Hey biz i am an autistic broke neet how do i make money with minimal brain and interaction with people please help me
Hey biz i am an autistic broke neet how do i make money with minimal brain and interaction with people please help me
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If you don't smoke or drink sell your organs.
I wanna live bro otherwise id buy a gun
buy chainlink
Buy Chainlink
How much would you suggest buying as a start? I'm not OP, but I'm still working on increasing my financial intelligence.
Accumulate PNK slowly and stake for a year. Best shot.
we calculated 10K link to make it, and 1k link as a suicide bag
Find work that involves mind-numbing repetition neurotypicals can't do, like programming.
t. Intelligent successful normie that just couldn't learn Python because it was too fucking boring
Holy check yet again, wtf
1k is a make it stack dumbass
So I would need around $26,300 to buy 10k worth of Chainlink. Looks like I'll need to create value to sell, and save money specifically invest ahead of time.
Unfortunately I don't have 26k yet.
Sell your plasma. It's like your body is just making free money for you.
That seems much more manageable than 10k.
the state of nulinkers, my god lmao, let me school you dude, the equation is based off $1000 eoy, so you think one million dollars is enough to make it? where do you live a sewer? LMAO
I have 1500 but can afford another 2k right now if I really cut back on my living expenses should I do it or should I paint my house
i fucking hate you nulinker scum
Why do you bully? You “made it” why the fuck are you so salty, you piece of shit?
You do? Then it's good thing that your opinion is completely irrelevant, just like your existence.
its frustrating how bad you need to be spoonfed you dumb zoomers, its like you are completely incapable of doing an ounce of research before talking
>your opinion is completely irrelevant
this is an user board go back to redit dumbfuck
Your comeback is even worse than your original post, congratulations you out did yourself, not that outdoing you would be hard to begin with.
Anyone can pretend to be anything on anonymous imagebored. So why would I care about some degenerate bully?
Don't frown, open up a coinbase account and earn some money with the Learn and earn. What do you have to lose?
EOS Answers:
Q1: Blockchain protocol for fast scalable transactions
Q2: Delegated proof of stake
Q3: Fast free transfers
Q4: Stake EOS tokens
Q5: Upgradable smart contracts
XLM Answers:
Q1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world's financial
Q2: Facilitating low-cost, universal payments.
Q3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
Q4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently.
Q5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions
Below are quiz answers to the other lessons so you anons can get another $9 easy.
BAT: Q1:There are too many ads and data tracker
Q2:It is free, open source web browser built for privacy
Q3:Users get paid BAT for viewing opt-in ads, and publishers get rewarded when users pay attention to their content
DAI: Q1:A decentralized stablecoin that aims to be worth one US dollar
Q2:Decentralized and borderless
Q3:Open a CDP with Maker
Thanks bizbros
>gets frustrated reading text on an anonymous website
Get some fresh air you lunatic. Everyone wins in this situation, and you’re winning more than most (of course you won’t post a cap of your wallet because you’re full of shit)