marketcap it feels like a suicide bag wouldn't be much money
Same, spoonfed us.
100 000 XCM is bare minimum to make it
cm is creating a mtf sandbox for regulated STOs / CSDs - tokenized securities. only cm is doing this, on a global scale - this is a trillion $ market
1000 is still a pretty valid suicide stack for any coin, we are just early.
That being said, I'd say at least 10k if you can front it. That's about uhh 500 bucks. I think give or take.
Fuck off, that's old news gramps.
for you
this is the same telegram pajeets that have been dumping their bags on you for the last few months. they have been saying the same thing every AMA and nothing ever changes. look at their telegram, literal pajeets circlejerking and calling anybody who doesn't shill their shit token trolls.
show hands, Rajeesh
>muh pajeets
>double post
You sure are mad
Biggest news this week is we won't depend on LHV anymore in a few weeks so that's it pals, once this happens there's no more waiting, only moon.
this is accurate so far
exactly that type of trash I singled out above
Can't be mad at yourself if you bought the top. Only if you bought ico
as a fiat gateway? top notch!
SEPA has "real time" option, tick it and its there, literally just takes a few seconds.
They need to get their shit together, but damn, bank transfers work like a charm.
Really? Damn that's rad, I've been using debit card transfers but been a bit irked about fees. I'll have to try it next time
Why are you even holding XCM? Its only unique selling point at this point in time is its the lowest fee Euro on ramp.
Quel surprise
I'm betting on the exchange, not just the token.
Absolute curry user lmao
>she doesn't understand
still no hands
What exactly is this supposed to prove?
How much xcm to make it and suicide bag?
330k to make it within two years and 33k for a suicide bag.
0.1% and 0.01% of total supply respectively.
Estonians are known for being the slowest slavs out there, that's why it took them 2 years to get listed on cmc. Srsly who the hell would ever invest in such team?! Get rid of this slavshist scam before it's too late
Obsessed. Curry fever user lmao
>What exactly is this supposed to prove?
Indians hate other Indians
Lmao at that spread on BTC