Anyone else sad that the fucking normies found about Chainlink before we were able to hit top 5

Anyone else sad that the fucking normies found about Chainlink before we were able to hit top 5

I don't even much care for making it anymore but the thought of some fucking normie plebbitor getting rich off INTP/INTJ master race research and breadcrumbs just fucking sickens my stomach. They don't deserve Link

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No. And they didn't get rich off our breadcrumbs either. The google announcement and oracle thing, and the resultant price spikes caught the attention of a lot of people. You can't hide shit like that.

Stop being a salty faggot and deal with it.

t. Pre SIBOS INTJ Linkie

Sergey knows, that's why he started dumping all his LINK. He wants to tank the price hard enough that reddit fags sell. Even if it takes 5 years of dumping 1 million LINK a day, he won't stop selling until those fags are out of the game.

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I am more of a Chad than a normie.
Joined link at $3,50
Dont regret anything.
Wont sell anything.

Hope you can make It too, sad Pepe.


>Joined link at $3,50

Would be great if it would finally enter the top 4 or top 3 then, as it should. There's more money to be made. I'm really pissed off by it not doing so desu. (Which would then also price "normalfags" out...)

>a bunch of neets are gonna pump a token with no current usecases to a top 5 coin

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Sucks to be a neet like you, but you will make It one day.

you sure are gonna make it buying these neets bags LMAO

at a 20x PREMIUM and still thinks he's gonna make it

Your degree of concern and mental energy spent dwelling on (((normies))) makes you the normie
Fill your head with the beauty of God’s creation and you may yet overcome that pesky ego of yours and learn how to enjoy the simple things
If you can’t enjoy even the simplest of things, how in God’s name are you going to appreciate anything else?
>hint: rhetorical question

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Digits confirm
Fuck the NEET haters
Buying chainlink under $10 is an absolute steal
God speed fellow marine, we’re all going to need it

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Link is my friend

Anything under $10 is a clear steal for LINK. Just sucks that some norms have bought in. You can't time this shit perfectly, but I'm up more than 600% on the year. Antshares all over again. My pee poo pee poo is happy as if I've sniffed glue.

are you fucking retarded? How would link hit top 5 without normie money involved you poor fucks

>he cant do math.

5 years * 365 days * 1 mill link = more than current circ supply you stupid dumb fuck. jesus fucking christ are we actually listening to inbred spastics like this nigger and taking advice?

Bruh these are the people asking if their three-digit link stacks will be enough to make it. A babby 10k stack costs $26,000 now, normies are fundamentally priced out already.

Sup plebs,
Experienced Redditor and Wiki Editor here,
Been reading and writing a lot about Blockchain Tech. Attended the last 2 block bit chain conferences. Great info, btw. But yeah ANYWAY (LOLomg) I'm going to get rich soon. You should invest too!

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Thats why you buy VIDT. You wont have to wait nearly as long as holding LINK.

imagine being this attached to an investment

>Anyone else sad that the fucking normies found about Chainlink before we were able to hit top 5

Imagine actually believing LINK was some sekrit club Jow Forums shit. There was probably a subreddit made right after the fucking ICO. Imagine being dumb enough to believe that all kinds of losers didn’t know about this shitcoin from the start. Imagine still thinking this is 2008 and nobody knows what Jow Forums is.

The absolute state of linkie newfucks.

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Weird thought. You might want to take a break from biz dude. It’s not us against the world lol

t. bluepilled norman npc

They are not getting rich they will buy 1000$ worth of Link lol. A lot of anons here have 6 figure stacks.

Yes. They were supposed to buy in at $10, not $2 like they were able to

The early adopters are buying now, we were the visionaries. As much as it hurts there are clever people outside of biz who catch on after a while.

nice fud