Other urls found in this thread:
stop i need to buy more!
ive had too much to drink 1k eyo lol
im going to two years your asshole
shit on streets in Mumbai.
>thinking this is resistance
This 20x, stop wasting your time until it goes back to 60 cents. Get in on a new floor like TRV and compound your gains instead of handing them back to the market.
>Paging 42
didnt read not selling LMAO
>if only you knew the magnificence of the 3,6,and 9
yellow is magnetic field
blue is electric field
green unit circle is time
space/time flowers as a geometry in this 3-6-9 ratio sequence
it's the key Nikola was talking about
see for yourself
>gif related
>3: 3 colours (magnetic, electric, time)
>6: magnetic + electric + time oscillating in 2D (3x2 = 6)
>9: add the 3 colours to create the time unit circle (3x2 + 3 colours = 9)
there is the key my friends
mfw here we go lads
are you strapped in?
I'm a CCNA + Security. How get job?
No volume. Doesn't mean anything
Good time to sell, buy in cheaper
That's What I'm doing
>yellow is magnetic field
>blue is electric field
>green unit circle is time
>space/time flowers as a geometry in this 3-6-9 ratio sequence
>it's the key Nikola was talking about
>see for yourself
>gif related
Don't forget magnetism, electricity and time oscillating in three dimensions (9).
it's a 4d helix
I use the simple euler's disk as a point of reference
fundamentally that gif is still yet another projection from a higher dimension
>pic related does better to explain than my words
You have 2 more weeks before Bitcoin comes crashing down. The degenerates are continuing to trade and squeeze everything else they can. In 2 weeks, it will become apparent that Bitcoin is going to cross downwards on the weekly MACD. We will enter the next bear market then. Do with this what you will.
ill do nothing with it thanks LMAO
lot of bear posting lately, I'm thinking we're back
Fuck your pajeet coin you stupid faggot
Sergey about to dump another 700k
Sergey bout to pour another 700k cups of coffee
Do you honestly think this coordinated FUDing affects the price at all? How about you both dilate fucking discord trannies
Based, thank you. Where does probability fit into this all?
>Where does probability fit into this all?
only God keeps secrets
if you think you can divinate, you are mistaken
I would giiiiiiive you the wooooooorld street shitter
you dont got to be perfect nah nah nah
you just got to take street shits yah yah yah yah yahhhhh
>I use the simple euler's disk as a point of reference
>Where does probability fit into this all?
what's the clock of time
(pic related)
remember to keep /in mind/ the imaginary axis shown
a 2D projection of the 4D experience we feel as humans with our memories and brains
well the faggot showed up thread ruined. time to hide this thread.
>time to hide this thread.
nowhere to run
nowhere to hide
i figured out you dont even need a bathroom you can just piss on your hands
>contributes nothing of value
Good now tell your fellow normalfags to fuck off with you
>he thinks some jewish mumble garbage is going to do jack shit
You should just stick to nu/pol/ faggot
Ok but our bodies and souls exist in a probabilistic medium, and are themselves probability field generators. We (or god through us) influence 'external' probability events so much that the influence appears nonrandom and reproduceable to a statistically impossible degree. How does that fit in with the EM/Time thing?
i guess i have it better than most guys because my hands are very much like paper towels already
>We (or god through us) influence 'external' probability events so much that the influence appears nonrandom and reproduceable to a statistically impossible degree.
consciousness is a kaleidoscope cascade of synchronicity
we notice 1% and freak the fuck out
only after you livestream your inevitable rope swing plebbit
>the redditor keeps projecting
why dont you fuck off to another shitposting thread like you said you were going to do plebbit
Maybe you should stop spamming threads?
>nowhere to run
>nowhere to hide
they tried warning us about Father
I'm most definitely listening
>pic related
oh i now i understand the tear
>oh i now i understand the tear
I was always a lone shinobi
will you join me in this solitude brother?
a solitude with God himself...
>a solitude with God himself...
that can simultaneously be shared with others
>incels within incels; interlinked
>incel is my spirit animal
>and I've slept with triple digit amounts of women
such is the depth of my empathy my /fellow marines/
When I really really need to I'll go in my shoes then put my feet back in them. When I walk off the bus people just think I stood in a puddle
that keith track is fud
thank you for sharing marine.
what about this track?
is 4000 link enough to make it
fuck bros even at $10 that isn't enough of a return
>thank you for sharing marine.
>take me to the river
>dip me in the water
>push me in the river
>dip me in water
mfw I laid hands on my father
it's a family owned business
a year after, we're closer than ever
almost like the same exact thing happened in heaven
>surely a coincidence...
>filename related
beautifully represented
>staking this month
why are you lying? they haven't even started the reputation and penalty contracts
good night friend
it's a long week for me
I'm taking a break
sleep well
and dream even better
Thats just how dudes be. When I slugged my old man the dynamic changed between us.
Your family business is laying hands? Do you work in a church?
>Thats just how dudes be.
ain't that the truth
>Do you work in a church?
aka do I work in the World?
>When I slugged my old man the dynamic changed between us.
closer than ever wouldn't you say
almost like a holy and divine bond was formed
>pic related
last one
good night
>pic related
>hint: there's a reason you're baptized in water
water reflects the Triad God Head
the tracks are good , theyre just undervalueing link
trappin in heaven awesome bro
and thats from a real street shitter
>Be born Russian
>Get a philosophy degree
>Do a few failed projects
>Issue an illegal ICO at the peak of a massive bubble
>Get fat as fuck
>Wear the same shit every day
>Be extremely vague
>Make up some fake partnerships
>Control 65% of the supply
>Gain a rabid following by feeding them false 'breadcrumbs'
>Spread a meme to never sell so your price doesn't immediately tank
>Begin dumping large amounts on the idiots who hold your project
>Keep stringing them along and selling until you're a billionaire
>Retire to the Cayman Islands
dude it didnt even break resistance. you literally cant read graphs
Haha we need that larping time traveler to come back cause his shit was easier to follow. No offense 42.
based ryan celsius bros
Oh who could have guessed this would happen?
The most important question during the next few months will be: what kind of hodlor are you?
>satans minions out of the woodwork trying to scare away from supporting based linkies
>satans minions out of the woodwork trying to scare me away from voting for based donald
>based frog btfoing them both with digits and dank
We all know what’s going on here, same fight different weapons.
Begone Satan, we The Cube now
Not Satan.
Yids don't believe in hell, they are scared of truth and responsibility
Let’s not blow things out of proportion...
Did you even look through the new chainlink truffle version?
>500,000 #LINK (1,341,338 USD) transferred from unknown wallet to #Binance