Why aren't you holding NEO?

-Chinese ethereum
-0 transaction fees for NEO/GAS
-Claim passive income with GAS generation
-NEON wallet
-Criminally undervalued

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I’m actually basically all in tho. Neo 3.0 71% complete. UNDER BUDGET AHEAD OF SCHEDULE

2017 called, they want their shitcoins back

NEO will never pump again


I bought neo at 28 bucks kill me now

It's dead Jim.

I remember the NEO/ANS general threads and the posts about the price never going below X again. The threads were started by early ANS buyers who convinced biz to buy their bags and it worked. Dead coin

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Noone is using it and noone will.

3.0 will pump Neo to $3

This. Now that regulation is here all these shitcoins that are clearly securities are going to zero. Nobody uses NEO for anything it's just a giant pyramid Ponzi scheme.

>regulation friendly crypto
>regulation will kill it

So cute. Actually research rather than repeating their marketing points.

>-Chinese ethereum
I'll pass.

I bought it at 150. i should have been dead last year.

I bought at $11 bucks this year. Kill me now.

>neo is a security
Are you stupid? Be honest

$800 next year

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dude it doesnt matter, nobody is going to use their garbage product when its finally done (lol), and the speculation stage is over for this piece of shit

enjoy bag holding

Generating passive income (GAS) for doing literally nothing other than holding the coin = this is 100% an unregistered security. Doesn't get more clear cut than that.
It without question is a security. I guarantee this coin will never be traded on a regulated American exchange

Lol ok will sell back to you @ $100
Absolute brainlet post. First of all only project to refund all ICO money. Second when you buy one neo your are also buying one gas. Not a divedend, not a security

Full retard

I’m holding user. Anons not respecting the chinks and gooks will pay one day


this was one of my big holds during the bullrun of late 17. i then sold all including the GAS generated from neon wallet for LINK and i'm all in since then. feels good to be a marine, fuck the chinks

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holy shit, do you even understand how Neo’s GAS is generated? One Neo will produce one GAS over it’s entire lifetime, it’s not passive income it’s just how the consensus mechanism works. it’s not a dividend, you’re buying the entirety of the asset and it’s future generated token (GAS). For it to be a security it would have to generate gas beyond the 1 Neo / 1 Gas limit and be linked somehow to Onchains financial performance.

>holding dead chink scamcoin from 2017
You are never going to make it. Take it from someone who used to be a fanatic bagholder of some other shitcoin from '17 retard run. 2017 is not coming back, sell your bags while they are still worth something and search for a different undervalued project.

all this fud...
true comfiness

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oh shit you’re right, thanks man I just sold everything. glad I have internet strangers watching my back!

>I guarantee this coin will never be traded on a regulated American exchange

Nobody cares about burguer's exchanges.

It is incredibly worthwhile to have a suicide stack of NEO. So far dBFT has been one of the best consensus protocols in crypto, period.

what’s your make it/suicide stack? I’m thinking 100 for suicide, 1000 for make it, 10,000 for “fuck you” money

Some people have to get burned really hard to finally learn a lesson. Don't spend too much time inhaling your daily dose of hopium from fellow telegram/reddit/discord bagholders.

That's pretty much how I see it. A 100 stack today costs you ~$1300, and based on previous highs alone that same stack will be $10,000+ in the next cycle.

it’s not hopium, there are very few legitimate teams in crypto and Neo carries the team that invented dBFT. They will the continue its development and progress as much as Vitalik carries Ethereum. Plus Antshares will live on forever as a meme, just like Link

at that point it prices out most people out of the market, similar to how Links moon stopped people from buying large stacks. Almost no one can afford a whole Bitcoin, and even at Neos current levels accumulation is hard, but a suicide stack is attainable