I am poor, black and I study history... why did everyone told me to study what i like...

I am poor, black and I study history... why did everyone told me to study what i like? There are almost 0 jobs for my study, and getting a normal job is already hard because of discrimination..

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You’re black and study history???

ah well, nice try though, time to learn how to sell crack

>getting a normal job is already hard because of discrimination..
Lmao are you serious government sector jobs will diversity hire you instantly.

They keep minorities down in america. It's hard, but we fight back..

Canada is nicer

go back to africa

Well, yeah, with that attitude. I am also black and can tell you that most of that discrimination is completely in your head. Stop blaming some systematic oppression for your shortcomings and take personal responsibility. I am thriving, friend. I don’t face discrimination or racism in my life (or, at least I don’t notice it if it happens because I’m too busy focusing on making it).

Come to this side. Is much better.

>study what you like

This is one of the most shittiest shit a parent/adult can say to you.

Do you want whites to send your nigger asses back to Africa? Because your constant bitching isnt flattering


Assuming that you are into crypto, check out xFutures. Exchange backed by OKEx where you can buy futures of crypto projects. Better to buy futures than shitcoins which you hope that can moon.

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----> I'm calling bullshit right here that you're black and study history. Post hand, note, and a history book you have in your room and post.

Is this what a woke black looks like?

How many of you are out there?

if you studied history you should be smart enough to accept that blackies amount to nothing, so stop trying

What does you being black have to do with anything?

I can short shitcoins?

> ---->
>I'm calling bullshit


not gunna make it

I am a citizen. You are a boring white person lol


Well, Jow Forums is the best place to scout for rumours. Try to get a normal steady job, doesn’t matter what but you want income. Then you can try to invest in some crypto projects. Personally I hold Fantom, COTI, LTO, BPRO, ANKR and stake 80% of my ETH on xFutures.

Make sure that you have set up an emergency funds. (3-6 months of living expenses). Goodluck.

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> black
Desu literally anyone will give you a job so they can be more (((diverse)))

This is actually true. Men vs Women, Blacks vs Whites etc. Much of that is just divide & conquer meant to keep the proletariet in check. If you're being oppressed you fight the oppressor. If you're a smart oppressor you divert the aggression to a scapegoat.
Everyone is getting played like a fiddle and almost no one knows it's happening.

Don’t know. But I’m so sick of people blaming the “discrimination boogeyman” on their shortcomings just so they don’t have to take personal responsibility.

Respect brother


This sounds so funny and retarded at the same time

*grabs wine* *pours in glass*

This thread is gonna be a great read hehe

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proletariat vs capitalist is a false divide to keep people from worrying about satan

>Canada is nicer

You saying this tells me that Canada is fucking shit and will never be anything more than a mediocre welfare state.

Good list user, but OP first needs to get the “discrimination” part out of his head to be honest.

Didn’t knew BPRO is starting to get known, really funny to see it pass in this thread about a poor black history student top kek.

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I don’t know much about futures, but I really like the staking events. I believe XFT will moon, while I stake ETH and my favorite project Fantom. Good shit

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just finish that degree user, that degree is gonna open so many doors for you; companies are going to fight over each other to get a college educated man like you in their office! All you gotta do is just walk in the door, look the manager in the eye, and give him a firm handshake.

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>have black-only scholarships, job opportunities, government programs, diversity programs in nearly every field to guarantee you a job
>stop diskkkriminatinz against us
Kys nigger

>Muh discrimination
There's your first problem.


OP if you really studied history you would know why everything sucks
but you didn't, you spend years learning one side of a version of history that omits important facts and covers up anything counter to the official narrative
the european colonialist system is not your friend
and fuck polniggers you are all so stupid you can't even see how manipulated you are

Yes! Every company need some cleaners and slaves

Boomers ran society. They are idealistic morons who had the security of an all white culture to grow safely in. Work hard, play hard was their mantra then they moved from that to what they believed was superior advice to the next generation: follow your heart.

Literally meaningless drivel, especially so in the overpopulated half brown/black, left wing hellscape they crafted.

Obviously you are part of the latter problem but it's not your fault you got their bad advice too.

Starting more and more to like the xfutures exchange. Also the ieo gave me huge profit haha. Stupid plebs still use only this binancecrap

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I knew this was a LARP

OP what was the point of this. Are you really that sad?

You lost me at

>getting a normal job is already hard because of discrimination.

Fuck you fucking nigger. Most of black people have lower IQ because of genetics and then you blame discrimination when you don’t do as well as Asian or white people.

Seriously fuck you, fuck niggers.

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This. Alt hype did a great video recently breaking down exactly how much systematic privilege there is to being black. You basically walk through life on palm fronds if you have even middling capacity.

Start by properly utilising the language

Watch out for this scam exchange guys. They sold Akropolis futures without the team consent.

Just fucking scare some old farts until they diversity hire you and you become facility director in 5 years and you can never be sacked.

So what?

Lmao. I also couldn’t buy Akropolis, friends managed to. That exchange is built by OKEx. Don’t think that you can call that top exchange a scam xD

It’s ok. Life isn’t fair to everyone

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Become a Nigerian prince

just go on youtube and create an aggressive black man persona about how the white man is keeping you down. talk about politics and your hatred for Donald Trump. Your history degree will give you credibility and other niggers will rely on you for information

Yeah that anons excuse is bullshit. If he got a post-graduate degree a lot of universities would jump at having a black history professor.

Why not start a gang and start selling shit?

back to your containment board incel >>Jow Forums

I studied history, specifically Anthropology. Now I make 25k passive income off of stock dividends and get to work as an archeologist in the summer because it's my passion. Bretty comfy desu

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why are you larping as a nigger user ?

Affirmative action got you this far, so you should expect a fulfilling career as a tenured history professor. Congrats on your "accomplishment"