What is the official cut off for stacklet stack?

At what point does ones stack the nulinker/stacklet status?

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at what point does ones stack transcend*

I myself in december 2018 after people told me 10k is the min. "make it" stack, eventually settling for 45k link after I was done and forget about it.

Stacklets are buying at these price ranges.
The real nulinkers will show up when we hit $10.


Stacklets are buying at these price ranges.
The real nulinkers will show up when we hit $10.

>Be born Russian
>Get a philosophy degree
>Do a few failed projects
>Issue an illegal ICO at the peak of a massive bubble
>Get fat as fuck
>Wear the same shit every day
>Be extremely vague
>Make up some fake partnerships
>Control 65% of the supply
>Gain a rabid following by feeding them false 'breadcrumbs'
>Spread a meme to never sell so your price doesn't immediately tank
>Begin dumping large amounts on the idiots who hold your project
>Keep stringing them along and selling until you're a billionaire
>Retire to the Cayman Islands

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999 Link is a Stacklet
1000 is a Linklet
10000 is a Stack
100000 is a Big Boy Stack

How about 6k stack and .6 LP?

10k is suicide stack

Linklet tier still but almost at decent stack level.

Since fucking when?

always been. Any old fags will tell you the same. This 1k bullshit is nulinker cope. 10k has and will always be suicide stack.

Personally I'd say anything below 5k is a stacklet at this point. I know oldfags with like 8k so 10k isn't a good cutoff as it was still kinda a lot of money even during the 2018 dips when we all had no money. So glad I was buying all throughout 2018 as a fucking student with $300 a month spare cash, almost all went into LINK and now have a 14k stack with 0.2 LP

lmao you still own this shit?


I bought pre SIBOS 2017. 10k has always been a minimum to make it stack. 1k has been suicide insurance since at least early 2018.

Shit, I thought I was a linklet but it turns out I'm a stacklet. Sad.

I've been hearing 10k make it stack since December 2018. You're still believing LINK will max out ~$320?

It's still kinda surreal for me that stacklets like you exist now no offense. It's so important to accumulate at early stages because the tiniest price hikes can price you the fuck out.

$100 of Link at 16 cents = 625 Linkies
$100 of Link at 20 cents = 500 Linkies
$100 of Link at 40 cents = 250 Linkies
$100 of Link at 1 dollars = 100 Linkies
$100 of Link at 2 dollars = 50 Linkies
$100 of Link at 3 dollars = 33 Linkies

Everytime Link dips and I go to buy more now and see that I can afford to buy maybe 63 Links right at the bottom of the dip I just wince.

yea it's truly painful, every dca in 2018 would yield many hundreds of LINK, and i remember the rush of liquidating all of my 2017 coins into LINK and seeing my LINK balance jump by 7k, the price right now is truly eye opening, upward lads

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yep, I don't have a stack but it's way too expensive for me to even bother buying more. i have what i have and i have to live with it.

Old fag here and you suck! 1k suicide stack, 10k make it stack. It has always been like that!

It’s going to hurt tripling my 12K stack that only cost me about $5K. I just hope I can get in before it’s truly too late

Same, a normal buy would be like $300 per month for me which is now not even 1% of my stack.

What if make it stack is my suicide stack? Should I just kill myself now? You can't retire off of anything less than a million.

Wrong 10k was make it stack. I know because it's how much I purchased first back in Nov 2017 but that obviously didnt satisfy anyone that's been on here for the last 2 years

Wasn't that deep into crypto and very rarely looked at Jow Forums to see the power shilling.
Just not paying attention at the right time.
Things would be a little different right now if I dropped £1K on it this time last year I suppose.

Your gonna regret that attitude user. I did. I had that attitude when it was above 50 cents, I am still buying now.

>have 56k Link
>want 60k stack
>could have easily got it in January
>waiting for a dip
>suddenly price starts rising again after all the fear CSW created late last year passes
>FOMO in and get 59k with what money I had at the time
>close enough, it'll do, I will just get the last 1k later
>saved up more money, could have easily got to 60k
>price hovers around 60 cents for months
>don't buy, hoping for dip
>suddenly mainnet
>price rockets
>realize I fucked up
>don't buy yet again when it was my last chance I could have gotten it
>post mainnet dip
>fucking bite the bullet and decide to DCA in during the dump back to 60 cents
>59,300 Linkies on first buy
>Never got to second buy as it bounced back up again
>google pump happened
>wait for dump
>it finally happens and it's fucking killing me to make my first sub 100 Link buy
>do it
>59,377 Linkies
>oracle and coinbase pump
>priced out again
>buy the dip again the other day
>59,400 something Linkies

REEEEEEEE I WILL NEVER GET THE LAST 600 STINKERS FUCK WHY DIDN'T I JUST BUY THEM WHEN I COULD!? My only hope to get them through staking gains now, or if BTC shits the bed real badly and takes Link with it for a day.

Why be so fixated on an arbitrary number? You have enough.

Yeah I know, I have tons, but I wanted a round number for my stack. I'm just saying, don't stop buying because it's too expensive for you now, because even if you thought you had enough like me, once the price rises you will still feel more fomo if you could have bought more but didn't.


This is absolutely false information