Please share any financial advice for an 18 year old headed off to college

Please share any financial advice for an 18 year old headed off to college.

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Don’t go to college lol

Go all in crypto and don't go to college.


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Start saving money. Every dollar you save now is 20x in 50 years.

If you desire marriage, find a long-term partner in college or you will waste massive amounts of energy looking for one during the beginnings of your career.

Buy essentials first - books, decent food, transportation, gym membership. All other stuff is nice to have (beers with mates, fanci-ish dates, etc..). Start an investment account (in Canada we have TFSA) and experiment (also read investopedia), don't paper trade on simulators, its bullshit for learning.

Spend time to become decent in your chosen field, meet friends, meet and date different women, read good books, and listen to good music.

And don't sweat the small stuff.

- sell weed to have money to live while at school. if you have social skills, join a frat. you'll have 50-80 rich kids trying to always get high.
- meal plans are a scam. make friends with extra swipes/cook for yourself.
- put everything you have into btc over the next 3 months.

What is your major?

put your student loans into crypto and live in your car

Appreciate all the responses boys. Im currently working part time making 16/hr and saving all of it. Considering investing a couple thousand into an index fund and not touching it for a while.
Im planning on a business major.

We're possibly in for a recession right now though, which might affect index funds. Buy the dip

Buy cryptoe you retard, not stonks

Business is basically networking: the major. Make sure you get in with some people whose parents and friends can hook you up. If you don't do that a business degree is pretty much a waste.

What are some more valuable majors in your opinion?

index fund probs isn't the move right now. a lot of indicators are showing a high likelyhood of an upcoming recession. unironically buy btc or hold cash. the far superior option of those two is btc though.

if you do business do finance or econ

Compounding is exponentially stronger the younger you are. A thousand dollars saved at 18 is (conservatively) twice as much value then at 25, and twice THAT at 32. Basically, forfeiting time for money is most valuable when you're young so you should totally do it(and to hell with the yolo people)

>Im planning on a business major.
Which department in particular? Know what you want to specialize in soon before you waste time and money.

if your gonna be a business major i suggest joining a fraternity. you'll get the most bang for your buck and have the time of your life for 4 years

Learn to budget. I really like You Need a Budget. Then just youtube up a video of how it works from some guy with a beard on YouTube.

As a student, you get a free year of it. I got mine right before I graduated and its really changing the way I deal with money. Still can't control my fast food impulses and laziness, but I at least can see where my money goes and plan out a bit better

Math classes are the single most important thing in uni because of how it transfers from field to field. In business I would make sure to take actuarial science classes, finance classes, and as many statistics classes as possible. Also get good at Python and R and SQL because then you will curb stomp all the brainlet business majors who only know babby MS Excel.

totally cosign'ing this user. can't imagine how much college would've sucked if I wasn't in a frat.

Finance or Marketing.

literally wagie way of thinking

What's drawing you to those fields? Understand concretely and completely *why* you want to do those fields, don't just do it because it sounds easy or you fell for some memes or lies. If you don't, you're going to have a bad time as you trudge your way through under a sunk cost fallacy situation.

Just a heads up, within the business college, HR and Marketing majors have the hardest time finding a job post graduation while accountants and finance majors are almost guaranteed one immediately. Economics, statistics, and management are somewhere in the middle. Just keep this in mind.

Also avoid general business degrees. They're worthless and only tell employees you're indecisive.

Get a refund on your tuition and don't go to college.

If you have enough money to buy a 10 acre farm, do that, and live as a homesteader.

If you don't have enough right now, go to trade school, then work until you do have enough.

The main point being, college isn't worth what they're charging for it and Western civilization is on the descent due to the brown horde invasion.

Your best bet is to live as a homesteader, fortify your property (wall with razor wire, security systems, stockpiles of everything you would need after SHTF). Remember, you only own what you can defend. Once SHTF, the deed to your property means jack shit. What you're really paying for when you buy land is the right to fortify it and give yourself a large advantage in holding it once SHTF.

The people who run prepper websites made millions of fools like you

OP don't actually do this.

What you should do is go all in to LINK. If you still don't understand smartcontracts, then watch Sergey's talks. He explains everything about them. You fucking idiot with your boomer funds. You gotta risk it while your young and if it fails, this little amount you can just work it back later when you have a good job. You can't work time back. I'm 19, all in LINK since last year and going to university as well. I chose IT though since I already know programming and shit like that.

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Yea at least put something into Link. Don't miss out.

Have you seen "The most important graph in the world" showing the current/upcoming explosion in the black African population?

Do you realize how insane leftists are and that they will not close our borders to the nigger flood?

There's a high probability that things are going to get very bad for everyone outside of East Asia.

Those niggers can't scrape enough money for a plane ticket if they work their whole life for it. When I was somewhat into prepping (I was a fool too), I read a lot of literature and blogs on the topic. The most realistic blog was by an Argentinian guy that cataloged what went to shit during economic collapse - first of all safety and security, then medical services including optometry and dentistry, government services and any imported goods. The most important takeaways were is that you gotta live in a decent neighbourhood in the city with decent neighbors where you can all watch it. In the country whoever will want to take your shit and hurt you has a nearly infinite time to plan and do it, because you're just one fan/family on a giant plot. In the city its easier to observe and chase intruders out. He also mentioned having a Jeep/ car that car traverse sidewalks was important in case of an attempted car robbery, so you can still get out of there even if it means going on sidewalk/offroad. The most important things for survival are a decent community and skills.

> Those niggers can't scrape enough money for a plane ticket

They won't be coming by plane, they'll be coming by foot and boat.

I followed the same advice and make $200/h while drinking beer in my underwear at my kitchen table.

Skills that are valuable to Mr Sheklestein are also valuable to others. Find the others, sell to them at the same rate Sheklestein charges them, spend the other 21 hours in the day doing what you want.

What do you do for a living? (If this isn’t a larp)

college is for fags

my title is "Consultant" but it's essentially data analysis for a niche industry.

Is it remote? How did you land that?

Don't waste your money on uniconnect. It's a total scam.

go to college later collect wages and invest in crypto now

Check this board and watch why crypto is a bad investment.

18yo zoomer here, is comp sci a meme degree?


It has been for a few years, but if you're decent at both spacial math reasoning and language it's probably fine since women and Chads will never do any actual work involving computers because it requires long periods of focus and it has smelly virgins in school. But most nerds go into it, ergo you need be a bit above average for the money to be worth it over other degrees but ultimately it's also very important how you market yourself and social skills

Take out as much loans as you can and buy crypto.

Start Dropshipping and get to $200 a day

The lefties will make everyone pay for their tickets

non-burger here.
the fuck is a fraternity?