Still no career

Tried everything. Society is wholly to blame at this point. If no one wants to employ me when I'm 22 and full of energy and enthusiasm then who the fuck gonna employ me when I'm 41 and pissed off?

I have been to and performed well in tens of interviews, performed countless IQ tests from HR departments, presentations and stupid group exercises. Shown confidence, enthusiasm and competence in every role in every I've applied for. Leadership when necessary.
Multiple different types of career, multiple methods of application, even meeting a CEO in a car park, having a conversation and giving him my CV (worked to an extent).

Thanks for reading my blog

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Manufacturing can save you. Line operators make safe ~$20/hr on the outskirts of any major metropolitan area. Good luck!

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Hey Dunning Kruger

where did you get this epic meme

Where did I claim to know everything? I've been trying to get an apprenticeship for years.

Maybe you present badly or are a bit of a brainlet. I agree it's shit though. Welcome to a world in which jews mass import privileged browns to work instead.

What field(s) are you applying in? Do you have a degree?

u're propably ugly/repulsive or have bad odor/body hygene. also being a fat fuck with a partly hairy babyface is not gonna help.


You're obviously confident and have talent. Start your own business.

I understand the feeling, I don't know why some idiots can't see that you would be perfect for the job, maybe they're intimidated. Idk. If they won't give you a chance, you'll have to make your own luck.


take the suicidebomber pill

The decline of economy and society will not be a big bang, it is a slow long drained out fart. Forget any career in a company until all Boomers are dead, literally dead. If you want to take risk, make your own business but don't expect it too be profitable for the next 25 years, and be ready to change subject and focus often.
t.MA, BSci who run multiple legal and illegal businesses and worked for about 15 different companies in 6 different branches

Based and Blackpilled

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Lose weight fatass.
Also take a shower and dress decently.

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>tons of IT certs available within months
>nursing certs/programs
>teaching degree
All of these are in high demand and brainlet friendly.

Those are all literal memes. Kill your self.

>making $50k with benefits and IRA in early 20s is a meme
Lmao, alright user

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wtf, is he dying already?

Enlist in army.

Become something that protects its homeland.

Fuck those marxist out and save your shit.

have you tried being a fat sassy black woman?

Zoomer spotted


I thought IT was dominated by insular, racist H1B pajeets though

Bruh, if no one will hire you, the common factor is you.

I wake up at 6am every day and go to the gym for an hour to an hour and a half. I am very clean, I have a slim body type but I am fit. I only have a shit haircut.

Just walk up to the manager and give him a FIRM handshake.

BTW there's a revolution coming in under 2 years. When it happens boomers are gonna be bathed in blood.

Can confirm. Early 20's with exactly that, and no college either.

based boomer

>I have been to and performed well in tens of interviews,
I've literally always gotten the job after an interview. You're either applying for a job your not qualified for or employers see right through you & don't like what they see. Either way, it's you, not society

I'm more likely to kill you instead desu

Why would I want to fight for a country that won't give me a job? So i can defend our politicians right to flood our country with the very people my wife is going to have sex with when I'm dead? Fuck off.

I unironically have. Im not even joking. It worked until they asked for a video interview and I never heard back

And how is that my fault? Fuck off with your bullshit, or reveal to me your postcode

I always do that

I'm applying for apprenticeships, how can I not be qualified? I meet all the education requirements listed for the jobs I apply for.

you know what the awesome thing is OP it will only get worse over the next decade with AI kicking in :)

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lol. funny how you would have got the job if you would have been little more 'diverse'. - fuck em. fuck resumes. fuck hr you have to make something yourself. - then they will complain about you making it because you had every advantage.

Depends where. I'm in IT in rural Midwest and haven't encountered a single IT Jeet locally

Look at the people who got hired for said positions. Compare them to yourself. Be really honest.

Also post a picture of your haircut. If it's shitty you could better shave it of. Also dress sharp. Don't give a fuck if it's a casual company. Always be the guy who is dressed the sharpest. And prepare your interviews. Try to find hooks (by autistic searching beforehand) between you and the interviewer.

Lastly post you resume here (anonymous for all I care) and I will give you advice.

Godspeed user, we all went through this phase. It get easier once you have a job.

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Good advice. I'm sure some anons would appreciate if you shared tips for a good resume or posted an example of one, cheers

Also its easy to get hired as a vet

Do four years, take the gi bill to school, etc