while you're all selling dips and buying tops I have my own python bot doing TA and daytrading for me. Set up with just 100$ 5 days ago, making around 1.5/2% a day, already at 109$ Soon I'll be increasing my stack, making over 50 bucks a day
except that the investment is growing along. Learn your exponentials.
Liam Bailey
on which exchange do u use it? do u use different timeframes?
Levi Rodriguez
binance, operating at 5m timeframes but actually getting prices on the second
I'm reading Bollinger bands and using a 5-periods exp. moving average to keep track of the price variations to avoid false positives and exploit on BOLL (i.e. price drops a lot, exits lower boll, gets back inside but could potentially drop more. When it stops going down I buy)
Sell at price out of upper bollinger and back in, only if profit post commissions is at least 1%
I'm simulating similar strategies with similar parameters without actually operating them, I tried 1m and 15m but 5m has been the most profitable so far.
It will probably not last forever, but I'm confident in being able to not fuck up hard also given the small investment
Josiah Martin
comfy algorithm desu
Caleb Sanchez
thanks for the details, but on binance the problem is that you can only go long
David Wilson
Enjoy you ta faggotry until the bull market is over :)
David Murphy
I have to solve a task on python wich will alow me to make a PA algo, im over 80% winrate on this strat.
if anyone is interested, give me an email
Cooper Nelson
what's a PA algo? I can help you I've skills in python
Gabriel Martin
Checked. Number 8 means profit. I would like to write and operate my own bot all on Android phone/phones. Do you think it's possible?
Jaxson Brown
Price action, not indicator based.
Cooper Cruz
kys retard even in bear market you can go long for day trades, low IQ
meaningless. come back when you have data with statistical significance
Alexander Walker
I'm currently using a VPS, didn't think about getting it on phone because a) don't really how to program for phones, I just know java basics b) I want it to be on 24h, I don't leave my phone always on
around 3-4 per day. Risking 50% stake (I know its crazy high but it's just 50 bucks) and therefore getting like 50 cent for operation at the beginning. With more money, this will grow but I will eventually lower the stake risk.
When btc dropped below 10k two days ago I bought kinda high because I did not implement the short time avg mechanic to save my ass, so for one day it did not really close any transaction. However it recovered fast the day after. To avoid other inconveniences I'm stuck with running simulations for now
William Perez
get a rapsberry or something, they can run 24/7, of just get a cheap server
Jordan Perez
you risk 50 bucks to make 0.5?
Kayden Thomas
I was day trader with own bot and >80% chances of win each time. It only works good as long you are in bull market. One bad day or one bad week will kill all your efforts. Just consider it before you put more money :)
Leo Hall
Running shit on phone is easy to do but as OP said you need to think about how you use your phone and what kind of connection you have. You can get terminal emulator on android and then run most python or js/ts code (or pretty much anything but these 2 I tested personally). I'm doing something similar but on BitMEX in node/ts and plan to run it on phone and have a small server with ui you can access through any browser on local network.