Who else living alone and staying inside every weekend by yourself browsing internet and basically doing nothing?

Who else living alone and staying inside every weekend by yourself browsing internet and basically doing nothing?

Life is suffering anons, how do I become happy in this situation?

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That's the thing, you don't become happy in this kind of situation.

What do you do in the weekends? give me tips from your life experience user. I've already tried the get GF route, but I always break up with them after a while because they make me more unhappy. What is worthy? What is right?

I work on the weekends to fund my crypto investments.
After work I chill with my coworkers from my first job.
I don't know the path to happiness, but I know for sure I wasn't very happy when I was living like a hermit.

Do you basically work 7 days a week? I get very exhausted after the 4th day of a 5 day workweek user and in need of time for myself and being alone. Anybody who knows me would say that I got my life in order, and I do, I exercise 4 days a week and eat healthy, but i'm still unhappy as fuck and I feel like i'm a social outcast, even when i talk with friends i feel this loneliness, so it seems as if it's a problem in my own mind that I can't understand.

Assuming you already make enough money to live/save a little bit:

Try to exercise and get sunlight. That usually relieves the pain by about 5% or so for me. That 5% is enough for motivation to fix diet, which is harder than exercise or sunlight, and over the course of a couple weeks the diet makes you feel better by about 5% again.

Once you’re at this point then you can start focusing more specifically on mental health/relationships with family; honestly this is where the bulk of happiness comes from. You don’t need a ton of friends/family, but try to form genuine good connections with them. If that’s not possible with family then I’m sorry and that really sucks, but try with friends. It’s difficult, which is why I don’t recommend doing it first, but definitely gives the biggest reward.

Once you do this I found my depression/suffering diminished by about 40% or so. This may not seem like a lot but over the course of days and weeks it really does add up. Once you’re to this point I suggest finding a skill or a hobby; when you’re really depressed even that much is impossible which is why I recommend concrete physical things that you don’t need to “think” about. Find that hobby and invest a lot of time into it. Once you get proficient/skillful in this hobby the depression eases up by about another 10-15% and now your average day is either neutral/slightly positive - of course there are still bad days.

The final step I recommend is some sort of meditation. Doing this in the early stages can actually fuck up your depression worse so save it for the end. This will bring you up to about 90%.

Unfortunately I don’t know if there is a way to get depression and this forever empty feeling down to 0 on a consistent basis. Even getting to 90% takes a long time and there will be roadblocks. Depression stems from many different factors and it has probably been building up/forming inside you for much longer than you think. Good luck.

Sometimes I do.
Most of the time it's just 6 days a week.
You have to find at least one person that you can connect with on some kind of mutual interest.
You'd be surprised, almost everyone is a little lonely and looking for human interaction.

Legitimately thanks user, I will contact my parents more often, I do feel a little bit better every time I talk with them to see what they're up to. I want to try meditation but I never actually do it, i'm just restless with my thoughts so I push it off to a later time and basically procrastinating on meditating, so I never do it.

Again I wouldn’t do meditation until diet/exercise/all the other shit is already in place. Spiritual fulfillment isn’t even on the regular mazlov hierarchy of needs list for a reason: it’s very high up and needs to be build upon a solid foundation.

And yes contact your parents more often. I hope you have good relationships with them. My mother and father are the two most important people in my life and it helps tremendously.
Also try to limit Jow Forums use

Thank you, I will put off meditation and get other things fixed first. I'm currently saving up money to have a buffer because i'm pretty poor right now.

Limit Jow Forums use is also a good advice, thanks for help user, you're a good one.

Good luck user. This place has some of the best people and the worst people kek

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yo any 30 yo anons here?
tf 30 yo people even do? those with a partner just do partner stuff and all those who stayed single are doomed to stay every weekend in forever until they die alone? is that it?

I moved to Asia as a complete loser and I did a 360. Now I have a girlfriend, I'm more social, there's purpose in my life and I've got a baby on the way. If I can do it, any one of you can too.

Which asian country? i would love to have that korean GF, in my fantasies atleast.

user what makes you not happy?
im doing exactly that and and the weekend alone are the happiest two days of the week for me.

I feel like i'm wasting away my life, I feel like others around my age are busy having a gf or creating a home, or buying a house, and here I am being alone, playing games and just "wasting" away my life. It's weird because I used to be happy like you in the weekends being alone, my perspective just changed.

Literally, talk to your family and friends more and keep yourself distracted. Gym, friends and Hinge — that's what pulled me out of your situation. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate what the aloness did for me. It helped me appreciate my relationships and friendships.

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Also, join the United States Marine Core. Best decision of my life. I do a job I love, stay fit and get so many benefits. I put 15 percent into my retirement fund and still make 1.2k+ twice a month with no living expensive other than food. Get gud, bro.

Pic related; It's me.

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i retires during the 2017 bullrun with age 24 and been doing so much shit alone in the past year. it's actually more fun doing things by urself than it is with others most of the time. the problem is that you're not doing anything, not that you're alone

idk im 32 and my gf is 18. aint in a hurry, even if it doesnt work out ill just get another < 20 yo.

will start thinking about a family at 35, but right now its just too early.

fucking manlet lmfao

Im 29, but seems that way user

user how much money did you save up to retire with? i just got 1 million saved up but feel like i cant safely retire until i have 2 million.

Shush it. I have a beautiful qt 3.14 and have lots of money to invest. Get fucked, bobo.

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get some fucking money thats all that matters