I'm balding.
I'm balding
>of course I swinglink chainlink how could you tell?
Propecia/Minox/Nizoral shampoo
you're welcome and don't fucking deliberate just get on it right now
drink some ultra zero
it helps according to rumors
Nice to meet you, balding
>swinglink chainlink
Everyone on this board really is between the age of 25-30, heh.
does it work if I reached vortex phase?
It helps according to boomers
i started balding at 20
Slaphead here. Chicks totally DIG bald men. Minimum female, maximum SUCCESS. As long as your >6’0” and not broke you have now made it
i have so much hair it's fucking insane
do you also have an ass crack forest + hobbits feet?
When is good time to throw in the towel and go full Mr. Clean? I've receded 1-2 inches
Be thankful you have enough T
>tfw went grey at 18 but 10 years later not even a hint of hairloss
Sorry bout your luck OP.
My mom is slightly balding but my dad has good hair. I'm 30 and no signs of balding yet. Am I safe?
i only have hairy legs too, and a great beard, everything else is normal.
It's the best thing ever. Granted you have to take care about not getting sunburned or frostbitten on your scalp, but all in all combing with a razor is the best thing in personal grooming since they invented hot water.
No, actually it comes from your mother's side. You're fucked baldy.
Balding is a sign of decreasing T you brainlet
>31 yo
>full head of hair
>can't grow a full beard
A gift and a curse
That's incorrect.
you inherit baldness genes from the men on your mother's side - so if your maternal grandfather or the father of your maternal grandmother were bald, chances are you will be too. Female baldness is an altogether different thing, probably a sign of some underlying disease.
I have a monobrow (that I pluck open), almost as much hair in my crack as on my balls, hair on my legs/feet/toes
But still not a full beard at 27, medium chest hair
At least no hair on back and no hint of baldness in family ever.
>tfw constant swamp ass but can't grow a beard
it's more complicated than that - it's about how the cells in the hair follicles on your scalp react to testosterone metabolites, not to testosterone levels as such. That's all genetically predisposed.
Long term low T would grow you girly boobs and ass.
gray hair looks awesome on young people desu
Business & Finance btw, lmao
true dat
You are the brainlet
Im bald, fit and for some reason the chicks get younger and the thong th-thongs get thongyier.
>When is good time to throw in the towel and go full Mr. Clean? I've receded 1-2 inches
I'm bald. I bought a shaver on a whim. I don't go full 100% bald, as I don't want to use a razor (your scalp bleeds longer than your face - thinner skin) but Jason Statham length.
All I can say is, shaving my head was the best decision I could have made. My hair was thin and frail at the top. I would be worried of other people seeing it under the lights, I would constantly comb my hair down, touch it with my hands to push it down (get my hand sweat on my scalp and get small pimple-like marks on my scalp). Now that I cut it, it's a look and I don't have to worry about other people realizing I'm balding. I'm bald and you can tell in a split second. No hiding, no shame. Feels great.
>Minimum female
You said it yourself buddy
females and male baldness attractiveness is a topic fit for a 1000 page book. Lucky for us, looks are only a tiny part of the qualities that females find attractive.
Let me put it this way, if the bald man was altogether unattractive to the gash-endowed half of humanity, the genes causing it would have been weeded out millennia ago.
>chicks getting younger
careful not to keep this going for too long
What if they weren't weeded out because men used to be able to impregnate the women at younger, pre-balding ages?
Baldness literally makes no difference to women if you're in shape and confident.
There’s nothing to stop barking besides hair treatment before the hairs thin to much.
>optimal skull shape
>thick neck
>full head of hair
>no hairloss in bloodline, uncles over 60 still have full heads
>shave my head with a Braun Series 9 every few days
>hair follicles still always visible so people know I’m not balding but just shaved
Sucks to be you OP.
Indeed, user.As a GenX boomer, I cant relate to gals who are dumb and under 27. Ive had my flings but there is definitely a gap in terms of maturity.
No it’s not. It mean his T is higher than normal
What about being short?
manboobs incoming
you're welcome tone, we all told you for years to let it go.