World economic slowdown

Has anyone looked at the data?I am checking at lot's of countries gdp growth this year so far and there are MASSIVE slowdowns and when i mean massive i mean fucking massive in every continent.

Does anyone notices a shitty economy compared to 2018 and 2017 where you live?

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This is worse than i tought i keep looking at the data and nearly every country is having massive less growth than previous year , only country that i found that had more growth is colombia but they are having Venezuelans moving there by the millions so it makes sense.

But everywhere else it's a fucking massacre

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This is good for crypto

and the world as a whole

Good, fuck niggers.

Yes but this seems a total collapse incoming , am not fucking kidding look at the numbers gdp growth collapsing everywhere.

Maybe that's why they got scared of crypto now , it will be a way out.

All interest rates are decreasing massively here in Australia. This shit is fucked up

it's worse than that i am checking the gdp growth rates of every country and they are collapsing fast this year.
The ones that are not collapsing are stagnant and with 0% interest rates for fucks sake.

We will literally see bitcoin 1M usd in the next 10 years but we are in for a shitstorm of epic proportions.
I have not heard not once in the media about this crap i started noticing the economy working rarely and freelancing jobs becoming harder to find but this is insane.

Every country i am checking is seeing a total collapse of the gdp very fast.
Colombia and the UK are the only exceptions that had a considerable growth , the first due to immigration and the second possible because brexit will cause cheaper wages thus it's better to invest.

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this is the end. everyone is packing it up

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Stop looking at the data. The datas been bad forever but it doesn't seem to matter at all.

>The datas been bad forever but it doesn't seem to matter at all.

The data was actually pretty shit already , if they are publishing this even worse data then it's probably even worse.

At least in 2008 and 2009 countries grew , this seems to be a global crisis literally everywhere is seeing a slowdown.

Youre saying its still growth though? On that case, obviously, it would mean its better than last year. Unless youre being retarded with your word choice

I sorta do but for me its a stupid reason

There is a trade war between the world's two largest economies.
How much of this slowdown is due to this I cannot say.

will this result in cheap hookers?

I'm gonna fuck hoes with my crypto gains and just ride into the sunset when I run out.

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The US isn't doing too bad. Everyone else is fucked though.

The US missed the boat on the crypto front though and now it's all owned by China. I guess ETH is kind of western and I think it will flip Bitcoin one day. Money skeleton is going to be a western hero and the only thing standing in the way of chink fintech domination.

>missed the boat on crypto
>a crypto startup is working with Google, SWIFT, Oracle, and Microsoft

In Iceland there's a severe reduction in tourists. Stagnated property prices and multiple large bankruptcies in the news. With a record number of migrant workers there's also a sharp rise in unemployment.

What website are you using? Tried OECD but looks like it mostly goes to 2018

Does anyone actually believe the fed when they say there’s no inflation?

>Young people can’t afford housing and other basic shit
>Old people can’t generate meaningful retirement income

They’re literally just telling the market what they want to hear

Im checking on wikipedia , most countries show the quarterly economic growth , the slowdown is fucking massive.

>Has anyone looked at the data?I am checking at lot's of countries gdp growth this year so far and there are MASSIVE slowdowns and when i mean massive i mean fucking massive in every continent.
Can you share some numbers for comparison between different years? Maybe a chart?
>Does anyone notices a shitty economy compared to 2018 and 2017 where you live?
I'm in leafland and in my city everything seems to be roaring, google is building a new building in the city, new public transit rail, home prices skyrocketing the past 4 years (only slight pullback compared to last year). Plenty of new apartments being built, haven't noticed much of any stores or restaurants closing, the biggest store that closed recently was Target and that was years ago.

Yeah but Bitcoin will probably always be the gold standard of crypto and China owns most of it.

It's the only reason Jihan hasn't "disappeared" yet.

Is there a quarterly?

I don't know if you know, but most countries in the europoorean union has had 0% interest rate for 6+ years now.

Found this

The powers that be will own everything. When will the world wake up and fight?

Doesn't matter when you're all in the United Nations Dollar (UND)

US better wake up and let innovation happen

EU is gonna crash and burn, America might have a chance because it's the shinier turd. Ever heard of dollar milkshake?

China literally just makes up its numbers and has been doing since they started reporting

Thats because GDP is an input in China, not an output. By this I mean Chinese GDP goals are marked out in advance and money is distributed to create the necessary amount of economic activity to generate GDP. Waste? Who cares?

And their new numbers are terrible which means that in reality they are even worse.

So OP is big fat liar?

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Check the table not the chart

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By the end of next week everything will likely crash. Except gold and silver, those will explode and maybe crypto will explode or it will crash.

Year over year paints the picture OP is describing

Tell us more.

>Jow Forums retards and r*ddit retards think they know the crash is coming

this combined with the fact we're in a clown world timeline makes it obvious the market will continue to go up for a number of years. plebs like you will never make it and are not smart enough to predict the trends

It's all well within ordinary ranges
You mean this?
Not seeing a decline or any out of the ordinary numbers here either.

BTC is chinked but ETH is a Russian coin. Truly the western project is Monero. We couldn't even pay the chinks to care about it back in 2016 or 17. The mining, the goals, and the quality all bias it towards westerners. It's reflected in search interest and node locations. Non whites don't understand freedom.

Bitcoin isn't fungible and can't scale. The only thing it can still do is act as a ponzi scheme and that can't last forever. Monero is currently the bests digital money in the world. Soon enough it's price will reflect that. In the mean time high iq westerners continue to accumulate.

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Its like bombs have gone off without explosions. Ive had 3 people die around me from fentanyl, and witnessed a pack of homeless murder another homeless person, stomped his head in
Thats just here in PA man SHIT IS FUCKED

This. Governments will keep kicking the can up the road. Prices will go up, wages will stagnate, interest rates will go to zero and it will be business as usual. Importing a million somali refugees every year will be on the agenda too. There won't be a collapse, just a slow burn into the abyss

wtf does this mean sir? Will i be rich from crypto or what.

you keep talking about GDP, but where can we check the numbers, faggot?

It means the decline will be a long dragged out fart with Boomers trying to stick on their chairs as long as possible, plunder from the next generation what they are able to plunder, import more and more conflict in form of third world animals in hope the next generation will be concerned with fighting off the hord and forgetting who is too blame. Pro tip, we didn't forget, we will not forget, traitors, before enemies, doesn't mean, niggers, spics, arabs and mixed will not get the rope too

How to survive upcoming economic crash?

gold and bitcoin

Not gone make it
like in, you will die

It's called a global slowdown/recession. It happens every once in while.
Get over it.

Big difference this time, demographic change is way more brutal, the generation in charge is hell bend on selling out everybody for their own comfort and a mere two decades on gibs. Look up the demographic data from the early 17th century in Europe and consider the importation of millions upon millions of third world low IQ monkeys. Make up your own mind, and if you are past 45, take the cyanide pill, not we, not the monkeys will let you die in comfort

Insightful and knowldgepilled

So how survive upcoming economic crash?

KYS, or I kill you and sell your meat

Why not give money to poor people as charity? Bank on electroneum and steller lumens. Help the refugees.

I love demographic change everyone deserves it. I hope more come.

because they wont give me a job

Just get a job

This is the most likely thing.
There will be recessions but nothing bad enough to give us the sweet mercy we desire.

Learn Work like a slave for the pharaoh in the pyramid hive slaveshit jew cock sucker. Learn your place in the natural order you stupid rat fucks.

I hope more refugess and third worlders come to the west just to show you what happens when you dont work.

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Natural order or natural state
Both have room imo, the demographic change will also degrade the security situation in a brutal way. Becoming a highwayman could very well become a viable option again.

not even worried, letting TRV handle my wealth on this one

should be fine...r..right user?

I wanted to survive

dehumanize yourself or get comfy with a state worse than dead, slavery

>Does anyone notices a shitty economy compared to 2018 and 2017 where you live?

No. Employment is at record high, cheap money is still available. Inflation is at ~2%.

FED, ECB and BOJ will do literally anything to keep inflation in check. Rates will go to zero globally and we will see massive QE in the Eurozone to keep that piece of shit economy alive.

The bond market is fucked for the next 10 years and money will continue to flow into stocks via buybacks and into crypto as a hedge.

Prepare for new ATHs all over the place when FED rate goes to zero.

>economy slows down
>no money to pay stuff
>remember you have magic internet money that 100xed
>not selling it to pay your bills
Very low iq if you think that's what's going to happen. If the economy goes bust crypto will go to the bottom, much more so than equities.

>Rate of Profit to fall says all 7 to 8 years there will be an economic crisis, because wages can't keep up with prices, so there aren't enough buyers for all goods resulting in prices dropping, workers being laid off, factories stop working

>Take the marx pill brother

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Crypto can't be a safe haven if it's not propped up by investors in countries with good economies.

>there are MASSIVE slowdowns and when i mean massive i mean fucking massive in every continent
No surprise there at all
Have you seen how people are living?

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>I started noticing the economy working rarely and freelancing jobs becoming harder to find
People are in for an extremely rude awakening
Even your estimates are severely underestimated. However, paradoxically enough, things will be better in time

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>By this I mean Chinese GDP goals are marked out in advance and money is distributed to create the necessary amount of economic activity to generate GDP

Eastern vs. Western school of thought
A hybrid of the two is ideal

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>Its like bombs have gone off without explosions
It’s like thunder and lightning
You see the lightning first before you hear the thunder
You’ve seen the bomb go off, you’ve yet to feel the explosion

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>like in, you will die
Story of my life

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>just to show you what happens when you dont work.
You still think work is toil
Work is tool, not toil

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Not really. As far as development is concerned, the Eastern school of thought is just a deranged version of the American school (not the broader Western school, specifically the US branch.) Protectionism and subsidy to develop new industries is fine, but the East neglected the most important part about protectionism: It's there to protect firms from foreign competition, not domestic competition. So instead of growing industrial titans who can obliterate foreign competition on their own turf to get market share as the US did from 1865-present, you have companies increasingly reliant on and fused with the government. Can they still outcompete firms that don't have state backing? Of course! But if foreign countries ever decide enough is enough, those fused zombie companies cannot stand on their own two legs. It's why the Chinese story must end in tears, and I suspect Jinping knows this.


World currency is being born. Internet currency is the phenix

>countries with good economies

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2008 comes back with vengeance

on recessions cash is king
in recessions you buy the dip

Which cash is best to hold? USD or japanese yen


Society can't grow forever. In most countries people aren't having as many kids. That means that in a few years a small part of the population works for all the boomers to collect their paycheck, because modern medicine allows them to live longer. And the inclusion of more and more retards in the work place because of diversity policies and the like only makes things less inefficient. That will make people have less kids because they have to take care of boomers, and the cycle continues until the boomers have to forcefully die, or the young people have to go to war for resources.

This shit feels like 2017 bitcoin but then everyone was delusional because they thought bitcoin couldn't literally go down, but in society they have the utmost trust in the economy and believe the "issues" are tranny rights. We're at the top of the bubble, friends.

Time to short. Pic related

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Did you look at GDP or GDP per capita? Reminder that population growth is slowing down everywhere, so you need to look at GDP per capita, you FUCKING RETARD.

Collapse is a good thing, it means you can buy the dip literally and come out even stronger.

You make it sound like it's a bad thing

Gdp doesn't matter

Based and marxpilled.

We need more right wing marxists to fix this shit.


>tfw my single ounce of gold and 30 ounces of silver will save me from the crisis

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lmao absolute brainlet

>right wing marxists
I bet you take your coffee without caffeine you little bitch.


thats not so much, you could suvive on it for 3-5 months without having a hobo lifestyle if you have no debt. imo gold is a good insurance for hyperinflation and takes volatility out of a portfolio

Slovenia here. We still have massive relative growth (around 3.5%, last year was around 4.8%), but we are lagging behind the downturns every time since we have a lot of exports which are directly tied to the state of other export oriented countries in Europe. No signs of downturn here though, everyone is blissfully ignorant and spending money on frivolous things

austria isnt doing bad either, but everything still points to a slight slowdown in 2020

curiously why would a slow down GDP be a bad thing?

The consumer price basket is being changed constantly. Its all relative because you cant really weigh the importance of one product above the other correctly.
Electronics and plastic decorations becoming 60% cheaper? You can buy 3 10terra byte hard-drives for the price of one? WOW! Also if you compare that inflation with the average wage growth instead of the median net income, you are in for a rough ride because the top 0,5% and the lower welfare class fuck up a realistic outlook on what is an obtain lable income through working.

>austria isnt doing bad either,
Austria is done. After the new elections and the mass fuck up coalition of övp/spö/green/neos it can be happy if it survives 2019

there's a new highway coming thru town here and everything is really booming