ITT: we post chainLINK OC

Just made this.
Whatchu guys think?

Attached: TheCube.png (1080x840, 971K)

Other urls found in this thread:

its okay

Attached: sergblowgang.jpg (708x976, 277K)

Attached: holysergey2.jpg (902x1198, 766K)

Attached: 1535612133162.jpg (1089x529, 77K)

Attached: sergpic3.jpg (896x449, 33K)

I made this like 2-3 weeks ago, I think. Maybe a month.

Attached: clink01.jpg (1020x1064, 161K)

Attached: preg2.jpg (1169x1280, 443K)

Smooth out where the beard meets the neck a lil bit and its a winner

Attached: 1541589485016.png (750x750, 311K)

fucking kek, user


Attached: holysergey3.jpg (902x1198, 772K)

I know Jow Forums is a creative space but your picture would be much more impactful of you weren't trying to associate an anonymous moniker with it.

Let the ideas speak for and in turn spread for themsleves.



make some hair go on his shoulders,

Nice work and way to anticipate the future timeline. This one will inevitably become relevant in due time.

like this?

Attached: holysergey4.jpg (902x1198, 776K)

Attached: schnoz.jpg (233x319, 7K)

Attached: twitter11.jpg (662x739, 313K)

Attached: datari.jpg (897x449, 43K)

You're getting there but maybe a little less. Look at some portraits of Jesus for reference. I think the previous version was better. Very cool user

Thanks. I made it when I was super stoned

Attached: 1544589294543.jpg (720x720, 48K)

>Be born Russian
>Get a philosophy degree
>Do a few failed projects
>Issue an illegal ICO at the peak of a massive bubble
>Get fat as fuck
>Wear the same shit every day
>Be extremely vague
>Make up some fake partnerships
>Control 65% of the supply
>Gain a rabid following by feeding them false 'breadcrumbs'
>Spread a meme to never sell so your price doesn't immediately tank
>Begin dumping large amounts on the idiots who hold your project
>Keep stringing them along and selling until you're a billionaire
>Retire to the Cayman Islands

Attached: 1563549467973.gif (500x250, 1007K)

Attached: aiportraits_1563578977.jpg (512x512, 28K)

nice your getting there, do it for the right side also

Should I just crop out the bottom then?


Cropped the bottom and changed the text to give flavor.
Any ideas to make it better/change it around?

Attached: TheCube2.png (1080x756, 872K)

>nice your getting there, do it for the right side also
put xrp rlc and other shitcooins on the teacher

I'm not posting it because you fags will hate on me, but it shows up from time to time

I feel that I can look back on all of this now and understand why we believed what we did at the time, and why we were so hopeful. It's not like it was as obvious as some other projects - but unfortunately some of you have not come to the realization that you are coping with financial stockholm syndrome. You still persist in flooding this board for validation, but it's so painfully clear that the spammers are nothing but desperate, emotional bagholders trying to circlejerk one last exit spurt out of this now provably centralized, amateur shitcoin.

Chainlink's team is literally dumping all over us as we speak. Sergey just has a few more presentations to go where he drags his drag his fat, tech-illiterate ass like a dog with worms before an audience of college freshmen who wanted to play with crypto as a hobby and then he can finally cash out his own stack and retire early. He could go up on stage, announce the cessation of the project, and then post pictures from some beautiful beach in czech every day and you would still hold onto your extremely overvalued stacks. They don't even dump on you themselves. That's how bad it is at this point - they can literally use a bot to sell off huge amounts of link every single day and know that you'll just make up cope because it's too hard to accept. This proves that the team is definitely aware of the sentiment on this board - they know that old retards and new suckers alike are trapped now. Sergey could show up to his presentations drunk at this point and you imbeciles would just try to claim that he's a chad despite the fact that he is a soft and timid little eunuch who is clearly in way over his head. But then again, so are you.

The difference is, is that he's going to walk away an insanely rich man while you're going to be flipping burgers and imagining yourself in sports cars for the next 40 years until you die of heart failure from eating big-macs 'ironically.'
Sergey portraits with the watermarks removed.

Attached: 1532804437788.jpg (519x524, 106K)

how about this?

Attached: holysergey5.jpg (902x1198, 778K)

Attached: comfy.jpg (900x873, 327K)

Attached: fm4.jpg (605x605, 69K)

Attached: chainlink-censorship-REQ-shitcoin-vanishes.jpg (630x840, 194K)

Attached: ONE SIMPLE TRICK.jpg (540x523, 175K)

Inshallah but what is our green brother drinking? Haram?

Attached: roryserg111.jpg (830x1280, 393K)

Attached: sergey hackathon3.jpg (1280x720, 779K)

Attached: Sergeys playing pool OC.jpg (768x512, 381K)

Attached: combined powers2.jpg (630x450, 224K)

Attached: Son of God3.jpg (1145x1280, 960K)

Attached: 1563494602418.jpg (494x980, 84K)


Attached: shinylink.jpg (549x410, 55K)


Anyone have the one where sergey is covered in bruises attending the event of the other day, with a McDonalds bag in one hand and a swastika armband and an iron cross on his chest?

Preferably with the copypasta that came with it. Saw it while browsing with phone and couldn't save it T__T

Attached: 1561303468337.jpg (900x599, 572K)

search for keywords from the pasta on warosu
