whats that white thing on pepes face?
Cocaine residue.
By the time most people hit their late 20s cocaine becomes really uncool. I still do it once in a while if I've had too much to drink but it's really time to quit alcohol and blow for good. Both are massive fucking scams that waste your time, your money and your health.
Just turned 25 and absolutely love it
Coke was gay from the start. Theres no avoiding the awful come down. Better to not do it in the first place.
Enjoy yourself but be safe and stay out of trouble. Bad things tend to happen after 2am. Pretty much every fucked up situation I've been in since the age of 14 was because of drugs and alcohol. Been randomly assaulted once at 7am but that's it.
It's certainly cum alright, at least it smells like it
Every bar fight, every altercation, every arrest, every time one of my friends got jumped or stabbed or robbed at gunpoint, every time a female friend got sexually assaulted, we were somewhere that we shouldn't have been late at night getting trashed
Where you from? just curious.
A white neighborhood in the Bronx surrounded by some pretty rough areas.
Mfw 36 y-o and have never done cocaine
I'm also the only person that I know that has never done it. Seems too expensive imo, I'd rather do.shrooms once in a while
A gram of good quality coke (flake) will last you 3-4 nights out if you're a noob. In Denmark, it costs around the equiv of 100 USD. So 25-33 dollars for a night on coke.. It's what? 2-3 drinks?
No excuses. Go get some coke, you faggot.
>A gram of good quality coke (flake) will last you 3-4 nights out if you're a noob
lol no
Don't you have to sniff more every 30mins or so? Also I heard it doesnt do much besides making you more energetic and talkative
>dude cocaine lmao
You can't just apply soijak to everything you don't like
>You can't just apply soijak to everything you don't like
Yes. If it's quality 80-90% good fish scale and you aren't used to it, it will. Either you're a junkie, or else you haven't tried real coke.
If it's quality then every 45-60 mins, and you need very small lines.
Thing is, 9/10 people don't know what quality coke is. Most "coke" is only 10-15 or maybe 20% pure. Rest is bullshit cuts.
Soys smoke weed or vape
You got bad coke fren
It also makes whisky dick even worse. That said I used to see a girl who would come to my house, bring beer and coke, let me do lines off her tits and then fuck her after. Those were good times. Unfortunately she got way too into that and started blowing dealers for bags.
Unless you live in south america coke is definitely the most retarded drug you could spend your money on. Also inb4 "I'VE gotten GOOD coke unlike you guys", coke literally gets cut by the cartels as soon as it fucking crosses the border, most of the times 50% or more is cut as soon as it lands.
just got 50 euro from my dad and instead of buying a gram of coke, i bought 21 linkies. feelsgoodman :)
Whats the deal with cocaine and sex? I often hear about people having sex after doing coke. Does it make girls more horny? Also I thought cocaine made your dick super hard..?
Any stimulant will turn you into a sexual degenerate instantly if you take enough.
Yep. A limpdick sexual degenerate, at least after 30-60 mins.. And then people take viagra to combat their limpdick and that's where people usually end up getting heart failure, kek.
A fun fact I am happy to know actually.
>mfw two chicken sandwich
>mfw 2 eggs with mayo
>mfw fapping
>mfw drinking mate
>mfw drinking alcohol
>mfw fapping again
who else /depleting dopamine/ mode
Coke sucks. Find a qt3.14 to do Molly with and you will know what heaven is
Problem with molly is that you can't fucking cum. You get a sick hard on and can fuck for hours on end, but you just can't finish off. Fucking annoying, and it ends up ruining everything. The comedown of an acid trip (real acid (tasteless), not all the bitter nbome bullshit), is the best fuck drug ever. Your dick will almost explode, and you can actually finish off - many times.
Eggs and mayo sounds fucking disgusting. Also FYI most commercial mayo in burgerland is made primarily with sõybean oil
True if I don't cum around peak, then it's not til next morning. But holy fuckin hell cumming during peak is a life altering experience.
>thinking im in burgerland
How do you manage the permanent endocrine damage from molly? I know coke causes cardiovascular problems but it can be managed. Do you just go YOLO and then go on SSRI from middle age?
Could imagine that, but I've never had the luck to do so, kek. Just can't fucking finish, no matter how hard I try. But acid is a different story. It also makes you fucking horny without all the degeneracy.
That being said, molly + acid is the best trip ever. Not as in for fucking, but just tripping. Candyflipping. It's fucking amazing, haha. But too old for that shit now, so I'm just drinking coffee and spending my monies on glybtogurrancies now.
t. 33 yr old boomer.
whats that brown thing on alex jones' face?
Well yeah, eggs and mayo definitely sounds like something some morbidly obese midwesterner would concoct
Have only done molly 3 times, and it's been over 5 years since the last time. Been there, done that. Just don't take too much of it and not too often, and you'll be fine.
fuck off
> it's only been 5 years
nigga 2 eggs is nothing, i eat 8 eggs post workout since like two years and im fit af
Only been 5 years? You sound like one of those scaremongers. They're even starting to use molly in depression treatment. As I said, don't take too much too often and you'll be fine.
Nah I am an autistic biologist, heavily into nootropics and other humanmaxxing shit. Ketamine is one of the best alternative "hard street drug" treatments for depression. I know Sergey Brin also is a big advocate of molly in moderation. However longterm studies have not been so kind for molly users, although its just non-human studies currently, the effects look to be delayed onset.
*delayed onset if you don't fry your brain with large a dose and use moderately just once.
>most commercial mayo in burgerland is made primarily with sõybean oil
I only buy mayo made from 100% avacado oil
I also buy 180 free range eggs and 60lbs of bacon at a time
This is probably the most based thing I've read all week
probably cum he had to make some money right?
Correlation doesn't imply causation. Most people who take molly probably also drink a lot, do other drugs, smoke weed and have an unhealthy lifestyle, plus there's a good chance that they don't come from the upper class.
My life has severely improved the last 5 years. Way less depressed than back then. Lost weight, started lifting, better economy, happier outlook on life generally - of course not because of the molly. I doubt it's had any impact on my life, and if so, only for the better. But I really doubt that my 3 trips have or will make any difference.
>Correlation doesn't imply causation.
Yes everybody learns this in the second year of undergrad and the internet fell in love with that line to make themselves feel like scientists. That and probably Dunning-Kruger. I am not trying to insult you I am, you missed my intention and got defensive.
Correlation often suggests further research might be necessary, unlike the internet wants you to believe sometimes correlation does, in fact, imply causation. Not that I am saying this is the case with molly, but do you want to know how I truly know you don't understand the layman's science term "correlation doesn't imply causation", you threw it in with controlled animals studies and gave lots of if's about human behavior.
I am glad you sorted your life out and I hope you keep it on track. I was simply saying molly is risky, and even very limited use can be damaging. We do not know how damaging it would be long term to human brains that are much more complex but given the nature of the data that exists it suggests that it might be.
so what are you gonna do about all that bacon grease clogging your arteries?
That refrigerator might as well be your coffin. Replace this with a daily cigarette and some chewing tobacco. Far healthier. It's what I do on top of my plant diet.
Feels good man
I eat between .75lb and 1lb of bacon everyday
I'm on a specific diet to keep my cholesterol in check
No sugar, no pasta, no grains, no bread, limited veggies
I mainly eat fat and protein. Mainly meats, eggs, cheese
Feels great
>tfw 250 tabs of god tier voidrealm 100ug acid arrived from darknet this week
Gonna go say hi to the machine elves this weekend tata
If i dont return tell my boss i quit....nigga!
off topic, but when u order on the dark web, do u give up ur own address? I was about to order some opiates because I'm a degenerate but got scared at the last step because I didn't want to give my own address. Don't know if this is paranoid or not.
Yes i do but i only order acid and it literally comes in a flat letter and its scentless so... i dont really give a fuck. In the case of weed or pills i would look into a po box
It’s overrated. Amphetamines are the man’s upper, but I don’t recommend them either. Too intense.
Yeah you got garbage product for sure.
Is LSD/MDMA a worthy investment for treating depression and becoming more productive?
t. never done drugs
Bacon > cocaine
Bacon > all drugs
Take the baconpill
I'm cooking bacon, eggs, and sausage for dinner right this second
No. Try ketamine
Don't be a fuckin retard is how. Only roll once every couple months and only a couple hits at a time.
absolutely based and redpilled
And dinner is served
Sounds like me but the setting was Shitsburgh+Philly
very kinographic
Based. Ket is basically an instant anti-depressant that resets the brain. Take it infrequently and you'll be blown away by the afterglow.
Cook your bacon a little bit more you psychopath