>Nothing like only 2 bars within 10 km
>Oh I love those steak restaurants with the same menu since 3 years
>Gotta work hard and break my body before I become 50 in the oilfield
>Need to marry a conservative girlfriend with no education
>Hurr durrr muh blacks that make 3x my salary in NYC or SF working as engineers haha I am better
>Jew york
>Gotta take my car everywhere
>Stores are closed on Sundays, they need to rest like God said you know
>Oh we have 10 tinder girls in total here achuallyyy
>I love living in an underdeveloped rural area
Other urls found in this thread:
Do steakhouses need to update their menu's frequently user?
good old boys
you're in the heartland son
this is real america
Yes because they receive new fresh cuts from the local italian or turkish butcher each day/week, depending on which part is best on that day, they don't take in everything just because
>I luv pay money to the kikes in Yisraeeel
Only artisanal steakhouses need to do that.
save some money and move to ny cali boston etc. Know a profitable skill first to afford the massive rent or get some roomates. It’ll get better
>he still likes people
we must defend our greatest ally, aren't you a christian? don't you believe in the rapture? how do you think that's gonna happen, bucko?
i think the reason i'm not interested in urban living is that i don't share the cosmopolitan obsession with restaurants. always the fucking restaurants. the first reason, every time, they HAVE to live in a city because they need enough restaurants to eat a novel dinner every day of the week
You are dealing with a kike nigger tranny from Seattle. I live on the east coast and I would love to live in the Midwest if my salary would travel with me. Tired of being surrounded by niggers
They must all be very good friends to be in such close proximity to eachother.
>Going to a an american "old style" steakhouse with a bitchy waitress and redneck cook in 2019
>Not enjoying the fine cuts and directly imported sourced meat of the season from a BBQ House or meat restaurant in Breukelen, served by bros in staches and leather aprons who are proud of their job
user I... :(
Ah the ol kiosky
Ok, I admit it.
I'm too poor to afford steak, I'm just.. too poor.
I don't need restaurants every week, but I will FOR SURE not pay some redneck boomer owning a "steak diner" for what I can do better and cheaper at home
No need to worry sir, here at Cloovers & Hoofers, we take care of EVERY part of the animal, any kind of wallet can find their pick
These folk would probably struggle to make a cup of instant coffee, anything resembling actual cooking may as well be rocket science transcribed in ancient Greek.
>Not realizing those "niggers" are federal employees and probably make 2-3x your flyover state salary
Even the parts of the animal they normally make wallets out of?
"artisanal chew snack"
probably yes
You could increase the price of that to $40 by smearing 30 cents worth of sustainable avocado on it.
Whats the problem? If you don't like it here son. Then you better move along.
Sir, do you want a kombucha or Mate to that snack ?
Is it made by underpaid Balinese maidens who live for the joy of making 50 cents a day so that woke world food coniseurs can be charged $50 a glass for it?
No it's made by twisting a yeast culture out of a 50 cm beard from a hipster bro
Nah, you'd rather pay a Mexican instead...
What part about reading what I said u fucking cuckold faggot.
I live outside DC which is the capital of lazy nigger govt workers
Oh man, that's hot.
unironically posted by a europoor whos never set foot in the USA
tell me again how many famous clothing brands, restaurants and furniture makers are from idaho, Arizona or New Mexico ?
T. Pic related
tell me again about living in the shithole EU
Its really not a shithole. If you stay in a major western european city yeah sure, but central/eastern europe is based af.
Like I said, we can enjoy fine culture, food and fashion in many cities
In US it's literally only in Chicago , NY or LA its possible
>t. Nigger
> #
>Like I said, we can enjoy fine culture, food and fashion in many cities
>In US it's literally only in Chicago , NY or LA its possible
>>Need to marry a conservative girlfriend with no education
Why does your wife need to be educated?
you can't make that much money with 85 average iq
>Why does your wife need to be educated?
He has no clue what hes talking about. OP is a mong.
You sound like a future transgender suicide
Please never stop believing this so you stay put in our tourist containment traps and never enter the real America
Without rural areas everything crumbles down you self centered nigger faggot. You think a service economy is sustainable in the long term without imperialism?
>no degenerate bars, only wholesome farmer markets and community halls
>No shit restaurants, only non pozzed food straight from the farm
>reap the awards of your labour and live fulfilling life raising a big family with wholesome white girl on a big acreage farm
>No blacks or shitskins
>Surrounded by nature and clean air
>No promscious sluts with STD’s bar/tinder dating scene. Meet nice virgin girl through tight netted community and start family young and ensure a future for the white race.
Trashy hillbilly whites is a Jew meme. The whiteman way of life is to be one with nature working the land and resining a big healthy educated family away from the Sodom/Gomorrah pozzed jew society. Kill yourself schlomo.
>>Nothing like only 2 bars within 10 km
>>Oh I love those steak restaurants with the same menu since 3 years
>>Gotta work hard and break my body before I become 50 in the oilfield
>>Need to marry a conservative girlfriend with no education
No jewry infesting her brain? Much better
>>Hurr durrr muh blacks that make 3x my salary in NYC or SF working as engineers haha I am better
>>Jew york
>>Gotta take my car everywhere
>>Stores are closed on Sundays, they need to rest like God said you know
Literally what's wrong with this
>>Oh we have 10 tinder girls in total here achuallyyy
boise is unironically cool aside from the dumbass rednecks you occasionally run in to
> Nothing like only 2 bars within 10 km
Based. Enough for a night life wo too much degeneracy.
>Oh I love those steak restaurants with the same menu since 3 years
Based. You onions cucks always need another latte of the week.
>Gotta work hard and break my body before I become 50 in the oilfield
Not based. Thats the only one you got right.
>Need to marry a conservative girlfriend with no education
>Hurr durrr muh blacks that make 3x my salary in NYC or SF working as engineers haha I am better
>Jew york
Gas it
>Gotta take my car everywhere
>Stores are closed on Sundays, they need to rest like God said you know
>Oh we have 10 tinder girls in total here achuallyyy
Based. 0 would be ideal
I hear Boise is getting a little beaned out.
American culture and cuisine doesn’t exist tard. He’s right that only metropolitan cities like that have good food and shit because no Americans live there, go to Montana for some good old classic American cuisine and culture in the form of hot dogs slathered in melted kraft cheese and large tubs of birch flavored corn syrup soda, let’s not forget the ocassional steak from a processing factory where the cows are covered in literal shit for the entire duration of their lives and fed fda required pills and stimulants. I’m good I’ll stick to freshly hunted wild boar and fish here in Budapest, with artisanal cheeses and delicious breads made for a sustainable population so they don’t need to make them out of plastic like in the jewsa
>I’m good I’ll stick to freshly hunted wild boar and fish here in Budapest, with artisanal cheeses and delicious breads made for a sustainable population so they don’t need to make them out of plastic like in the jewsa
And what the fuck do you think they eat in Montana? Hint: the best ranch land for cattle is the western USA.
>served by bros in staches and leather aprons who are proud of their job
Get real. Now that I know you're trolling, post your back porch view.
I thought those were all "cool" states now? I know Idaho is mountainous and beautiful enough to attract Californians.
If you want to make fun of states, you need to make fun of Iowa, Missouri, Indiana etc. Those states have nothing.
Implying they arent having a harder time living with 140k than an officer in flyover territory does with 60k because of rent and other expenses.
They have to follow government regulations that include feeding the animals all sorts of chemicals to avoid “contamination”. I guess if you know someone personally who’s raising a few cows and slaughters them for personal consumption, not having to following usda and fda regulations, feel free to indulge in that but let’s be serious how common is that in the USA? Very few people live like that, here everyone does. Restaurants source their ingredients from hunters and peasant farmers who could never even afford to use the synthetic shit they use in the US.
there were people selling unpasteurized milk and free range/organic or whatever pigs and other meats on the darknet markets and open bazaar a few years ago when I would check those listings
this is burger food enforcement in action
>No real jobs or companies that create a career ladder
>No fashion shops or interesting people from other countries
>No cultural events
Literally no arguments other than you enjoy a primitive lifestyle from someone living in 1943
Based af
Try it sometime, metrosexual faggot
Actually don't. Stay in West Hollywood
>cultural events
>drinking is degenerate
>steak doesn't need to change
>mad and poor
>implying educated liberal "girls" are better
>blacks don't make anything anywhere. cost of living
>driving is fun. public transport is shit anywhere else in the US anyway. 0 traffic as well
>Go to the store on any other day of the week. Or just order everything online like a normal person
> Tinder....
>interesting people from other countries
Fuck you I make bank in the oil field watching mexicans work and trading cryptos in the cool ac
You are talking out of your ass now. I can get grass fed beef anytime i want. I can even buy it directly from the ranchers if i want. Same with raw milk and cheese.
Your entire identity is based on having casual sex and getting drunk? I really do pity you.
Why the fuck does it always come down to food for liberals?
>let them in! tacos! Reeeee! avocado prices went up!
literally the weakest generation, dotr when?
you need to eat everyday, so why not eat good?
same with clothing
>famous clothing brands
this user clearly has life all figured out, lmao
>Nothing like only 2 bars within 10 km
Fucking faggot.
tell me instead of
i'm not going to answer a question that is based on wrong assumptions
chefs are chefs. the only thing separating a 19 yr old working at dennys to a "5 star" chef is a massive ego and about a days worth of youtube vids
i kan spent duh $400 on a shitty Supreme shirt, jealous flyoverfags???
It's a simple question
Tell me some famous clothing brands from Alabama or Ohio , compared to Denmark, England, or Sweden
yeah that must be why some get stars and others not right
Pretty much this, moreover it is actually easy to make foreign food as long as I get the ingredients and follow the recipe carefully
>famous clothing brands
thanks for confirming my point then
seething cope from europoors
>Nothing like waking up to car alarms and Mexicans blasting reggaetone at 6am
>Hey look I can see 8 identical taco stands and another Starbucks from the window of this Starbucks!
>I haven't seen a tree in six weeks, I wonder why I'm depressed?
>Every girl I talk to has been pumped and dumped by 3 different niggers this week
>Hurr durr muh rednecks are idiots because their cost of living is proportional to their earnings
>*trips over a bum as he gets on the train then sits in a puddle of piss and gets stabbed by a crackhead*
>Gotta work 7 days a week so Mr. Goldbergenstein can afford a new Gulf Stream 7
>How many times have you been cucked, user?
Cities are a meme
>muh famous clothing brands
the absolute state of this board.
>Gotta take my car everywhere
Honestly man, I love big cities, but you wouldn't catch me on public transportation in the United States. It's dirty, falling apart, and full of felons/STDs.
whats bad about good clothes?
typical amerifags having no taste at all
Have sex ffs
>>Need to marry a conservative girlfriend with no education
living the dream
This, restaurants and food are fucking boring, it's all the same shit basically and all urbanite "foodies" are tards that can't cook or NEED to order a fancy $30 dinner (+uberEATS fee and %10 tip) every night.
No sane person moves into a shithole because you can get authentic ugandan kitchen scraps across the street (after stepping in hobo shit and needles) for $13.95
Do clothing brand headquarters' proximity really matter to you? I dont understand this mindset at all.
Not to mention that all the food is cooked by Mexicans anyways. I like eating in nice restaurants too but come on people its not what defines your life.
I wish this were true. Honestly, replace every "no" with "less".
>Nothing like only 2 bars within 10 km
>10 km
nice try eurofag
i want to curl up in a nesty underground burrough and do heroin and sip tea and fondle boobs every other day
I want to move to an up-and-coming city that hasn't gone full LA yet, sit in a Starbucks with a Macbook, and pretend to work while ogling upper-class brainlet women. But I would probably get kicked out, because my Macbook would just be an old Thinkpad with an apple sticker and I would smell like shit and creep out all the female customers.
Rural America is comfy and steakhouses are delicious
bars are degenerate and expensive. bar thots are fat and ugly
educated girls are the worst. 50+ count sluts who won't cook, clean, and spend their days talking about how great it is mohammad is destroying the west.
cars are cozy, cities are cramped
>implying tinder thots will fuck you unless you're 9/10 chad anyway