How often do you mastubate Jow Forums?

How often do you mastubate Jow Forums?

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Its been 3 days usually every other day though

once a year

I don't

I fuck pussy and ass, you should too.


I have a qt 3.14 gf, you loser.

on sundays

I can't even masturbate anymore due to the fact that I can't maintain a boner for longer than 10 seconds

i'm seriously starting to believe this whole porn thing fucks with your head thing

>i'm 26 btw

Because you finish that fast?

Never my gf is insatiable.

Once a day to homemade porn vids so my cum shots are always the real deal

Semen retention is a lost art. Only sacrifice your Ching energy for impregnation purposes. Masturbating is pleb tier pleasure seeking

>t virgin incel

2-3 times a day mininum. My sex drive is just too high not to, i would rape somebody if I didn't jerk off that much.

Every time I feel like cheating on the mother of my child

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Twice a day. When I wake up and before I go to sleep, that's how you avoid dreams that drive you crazy and horny.

Like anyone would have time to play and cuddle around every day rather than just fap and go. Last year when my now ex-girlfriend and I fucked, it took me like ~2 hours before I could leave the bed because she wanted to either cuddle, shower together after or relax and watch a movie/tv-show.
I just stared at my computer while spooning her in bed and watching TV, horrible times.

3 times today

3-12 times a day
i've slowed down a lot so i have more free time

I've watched way too much law & order SVU to not think I can just go out there and fucking rape someone and get away with it cleans fuck

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nope it almost feels to the point of me being numb and not feeling as pleasurable as it once did

I don't even masturbate everyday

only when we're mooning, i try to time the nut to a breakout

Are you also circumcised?

I'm not circumcised but I've been struggling with porna addiction for a long time, hope I can quit before this happens to me.

i'm not circumcised

i'm seriously starting to regret finding out about porn

every evening to relax

im 36 and have been single since i was 23.
over the past 13 years it is usually twice a day, sometimes 3 times.

>and ass
absolutely degenerate faggot. you should just fuck dudes faggot or learn to fuck tight wet pussy, faggot

i can go weeks without but i usually end up wetdreaming myself at the 2nd week. i beat my meat about 5 times a week id say

Once every 2-3 days.

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>5x day
>I'm 25 btw

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even when i was with good looking whores i would still beat off

low test, but dont be discouraged, you can always ramp your test up with workouts and diet

I've gone up to 5 times, but started nofap about a month ago. It hasn't been bad at all, but a few nights ago I woke up cumming in my pants, which is fine if I wasn't trying to retain my semen. It happened again yesterday, so idk what to do about that. Hopefully my mind and hormones will adjust

i'm currently working out

but what would you recommend diet wise?

Multiple times a day. If I'm on acid 7+

Trying nofap for lulz. Currently on day 7. No difference. Life is boring no matter what. I will say though that porn is fucking degenerate and you should stop watching it.

Normally maybe once every other day.
Already did it two times today and I'm going to fuck my gf int he evening.

Back in the day when I was tripping on acid I would beat like 6 or 7 times. It's just to amazing when the rainbows shot out of you.

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during summer i sometimes jerk off 3 or 4 times, during winter sometimes once a week.

this whole i have a gf i dont need to jerk off is total bullshit unless you change your gf every 6 month

More often than I brush my teeth.

Intermediate Fasting and low carb diet

I'm a heroin addict so never. Haven't touched my dick for anything but pissing in weeks

those are rookie numbers

Rarely, my gf sucks me dry.
I kinda miss masturbating sometimes

who is this, sir and thank you

As many as it takes my friend
As many as it takes

I second everything this guy said, having a girl is nice and all but holy shit, it's like smoking pot, there are just way more productive things to be doing

plus drink milk whenever possible

That's why you have sex at night before you go to sleep...

Once a week. Just to remember that depressing feeling. Also to reset T-production which decreases after 7 days w/o ejaculating.

Thank you anons much appreciated

Never, but I came in my sleep last night. The feel was abstract and surreal.

Same, I never masturbated very much until the end of last year after turning 25. Started masturbating daily or just about and now my dick barely wants to work anymore. Somehow the orgasms are stronger though

I'm sure you would, satan

once a day, although i didn't yesterday. feeling horny now so im off to rub one out

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i'm going to try nofap

the fact that I stopped getting morning wood should have been a warning sign for me

2-3 times a day when working

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Billie eyelash

once a day at least, twice or more if i have time