Anyone running a parking lot? Care to share some stories? Sounds like biz dream business

Anyone running a parking lot? Care to share some stories? Sounds like biz dream business

Attached: carscarsandmorecars.png (694x386, 639K)

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meh, guess i'll stick to shitcoins..

My boss always says, if you are good in this life you get a cash lot in a big city in the next. He's a deacon too, so I'm inclined to believe him.

Related: I used to know a guy who had multiple coin operated laundromats, he said it was the easiest money in the world.

now we're talking. So how much of an investment are we looking at in a medium sized city, im talking a small lot of about 40 cars for starters

OP I am so with you on this. This has been my dream business for years and I like to talk about it all the time. A buddy of mine had a brother who ran one in New Zealand apparently. It does look like the industry has consolidated. There is some company in Hong Kong that buys up the car parks. Basically they sit on the land while it appreciates. The thing about this is nowadays you can near automate the whole thing. Also, the best part is having cameras that can track number plates of people who dont pay and send them $$$ bills. Again - companies can basically give you a turnkey setup to do this.

Which country are you in? Are you looking in amerifats? I want one in uk

Thing is, its not totally passive, you need to know how to fix the machines etc or you burn a lot on repairs.

fucking based, is it a good idea to get into debt for this kind of business? i dont think i can save up enough to buy the plot of land plus all the other crap. What about taxes?

argentina, this is still kind of a no man's land and there are a LOT of cars, plenty of business oportunities, especially for foreigners with juicy dollar/euros

Well this is where it gets complicated. The thing about this kind of business is you need a location that works - near shopping or something. And these locations cost money. If you are low on cash i would suggest:
1. Scout location
2. Find car park deal
3. Put together some gay powerpoint with financials
4. put on a suit and try not to look like a fucking degenerate and stop pissing in bottles and go and pitch the idea to someone who has cash. Bank is not as likely to give a commercial loan - really depends on your circumstances

>Anyone running a parking lot?

Nope, just cashed out

Attached: ufkmepte1ru01.jpg (1024x1024, 54K)

i already got the location its damn perfect, just need financing and im a neet currently, but my family got properties. Its not easy getting a loan here, let alone a commercial loan

Ok in that case goto city centre of busy town and try to convert something into a car park. maybe dont automate, just employ thugs to collect money or put up a coin payment system.

Is land expensive in Buenos Aires

Were you involved in this?

>Is land expensive in Buenos Aires
yes this wouldnt be in Bs As, too crowded already
>try to convert something into a car park
this is a plot of land thats a few blocks away from the city centre. Thing is in 10 years this plot of land will be sitting in the NEW centre. Im thinking of raising a whole building for cars

Need investors: one site says it costs USD 8.5 mil to build a 5 story

Could you start off just tarmacing it and getting people to pay to use it?

i wouldnt begin with the story/building, just the land with pavement and other basic shit
>Could you start off just tarmacing it and getting people to pay to use it?

What do people pay for parking in argentina?

like 7 usd for 3-4 hours, more hours and they're charged mostly the same

prices vary a lot depending on the zone and such, but its roughly 1-2 usd per hour

ok, you can still make cash out of that. but the actual land i would be leveling it and laying gravel, no tarmac. have a pajeet there parking people all day and make sure he uses the toilet not the road

>i would be leveling it and laying gravel, no tarmac
>have a pajeet there
no pajeets here, we got negros

Section 8 landlord is the ultimate Jow Forums-pilled dream turn-key business

the problem is you need a really big parking lot and a high fluctuation of cars. 1000 a day at least

idk man sounds like much more of a headache than this parking business which practically runs itself

i'd get there eventually, but 100 cars per day is good enough for me, for starters. This isnt a more than 200-300k investment i think

Sorry man, no idea. More than I got.

sounds based. too bad my country is aiming for car-free main cities.
buying land at attractive locations for hikers, bikers, runners, skiiers etc.. could be an alternative. Would probably be pricy as fuck and the money would most likely be better off somewhere else.

luckily not the case in third world shitholes like mine. Traditional parking lots are here to stay for at least 100 years

so he fucks children?

then its one hell of a comfy investment if you can get a nice location. Start small time with just a pavement, upgrade to multiple stories with the automated car sign scanners etc.. just need a maintenance guy to check in sometimes

thats my idea, hard part is buying the land from its owner. Its been sitting there unused for like two decades already, i dont know his story but there must be a reason he didnt sell it yet

couldn't you just rent it?

if he wanted to rent it he would have already, 20 years sitting there. Only thing i can think of is the old fart died and his children are waiting for some millionaire to come and buy it to put up a 10-story or something

First step would be to find out to whom it belongs and arrange a meeting with him.
You never know what the situation is, it could belong to someone that really doesn't need the money/give a shit about it and isn't actively trying to find someone to buy or rent the place.
If this one doesn't fit you for whatever reason, be it price, unreasonable demands from the owner or anything else, fuck it and look for the next one.
Went through all that shit when trying to open up my own business. Saw about 100 different buildings, talked to as many owners; this was definitely the hardest part, finding the right spot

i've got the spot, this one is it i know. I dont know who the owner is, the land has no signs. But i can ask the neighbours. I havent done it yet cause im still a poorfag, which is why i was thinking of financing with debt..