/RSR/ Reserve General

>Wtf is RSR/RSV?
RSR = Reserve Rights - Used as collateral to keep RSV stable at $1, when used its burnt to purchase xyz amount of RSV at $1 - so if RSV is $1.20 you can use RSR to arbitrage and buy at $1. It is a volatile asset intended to have a high price.

RSV = Reserve - The decentralized stable coin that is economically and legally robust at any scale. 100% asset backed by multi-collateral, and funded by top Silicon Valley investors. It is literally the most technologically advanced stable coin concept to date in a world where the current stable coins have more problems than a tranny trying to figure out what public bathroom to use. In short, RSV is the only stable coin concept that isnt a literal shitcoin. Just look at DAI, just the other week it was $0.93! MakerDAO cannot scale for use as a global stable currency, as of right now only the Reserve protocol fits the criteria checklist for that use case.

>Peter Thiel is only known to have invested in 3 cryptos: ETH, EOS, and now RSR/RSV - his investment patterns are overwhelmingly correct.
>Former SEC Commissioner (& Adviser to Pres. Trump) Paul Atkins named as an advisor to Reserve.
>RSR burnrate confirmed at 2-5% annually in USD value of the total supply by Reserve devs.
>Huobi is building a DeFi that will support RSV
>Entirely regulatory compliant

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Other urls found in this thread:


Available Supply data:
>The circulating supply for the first 3 years is closer to 20 billion as the reminder are essentially in a staked state.
>55 billion is held by the Reserve team to do burns so that more RSV can be minted
>In the event of minting new RSR the total supply will never exceed 100 billion as per dev data

Circulating supply on CMC is incorrect

Price projections:
2019 eoy: $0.05
2020 eoy: $0.40
2021 eoy: $1.30
2022 eoy: $2.80

Dev site: reserve.org
Whitepaper: reserve.org/whitepaper.pdf
Telegram: t.me/reservecurrency
RSR Deep Research Discord: jyXx96Q
...Anonymous (ID: ERRTrJBd)
07/20/19(Sat)11:50:56 No.14893321
122 KB
122 KB JPG
Reasons why smart money anons are buying:
>The Reserve protocol is the first ever invention of currency to fit the criteria of John Nash's "Ideal Money"
>Investing in Reserve/RSR is like investing in a startup central bank. The value they could create if successful will put any meme X on blockchain project in the shadow.
>Thats why Libertarian thinkers like Thiel and Sam Altman are involved.

Read up and then really focus on understanding the Reserve protocol and see for yourself:

It also doesn't matter how many brainlets will buy into RSR, the longterm value will come from its adoption. If there is no adoption it will just end up beeing a failed startup/shitcoin. If we should see adoption of RSV or RSD then RSR price will explode. Currently Reserve is the perfect asymmetric bet of 2019 with the best R/R ratio.

Another major reason that the more "elite Jow Forumsness men" are in early on RSR is because the Reserve team was invited to present at Davos. If you are not aware, Davos is literally the most elite business conference there even is on earth. It's impossible to go any higher than Davos as its the tippy top of the AAA list.

Peter Thiel: 42,000,000,000+ RSR
- Commander: 500,000,000+ RSR
- Hannah Barron: 100,000,000 RSR
- General: 50,000,001+ RSR
- Lieutenant General: 25,000,001-50,000,000 RSR
- Major General: 17,500,001-25,000,000 RSR
- Brigadier General: 12,500,001-17,500,000 RSR
- Colonel: 7,500,001-12,500,000 RSR
- Lieutenant Colonel: 5,000,001-7,500,000 RSR
- Major: 3,500,001-5,000,000 RSR
- Captain: 2,500,001-3,500,000 RSR
- First Lieutenant: 2,000,001-2,500,000 RSR
- Second Lieutenant: 1,500,001-2,000,000 RSR
- Sergeant Major: 1,000,001-1,500,000 RSR
- Master Sergeant: 900,001-1,000,000 RSR
- Sergeant First Class: 700,501-900,000 RSR
- Staff Sergeant: 500,001-700,500 RSR
- Sergeant: 300,501-500,000 RSR
- Corporal: 100,501-300,500 RSR
- Specialist: 50,001-100,500 RSR
- Private: 1-50,000 RSR
- Subhuman RSRlet: 0 RSR


Staff Sergeant reporting in.

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This is a strange time. Reserve is holding around 1400 vitaliks while we wait for liftoff

Another Sparkster scam.
we can't tell you our plans we can't tell you what we are doing we can't tell you anything because "regulations"
No product, no development, only cringeworthy screenshots of an app that my 5 year old brother laughed hilariously at.

What's hilarious about your brother's laugh?

When I showed him the screenshots he laughed hilariously like it was some kind of joke.

Thanks. Just sold 100k

RSRlet corporal reporting for duty.

Is this really the best you've got? RSR is the next Link. This will easily his $2-$5 in 2 years. Do you know what kind of return that is???

>contradicting yourself in the same sentence
bullish post, just bought 100k

Here is the hash pill.

2020 Tokyo Olympics will be celebrated on July 24th next year. Japan want to use some sort of crypto to help and empower foreigner consumers (as Japan is still a very cash based society). The crypto will have to be stable, regulated, and connected to a card scheme compatible with Suica, currently used everywhere.
There is a reason for RSV being prioritised over RSD: it can scale faster, and be backed by other assets than USD.

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Those bags are getting heavy huh?
The same Pajeet shills in every Reserve thread looking to unload their bags of shit on suckers.

>contradicting yourself in the same sentence
Nope. We've only seen "screenshots" of an app. How come it isn't out yet? Why has there been delay after delay? Oopy Loop gave it away yesterday, it's not coming out in Q3.

have sex

The delusion levels here are epic. The roadmap 'change' is a lie they made up because they had nothing to show at the end of Q2 which was the deadline for RSD and the app. There is no RSV, RSD or app. They have nothing besides the PnD scamcoin RSR. Don't believe me? Wait till the end of Q3. I guarantee you there will be more delays and excuses.

the reasons why most anons refuse to post in these threads is because they are BUYING
so letting these threads die is like keeping the price lower

Yeah, now imagine if someone working on the apps takes a moment to rest and finds your comment. What would you say to him? Please be nice.

Sheeeit, czech'em

>the reasons why most anons refuse to post in these threads is because they are BUYING so letting these threads die is like keeping the price lower

Nah if it was a true gem it would have caught the attention of biz already. Most are broke from what I see in their telegram and rekt from RSR. There's only so much you can keep buying. Dips are for buying in a full bull market. DCA is not a viable strategy in bear markets.

I know you really want to believe the accumulation meme but accumulation is now code for deadcoin. You say anons aren't posting much because they are "accumulating" but I still see new rsr threads almost every day. Face it, you know it's dead and you are just shilling to dump your heavy bags.

>Yeah, now imagine if someone working on the apps takes a moment to rest and finds your comment. What would you say to him? Please be nice.

So I have to be nice and not tell it like it is because his feelings might be hurt? Lmao.No one wants to believe their baby is ugly but facts need to be faced.

Whew, thanks for the warning, just sold 500K. No better advisers than 5-yo's

Maybe you don't have to be nice, but say something constructive.

Massive selloff continues. This is how much the bagholders shilling this here believe in it lmao

You do realize its a fake screenshot right?

Nah not the fake ones, the real ones posted in their official telegram

I just read in the whitepaper that the Reserve team give a hypothetical price of RSR at $10.

This obviously doesn't mean it will ever reach $10 but its nice to see where the design team thinks it could hypothetically be

so the fud is effectively-if it were truly a gem, Jow Forums would already have realized it? lots of fud for an early phase project with major names and potential.

yea RSR is designed by default to have a high price.
because the higher the RSR price, the more RSV that can be minted - which is the entire purpose of the protocol.

would a $10 price means the price x3000 or do they plan to artificially regulate less or more RSR?
t. bad tokenomics

I'm on their telegram group and I dont see it. Maybe you could point it out to us

Well RSR will be burned so that will have something to do with it. Im thinking it would hypothetically just be a 3000x for hodlers

I have millions so desu, there is no way i would be able to hold to $10... at $2 my hands would be extremely weak and j will sell for crazy gains

Looks like poor wording. It is coming Q3 as planned. Oopy Loop on Telegram:
>Yes, forgive my poor choice of words. Q3 should see the launch of the app and RSV
>9 posts by this ID
And yet every time it is posted here we always end up with someone like you, who posts ten times with the same weak complaints.
RSR has clearly caught biz's attention. Some people have already loaded up so are posting about it to spread awareness and pump their bags. Some people haven't bought enough yet, or are salty about missing the previous low price, so talk shit on every post.

keep a 1/5 suicide stack

Depth chart finally went bullish even with the sell wall. It's not gonna hold out much longer. Time for blast off.

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The accumulation phase is ending. You can stop fudding now incel. Also, have sex

The absolute state of fudsters in 2019

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This screenshot.

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Do FUDers not realize how obvious they are? If you truly didnt believe in this why would you be here? Posting more than anyone

Thats like me going into a forum for a random basket weaving companies stock and telling everyone there to sell

Like wtf

yes, we are pumping downwards :)

>Looks like poor wording
Or a freudian slip?

Gotta admit bros, I'm down 20% and I'm getting a bit nervous. I secured 2 million.

>1301 vits

If you're going to buy. Buy now.

Wish i could... have to put money aside for a family vacation later this week.

Next month i will

Sold. See you at 20 sats, losers ;)

this. rsr fud is for accumulation and not empathetic Jow Forums bros looking out for anons.

look at the sparkster team vs the Reserve team and honestly tell me they are akin

Recovery. Whew

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>look at the sparkster team vs the Reserve team and honestly tell me they are akin

The teams may "look" different on the outside but they have the same pajeet work ethic and modus operandi.

A few days ago I got promoted from Specialist to Corporal. Not much, Not life changing, but I’m hoping for a couple hundred thousand if I’m patient.

Captain reporting in

OP here. We're both captains.

About to pass 2500 holders. Anyone got the growth over time?

Sell wall is coming downnnn

Not a quantifiable analysis

Where do you see the wallet holders?

Doesn’t DUSK make this obsolete?

Not related. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of RSR, DUSK, or both.

Why are biz fags such dumbfuck idiots? Don't know what gas limit and gas price are, don't know where or how to look up wallets holding rsr, thinking rsr and dusk are trying to accomplish the same thing. Where are you people from? Are you all aging boomers that can't read or figure things out for yourselves? Such noobs have no business investing in crypto you deserve to be rekt.

So how is RSR better than DUSK then?

because DUSK was never invited to the most elite business conference on earth, Davos and Reserve was.

stop trying to shill that shitcoin u fucking faggot

It seems like these 110's and 120's literally just take whatever has been talked about the same week that has some kind of superficial, conceptual connection and ask the default question "but dun't it get made obtholete"

O.m.g. dusk is a securities issuance framework.. must be duh same thing!

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I’m not sure I understand your reasoning. Isn’t RSR basically DUSK without the privacy/smart contracts?

My IQ is about 150 (although it was tested ages ago), but that’s largely irrelevant. You should read some Taleb, you might learn something.

Yes, many of us had parents that had us get tested as kids and told we were 140's and 150's. I'm one of them and that says something.

Haha you’re my kind of guy, buddy.

That’s why I’m doing you a favor here. Sell it all, go in on DUSK. You will not regret it.

You really don’t have many moments like this in life.

Take a sec, think about it.

Imaging the fizz in your anus if I’m right.

>Imaging the fizz in your anus if I’m right.
Anal fizz is a daily occurrence for me

: - )

Have a spare $1k and might actually throw it into DUSK, but this guy looks like a poseur. Thanks for the tip.

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Picked up 500k, will I make it?

all my fudding and it didn't even dip below 27 sats..... wtf

stop shilling your bags here, start a dusk thread

yes. just hold for at least 4 years.

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We are all going to make it

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it can't go that high because then I would be a multimillionaire. inconceivable.

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Believe user

but that's exactly what you would say if you wanted to dump on me. the doomer in me says that even if the concept, team, and advisers are sound it could still fail for a myriad of reasons outside of anyone's control.
t. ~200k rsrlet

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Of course it could fail
If it fails i lose a few thousand bucks
If it succeeds i become a 8 figure millionaire

I have to take those chances

Rekt and checkt


OMG this is so Sparkster level. Those pajeets promised 300x, $10 Rsr would be what? 5000x from private sale price. Such a blatant SCAM. But of course you fell for it because of pure GREED. Get rekt greedy NOOBS, you totally deserve it.


kyber when? fuck idex.

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Your shitcoin is dumping lmao

If we were going to get to $10 it would probably take 2-3 years
But I can see us hitting $0.50 within a year

RSR scamcoin predictions:
July: $0.002
Aug: $0.001
Sep: $0.0002 (on announcement of app delay AGAIN)
EOY: $0.00001(just before delisting from huobi and exit scam confirmed)

FUDers gonna FUD

even 50 cents is orgasmic returns that will never happen in my life. too easy.
why is it that I never see this mentioned in these generals:


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Then sell. Glass-handed moonboi faggot.

Fundamentals haven’t changed

try AMPL instead. Å much better and straightforward ponzi scheme.

If price stays above $1, you get a % boost in the amount of token everyday


Peter Thiel has severed all association with Reserve because husband Matt Danzeisen is not happy about his dalliance with Nevin.