What’s “making it” according to you, Jow Forums?
What’s “making it” according to you, Jow Forums?
Having a phat ass white girl to bang every night
10 million dollars
Enough to never have to work again.
Not having to live near a city ever again, like the moron in your picture.
finding inner peace and satisfaction without external pleasures like money and sex
What kind of community would you find ideal?
guess you are heading the same way as me. currently selling my business and will go into a monastery after that.
comon, that's sideshow bob
I just want a place to store my stuff so I can experience wilderness, nature, and tranquility
20000k per year passive income after tax
i just need enough money to make women seem interested in me
>not wanting to live in a non-shit city in a classy apartment, banging girls half your age because of your local celebrity status
Being able to do what I want, when I want, with no one to answer to, and no financial limitations.
i made it, doesnt feel that much different to be honest. the effort was not worth it
if you really make it, you can always have a countryside home to retreat to where you grow your industrial quantities of marijuana to process into hash for personal consumption
Being wealthy and single. Big emphasis on the second part of that.
it's hilarious to think you need all that to get laid when broke chads living in their car get it for free.
Not having to grow as a person but also thriving at the same time
Being able to wake up whenever the fuck you want and do whatever the fuck you want during the day.
Don't like the place where you live ? Just move breh.
Have medical issue ? Get best treatment without caring about the bills.
Socially awkward ? Buy a bunch of friends.
Lonely ? Throw a bunch of parties do drugs and fuck hookers like a degenerate.
If you can't easily check all these things you didn't make it.
This is the only correct answer.
I want to work, I just don't want to have to choose what I work on based on how much money I can make doing it. Creating and striving for goals is a fun part of the equation of life, but because of the financial system we don't often get to choose what we create or what goals we strive for, and if those misalign with our personal interests -- which they most often do -- life becomes a drag pretty quickly.
I want to eliminate the need to make decisions about what I work on, or how I spend my time, based on money in any shape or form.
i've sorta "made it" (3k/mo neetbux), its enough for a house, car, food and entertainment in a decent area of town
for me being "rich" would be having ~$50k USD/month disposable income
but if you go bald only making it can bring it back, chad or not.
t. balding chad and with each hair i lose I become weaker
crypto neetbux or do you use government assistance programs or something like that?
3.33 billion
But you can go live in some bumfuck village today
Whats stopping you?
>People actually want this.
Just how low is your sense of self-worth?
Literally just accept Christ and his holy Catholic Church. You can do it today and have that peace today.
>currently selling my business and will go into a monastery after that.
Absolutely peak Patrician. Which order? I have been thinking of becoming a lay DomInican as I am already in the vocation of marriage and fatherhood.
you know men give up some of the money they work for diligently to discover what it is someone like you is missing?
money doesn't contribute to your sexual market value. that's something you craft and refine.
You're conflating women's desire for value and their desire for monetary value. Those concepts aren't synonymous.
Women want a man that can produce worth, not one that merely HAS worth.
is there a way to just become a monk at a monastery and live there? never leave again kind of thing?
When did he start going to cheers, anyway?
>christcuck larpers
these two tbqhfamilio
Those are the contemplative orders. Be aware all of them follow the rule of St. Benedict, "ora et labora" or prayer and work. So....you're still gonna be busy.
Laugh today weep tomorrow.
are you fucking retarded (of course you are) - how does the fact that broke chads who live in their car get it for free change anything for guys who aren't chad?
3 white kids
Its better than being a wageslave I guess, I'll just get high all the time in secrecy.
Not having to wageslave. I'd be happy with my current level of living now if i didn't have to wagecuck
What smart person would marry/cohabitate in 2019 unless the woman was at least equal or more wealthy than them?
I have to make up for my genetics. I have an ugly face.