>risking life and limb every single day racing down highways to your office job with thousands of other half-asleep wagies kept semi-lucid by the caffeinated Jew is just an accepted part of modern living >The entire cost of this transportation and all economic and medical risks associated with it are placed entirely on the worker
You sound like a little bitch, start your own business and work on your own terms if it's that hard. No one is forcing you to go to your wagecuck job, cuck.
Alexander Howard
enjoy being addicted to prescription heroine because you feel isolated and alone in the middle of the woods and will never come in contact with a female to carry out your one purpose in life
Anthony Sanders
urbanlet cope
Aiden Wilson
>old job in old city was 2.5 hour each way by bus, 2 connections >new job in new city is a 30 minute walk *SCHNIFFFFF* smells like winning
Ethan Russell
see champ now you'll have a much happier life overall
imagine having a 2.5 hour commute unironically, maximum cringe. t.commute has only been 5-20 minutes entire working career
>live in NYC Manhattan >never ever have to worry about having a car because we have one of the best subway coverages in the world, inb4 MTA sucks >can go anywhere in a city full of 8 million people whenever I want to get wasted and never have to think about having a DD or leaving my car somewhere >All my friends live in my neighborhood and I can't go outside without bumping into them, never lonely and can just pop over to any of their places when I want to hang >gym is a block away >park is across street from my house >work one or two weeks of the month which is enough to hold me >make art in my studio the rest of the time
Life is ok right now
Christian Nelson
>works 1-2weeks/month >can afford manhattan ??? but yeah for real. ownign a car is a nightmare. i prefer to be able to walk everywhere or take a bus/rail.
Daniel Thomas
Wasn't rent in mh supposed to be high? Btw happy for you user
Angel Hughes
how do you post on the chans and manage to live in Manhattan? must have to bite your tongue to hide power level or you're a r*ddit cuck and in that case should fuck off
Matthew Phillips
The MTA is pretty aids on the weekend.
>t. Gramercy/Kips Bay
I just don't talk about politics and seem very disinterested in the whole affair.
Connor Flores
The Manhattan Subway is a dystopian nightmare filled with the lowest dredges of society.
Adrian Turner
i work in downtown detroit. its expensive as all hell and i could be living in safety, at a lower price and also not have so many people around out in the suburbs. commuting is the price i pay for it and im entirely fine with that.
Matthew Robinson
Bike is really the superior transportation. Post ur bikes bros.
90s rigid mtb master race. Need to get some maintenance done though, thing I'm gonna take it from a 21 speed to either a 7 speed or a 14 speed
>waah, mommy, mommy, i saw a brown person, mommy, waaah, so scared
Ian Rodriguez
>where did it go wrong when we switched from a barter/agricultural society to an industrial one.
Jaxson Harris
Reddit is over that way
Chase Adams
>implying it wasn't when we switched from hunting and gathering to agriculture and pastoralism
Isaac Ward
You fail if you travel to work. An online job/entrepreneurship can follow you anywhere. I have a bro that started a police supply rental company... for poor recruits just starting academy and he fucked off from America entirely and now lives in a private villa with expats in Bolivia. He has 3 maids (an upstairs, downstairs and a main one that lives in the house and "works" 24/7), private security that's ex-military/ex- police and knows all the local thugs and can bribe all police and a constant supply of cheap Colombian escorts. That's the good life... I'm currently trying to start my own online businesses.
Aaron Campbell
>work from home master race
Every day is pants optional day. On the downside my hygiene and social skills are diminished.
Bentley Johnson
However as we transition to an information economy, living close to your job will be pointless. People will flow out of the cities again and population will be much more distributed again because there will be no point of living in cities as most brick and mortar stores will go out of business. Young people will probably hang out in cities, maybe to be around residents and dance clurbs or whatever but that's it.
Office work is merely the shitty "service economy" that is stuck in the middle of that.
Cooper Wright
Millenials want to be in cities. Lots of fortune 500 companies that moved out of the city because of traffic, nogs, and taxes, are having a lot of trouble attracting talent now because boomers and zoomers want to be downtown so they can get tinder matches.
Hunter Thompson
Nothing will change. America exists to be squeezed for its entire life essence to be concentrated into a small insular minority. Not unlike chugging adrenochrome. When the big institutions are done with the US it will be a pile or rubble and scattered camps of cannibals.
Its a shame really, when you think about how easy it could have been for america to develop a high speed rail system/ automated driving system/ drone delivery system.
Nope. The goyim will led to the slaughter in Iran, gas will go to 10$ destroying the economy and making most americans looters. And there is nothing we can do about it.
The powers that be will put down america like a horse with a broken leg, theyll make every last nickle in the fucking glue factory. Deal with it.
Jacob Scott
this. a lot of companies moved to retarded suburbs to be cheapskates, and i won't work for them because the commute is an atrocity. no one wants to drive 3 hours a day just to get to their shitting fucking job. i turned down two jobs last week for being in the 'burbs before i got one downtown.