Insider here

LINK will begin pumping in exactly 33 hours. The price of LINK will sit at approximately $5.50 this coming Monday morning PST. Have a good weekend.

Attached: 192D9AB8-0DD1-4702-BC74-4067483BE7FE.jpg (225x350, 43K)

Attached: de15df26e9bf61c4f5672a08dc60a50b.jpg (499x481, 28K)

You’re not buying the dip, are you wagie?

yes i am, faggot, this is a chainlink board

Screencapped. Hope you're right.

It mooned at 4~ link is dead prove me otherwise roosters


Attached: 1561085172366.gif (196x388, 3.82M)

Thankyou. I'm still not fucking selling.

Why would it pump so high completely out of nowhere? We'll probably get back to $3.20 but higher than that is pushing it until september


it won't happen
nothing ever good happens

Hard to believe with the link company selling to expand currently. a rise in the face of that would be extraordinary indeed.

Linklet holder, never selling.

It so damn easy to sucker the gullible linklets. A bunch of lemmings who actually believe they'll become rich off this crap

Very well then, let’s get this bread son.

33 hours? That's bullshit. I want it now!

That conference/meetup was hilarious to watch. Sergey's body language is so smug, he can't believe these boomers are so far behind.

We're gonna make it, like, next month

This would make me very happy if it were true. I would have a great week

No digits, no pump. We're gonna need a lot more dubs in this thread if we wanna hit $5 again

We are already rich of this “crap”, soon we will be fuck you rich and buy your mums time only to shit in her mouth and scream “your son did this to you”

Ok. I have prepared the screenshot OP. If you fail to deliever you are required by 4channel/biz/business_and_finance to deposit 5 LINK(chainlink - the crypto currency promised to moon) to the following address.

Address of hopium infused linklet: 0x932FD3dC25145a98eDc1Eb671a1C6d710822fF57

Attached: Screenshot_20190721-110424_Omnichan.jpg (1080x1920, 484K)