Hey guys should I eat this today and then go practice soccer and then stare at the charts and watch crypto youtubers as...

hey guys should I eat this today and then go practice soccer and then stare at the charts and watch crypto youtubers as usual? make it to bed early instead of going out and getting pink eye or something...

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please respond to this post

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Sounds like a fun day user. That chicken looks really tasty, I’ve never heard of that restaurant before though. Is it any good?

No, it’s only good if you smother it in the sauce otherwise it’s pretty dry and bland

the frys suck. the sauce sucks. everything sucks

and for 9.00 wont leave you satisfied

>practice soccer
being this europeeon

Who are some good crypto youtubers?

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That chicken is good op, don’t let these guys get you down. Recommend you change it up today, go buy some weed or shrooms. Do those, then eat the chicken while you watch esoteric YouTube videos. It’ll recharge your batteries

Always remember to do the OPPOSITE of what Jow Forums says

Lard ass detected

Nah, jerk off to trap cat girl porn until your penis hurts and go back to sleep like usual

Ivan on Tech is the only one I've found who isn't an unapologetic shill.


LOL he shilled sparkster. Think he deleted the video too kek.

Bruh Raising Canes is da Shiit

You live in southern california don't you?

Califag detected. Only $6.50 in Vegas. I'll admit that the fries are basically just cheap supermarket frozen fries, but the chicken and sauce are excellent.

Sounds like a pretty wholesome day, user. Go for it

The chicken and toast is good, fries are always shit and the sauce is aight. I just eat the chicken with hot sauce and it's really good that way. Basically cheap boneless wings that are actually good.

>tfw no cane's within 500 miles of me

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>tfw had one just 3 miles away from my house
>tfw just moved to new city
>tfw Cane's is opening up near my new place in 10 days.

Good thread. Learned a lot about business. Just bought 100k chicken fingers.

I like to make a sandwich out of the toast and chicken fingers, then pour sauce on it.

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Holy shit, I never thought of that.

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delete this immediately while I eat this Caniac combo extra toast, faggot

DQ is better

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>Watching crypto youtubers
Lmao why? None of them know what they're talking about and just spout nonsense and buzzwords to make money off retards like (You)

This sounds like projection
and im not just saying that either, its kind of oddly specific idk and out there