Is it true chainlink is an erc-20 token which only took 15 minutes to make?
Is it true chainlink is an erc-20 token which only took 15 minutes to make?
its not exactly not true. almost all erc20 tokens are the same.
just look up the contract
less than 15 imo, just copy paste the standard contract lmao
How are you just finding out about this cmc has literally confirmed this info since it has been listed on there
How many threads a day you gonna make saying the same exact shit?
so chainlink is just a speculative ethereum token that hasnt actually solved anything nor has any working product? wtf
its not a bad thing to be fair
is it false information? is it not just an erc20 token that takes 15 minutes to make?
10 min*
It was during 2017/2018
Recently has been demoted to erc-10 due to abusive business practices
its ERC 677 my fren
which took almost 3 hours to make or so ive heard
Came here to inform op of this
Chainlink is a scam proliferated by biz. This should be common knowledge now?
I just checked blockfolio...
yeah but just like with bitconnect if you get early you can profit
protip: it's already late
Even Coinbase was scammed.. are you going to tell them or should I?
I heard there will soon be a special category for shitcoins like LINK, called ERC-0
Coinbase just wants profit, they don’t give a fuck what tokens do or don’t do.
yep deff do not buy ;) it only took 3 seconds to create
It hasnt updated yet
Yup, 15 minutes can make you $15M or more with shitcoins
15 mins of the hardest work imaginable that only a super genius or math phd could do.
I mean yeah it's true but that doesn't even matter
Chainlink is a game changer, full stop
This time it’s totes different.
google, oracle, and swift actually got scammed
damn i cant believe it man
The interns who wrote the blog posts got scammed, yes. Anymore larp bro? Biz has trained you to bag hold well.
Assuming I'd create an ERC-20 with a big story (no scam though, sorry), reaching normies massively once it hits the public. Would Jow Forums be the right place to make it known first? Do we have the potential?
yeah in 2017, not anymore
It's true in the way that peepee is stored in the balls.
nigger just rob a store if you need money....
It would be more about the fun. The story would be something y'all certainly like. It was more the regulatory hurdles that stopped me from doing it.
Guess I don't ask and just do it.