Premine. Premine. Premine. No BTC premine. There are fucking millions of ETH still being bagheld by a few people who will continuously have selling pressure.
Project scams. Those fucking project scams are the only reason ETH mooned in the first place, and that's ONLY because retail was buying ETH to buy those projects. Now, those projects still exist and will keep existing every week, except with less people going out to buy them.
Those projects still need to cash out their scammy holdings though. Thus, it is constant sell pressure. With BTC, there are no projects or companies that consistently need to sell their BTC every week. This is how shitcoins like LINK created massive campaigns to successfully loot the latecomers out and are now selling 700K link every week. Guess what they were doing before then for the last two-three years? Selling their ETH.
That's the crux of the problem. There will ALWAYS be a CONSTANT sell pressure on ETH. If you're still holding this, just wire me your money. It's better to do that than to losing it all and finding that out in a couple of years anyways.
P.S. Vitalik using BCH Chain kek. Can't even fucking scale his shitcoin. (BTC is shite too at scaling)
Then skeleton proceeded to increase the supply by 30% in 3 fucking years to almost 107 Million. That's a shitcoin inflation model combined with the premine combined with the ICO scams that rips a new asshole in investors with every dump
This entire thread smells like SEETHING. Bitcoin will never get out of the hardfork deadlock.
Owen Perry
good luck having a high cap pamp niggers, you are just being used as liquidity pools by whales and link team, get over your delusion or get rekt , like people that bought ADA at 33bn cap
Ethan Ramirez
nigger you are too dumb to even understand bitcoin read some books about austrian economics and then come back
the tech circlejerk was started by ethereum faggots btc doesn't need to scale or get faster txn per seconds its just a settlement layer that competes with central banks monetary policies for predictability and scarcity, and allows people to opt out of the keynesian financial system only porr people fud btc thats how you understand who is a pleb and who isn't, you literally can't afford to own BTC so you fud it
Ethan Wilson
N I g g e r I only hold BTC n XTZ but I’d like a session with mother/daughter combo
Colton Wright
then you will have to pay with hard money like btc, not centralized scams like LINK, the best whores know how to differentiate between what is HARD and what is not hard
Joseph Harris
Colton Rogers
yeah right go back to your hole like the shitcoiner you are, you don't have have a reply after i burned you and showed how porr you are
Levi Moore
Didnt read, not selling. Just dropping in to say OPs pic is cringe.
OP is just telling you own a ponzi and you don't even know it
Luke Robinson
low iq. Ethereum is the financial platform of the future and anyone smart enough to accumulate now is going to be able to live comfortably from staking income. Bitcoin is going to be completely forgotten after it stops being first. Only brainlets hold tokens that are never going to generate income. No income = ponzi game of chairs.
Nathan Cooper
keep up with the tech nigger, with tendermint based sidechains BTC will have all the capabilities of any of the competitors, thats why more then 80 projects (and growing) are switching away from ethereum into tendermint this way they don't have to own eth shitcoin and can offer services directly to btc chads
The only sidechains bitcoin can have are fully centralized, tendermint is just one of ways to do that. Each tendermint blockchain is just a tiny permissioned PoA network. There's already rootstock and liquid and nobody is using them, another centralized sidechain isn't going to change anything, it only fragments the PoA space more, which is good for ethereum.
i mean its not like people are using ethereum eaither, tendermint just offers better scalability, and better sdk for developers also you can have the logic of your chain fully customized
Lucas Lewis
>i mean its not like people are using ethereum eaither hahaha what. I'm literally right now earning 15.15% in a lending dapp ( Previously I was earning 14% APR on another dapp, Dharma. Face the truth, everything new is happening on ethereum. Even tether is moving to ethereum from bitcoin. Bitcoin can't have trustless sidechains at all, but ethereum can have them thanks to zk-snarks and zk-starks.
dude get your head out of your ass, and understand that value comes from the har policies of btc, shiny new tech is just a mirror for mooroons
Xavier Reed
Samuel Brooks
bad grammar is just to get the attention of faggots like you
Caleb Foster
There's no value in btc, it's mathemetically a ponzi. Every profit comes from someone else's loss, most btc holders must lose money. That's why there's so much aggressive shilling, bitcoin holders need new bagholders to dump to. This means it must eventually go to zero, no matter how long it takes.
After PoS, staking ethereum is going to generate income, which comes from fees paid for utility. Profits come from utility, not from from new bagholders.
Jaxon Ward
dude thats a weak shill, bitcoin is a monetary asset, monetary assets like gold or the dollar bring in no revenue but accrue the most value. look at silver compared to gold for example it has the most industrail usecases but its just a pnd ponzi, cause of high stock to flow ratio. as i said above read some books about monetary theory like the bitcoin standard
Jose Russell
>monetary assets like gold or the dollar bring in no revenue but accrue the most value. no, gold was one of the worst investments in the XX century. Bitcoin is way, way worse than gold, because gold doesn't require mining to function. It just is. Bitcoin ceases to exist once the network dies. It's completely worthless in the event of any major crisis. Additionally, most of gold demand is for utility purposes - jewelry and industry. Bitcoin is ~100% for speculation.
Before you post look up how to spell the words you use and, while you are at it, look up what a ponzi is you fucking moron.
Jaxon Williams
I made a typo, so what. >A Ponzi scheme (/ˈpɒnzi/, Italian: [ˈpontsi]; also a Ponzi game)[1] is a form of fraud that lures investors and pays profits to earlier investors with funds from more recent investors literally bitcoin.
Landon Williams
thats classic peter schiff arguments, there is no point in convincing you, you are a lost cause. look how many people would use gold for jewelry if it lost monetary status, industrial usecases take away from monetary usecases, thast why gold is an imperfect store of value cause it has industrial purpose that creates fluctuations in the real value. bitcoin on the other hand has no use outside of SOV and MOE thus giving it perfect monetary status and represenattion of value, these are just basic austrian concepts. the if internet ceases to exist argument is just retarded ,cause at that point gold will be worthless only guns and food will have value
Sebastian Powell
dude you just don't get it too brainlet to understand what money is , just remember about shitposting on this board this day when btc hits 1m
Jaxson Bennett
>thast why gold is an imperfect store of value cause it has industrial purpose >bitcoin on the other hand has no use outside of SOV and MOE thus giving it perfect monetary status lmao you're literally arguing bitcoin is worth more because it's useless. I'm done, you deserve to lose everything on this.
James Nguyen
No, a central figure (fucking mr Ponzi) uses profits from new investors to keep the train rolling. Sicne there is no central figure it is not a Ponzi. It is not even a pyramid scheme since you can sell, buy in again and then sell and there is no hierarchical structure in ownership and profit sharing. It is a speculative asset. Maybe worthless, maybe not who gives a flying fuck.
Morons using words they don't know to rage about shit they don't understand really grind my gears.
Adam Gutierrez
no im arguing that bitcoin is a better store of value and medium of exchange cause industrial usecases will not cause fluctuations in the price when it stabilizes you fucking retard
Anthony Jones
ethereum brainlets don't get it they think they can understand stuff without educating themself and reading books, we should just leave him be porr, people like him don't derve to hold btc
Easton Carter
>No, a central figure (fucking mr Ponzi) uses profits from new investors to keep the train rolling stop making things up. ponzi = profits come from funds of new investors that's it. How the distribution is organized is a secondary matter. Bitcoin is a decentralized ponzi. Something that's worthless can't ever become a "store of value".
I literally quoted the definition from wikipedia. Merriam webster: >Definition of Ponzi scheme >: an investment swindle in which some early investors are paid off with money put up by later ones in order to encourage more and bigger risks anything about a central figure? No. Collins dictionary >a fraudulent investment operation that pays quick returns to initial contributors using money from subsequent contributors rather than profit again, not "central figure". You made that up on the spot. >subjective theory of value from austrian economic theory this has literally nothing to do with it
Jaxson Richardson
read about the subjective theory of value then come back, no point arguing with someone that just wanna win an argument and not actually get smarter
Joseph Sanchez
How much LINK to have Jen Selter and her mother fuck for my enjoyment?
Alexander Ortiz
>all that ETH FUD
looks like I made the right bet after all. all in on ETH since early 2017. sold a bunch at $900. will sell the rest at $1900.
Michael Watson
they accept only BTC you cuck
Wyatt Ramirez
lets revisit this when eth goes to 12 sats on the btc ratio
Tyler Reed
I read several of Rothbards' and Mises' books when I was 13, I thought they were a gospel then too. They are comically wrong about how money works. Gold was never free market money, it was used as a technology to create tax payment coins. Durable, easy to control (nationalize few mines), hard to counterfeit. Once alternative anticounterfeiting technology got good enough it stopped being used. It's as simple as that. That's why in locations without gold you got alternatives like some specific seashell as money. Impossible to counterfeit and supply is sort-of controllable: the ruler only has to patrol the beaches and make it a death penalty offense for anyone not authorized to collect them. Accumulate seashells, then force peasants with violence to buy them from you just to pay taxes to you.
Without laws that force people to accept worthless money just to pay taxes, everyone would trade using things with actual value.
Andrew Campbell
>lets revisit this when eth goes to 12 sats on the btc ratio
if ETH/BTC goes this low before PoS I will mortgage my apartment and load up as much as possible and sell 1 week before go-live.
Hunter Hernandez
how many BTC then?
Andrew Barnes
From that very fucking page:
A pyramid scheme is a form of fraud similar in some ways to a Ponzi scheme, relying as it does on a mistaken belief in a nonexistent financial reality, including the hope of an extremely high rate of return. However, several characteristics distinguish these schemes from Ponzi schemes:[7]
In a Ponzi scheme, the schemer acts as a "hub" for the victims, interacting with all of them directly. In a pyramid scheme, those who recruit additional participants benefit directly. (In fact, failure to recruit typically means no investment return.) A Ponzi scheme claims to rely on some esoteric investment approach, and often attracts well-to-do investors, whereas pyramid schemes explicitly claim that new money will be the source of payout for the initial investments.[5] A pyramid scheme typically collapses much faster because it requires exponential increases in participants to sustain it. By contrast, Ponzi schemes can survive simply by persuading most existing participants to reinvest their money, with a relatively small number of new participants.[11]
>the "I read the first line" level of understanding Seriously mister Merriam-Webster read a book or something.
Brandon Williams
Already made it from ETH. (6 figures) I never would have if I ever listened to this dumbass FUD that always shows up when it's about to moon. Stay poor OP.
Austin Harris
yeah at 12 sata i will buy too but not for holding just for a qucik flip yeah so now you understand why a form of money that can't get stolen or inflated is very valuable. good luck trying to tax btc holders or inflate their purchasing power away to fund your high government deficits, any form of money that can get seized will get seized. btc literally allows you to evade taxation thus destroying the power of large scale governments to project power on large amounts of territory. it has all the perfect characteristic of the perfect money can't be stolen can't be inflated txn can't be censored its borderless fixed supply predicatble monetary policies btc is the hardest money there is
regarding the subjective theory of value i said it so you understand that value doesn't come from industrial uses but capacity of the chosen asset to better conserve value across time
Nicholas Martin
funny. reads like an XMR description.
Hunter Lee
XMR suuply is not transparent and can't be cjhecked the hidden supply will not allow monetization on large scale
Zachary Brown
That's not a definition, but an explanation based on past examples. Initially a ponzi scheme meant literally THE ponzi scheme. Now we know that there's not even a need for a central figure. nope, perfect money is no money at all. Bitcoin is literally the opposite: the worst form of money ever invented, based on completely false premises.
You will see this on ethereum eventually, people paying for icecream using a fraction of tokenized Amazon stock, all arbitraged by bots using the most profitable path through the market. Maybe then you will understand.
David Price
nah dude value flows to the hardest asset, the more scarce MOE will win, ethereum is nor scarce or predictable in the monethary policies nor is any centralized ponzi coin, people holding those scams will just get their value inflated away
Gavin Bell
Same, 7 figures from ETH here. And I put 50% back into ETH because that shit is going right back up come alt season.
Christian Gomez
>alt season sorry user, but alt season isn't coming back.
Jack Russell
Cameron Baker
value flows to the asset with the highest return as long as the return persists, not "hardest" which is not even a well defined property. >ethereum is nor scarce or predictable in the monethary policies Scarcity has no value in itself. Bitcoin has neither any inherent utility nor any return, which means it's worthless. You can only make a real profit if there's a new bagholder to sell to higher. If you hold too long that's not going to be the case.
Alexander Wood
i guess only time will show you , you are wrong
Nathaniel Johnson
>when it stabilizes >pure socialism hasn't been tried yet
Leo Roberts
yuck, single mothers. I'd beat these whores with a belt until it gives out.
Brayden Lopez
>Thinking that the fundamentals of a project mean anything ETH mooned because btc mooned and people wanted to make money. I'm betting that people will want to make a lot of money again the next time btc moons so I'm holding both.
Lucas Gutierrez
Heavily going off of greater fool theory but if it works it works
Ryan Howard
Satoshi PREMINED over 1 million BTC Satoshi PREMINED over 1 million BTC Satoshi PREMINED over 1 million BTC Satoshi PREMINED over 1 million BTC Satoshi PREMINED over 1 million BTC
Also Bitcoin is definitely a ponzi and so is the stock market and housing markets. Literally everything in life is a ponzi that is set up for the early comers
James Fisher
It’s momma bear’s gnarled old hand corrupting that girl’s youth. Hot!
Ethan Jones
>Beetcone has no value at all >Therefore it should be worth a million dollars each
Going to screencap this. Confirms that btc hodlers are the stupidest people on the planet.
Parker Johnson
imagine thinking ico's hold alot of eth still
it's not 2018
Jacob Brown
Sommer Rae and her mom have a weird relationship. How many BTC to sleep with them both?
James Flores
based, sillicon valley wannabe soi boys have no idea what they are doing
I read Jow Forumsethtrader for laughs, it's like a money losing cult.
you know retards are desperate when they start to argue "it would be worthless if civilization totally collapsed". But then ho ho ho he's got the basic bitch "it's a ponzi" argument too: Reddit researchers bring their preconceived notions to the table regarding money and what the monetization process of something that has never existed in history before ought to look like, and measure bitcoin based on those preconceived notions after exchanging narratives with other altcoin shills who are also operatingly purely on uneducated preconceived notions. If you say anything that sounds even a little counter intuitive in sound bite form, their NPC brains won't have the curiosity to look into what you are saying and consider it. They don't actually read anything about economics or bother to educate themselves on monetary theory from the school of thought that influenced Satoshi Nakamoto in the first place.